

No sooner had Andromeda ended the call, than her phone screen popped up indicating a call from Jian Xiaofei. 

At first, she wished to end it and focus for a while buts he kicked against it and answered the call. 

"Hello, Ms. Kai?"

"Xiaofei, what's up?"

"Good evening. How are you? What did the doctor say?"

"Nothing much. Just the recent stress catching up with me. I am good though, just need some rest," she explained and hoped that would ease Jian Xiaofei's heart.

She heard Jian Xiaofei heave a deep breath. "Thank goodness. Then rest."

"You know it is not an option. The final contest is tomorrow."

"Yes, about that. There's been a notice forwarded to emails of the participants and even the Fashion houses. The finals have been pushed forward."


"Yes. The details are in your mail. I forwarded it to your personal email as well. You can actually rest today and not think of coming to the office again this evening."

Andromeda's lips hung open at being caught red-handed. 

Even though Liu Xueyi's thoughts and problems overwhelmed her, she did not forget about her own fashion contest.

"You see, I got it," Andromeda heard Peng Xiaoli call out from the other end of the phone. "She is just too stubborn if you ask me."

Andromeda chuckled before responding to them. "I heard. My apologies. In fact, I need the time off. Thanks."

She did not wait for their response and ended the call, her mind thinking of several solutions and in need of respite. 

"I want just one thing now. One thing to clear my head and feed me with the right thoughts. There's another chance to win this."

For a long time, she did not get the inspiration she needed, fueling her designs with her own inner sadness. 

"It's time to get a new inspiration, Andy." 

Without thinking too much, she turned her gear, took a swift turn and headed straight for one place—the racing centre.

All through her ride, Andromeda's heart clenched and relaxed as the thoughts of the recent days came rolling into her mind. 

But more than anything, she felt free and happy. 

She had needed a rest, a way to clear her head and be motivated again and now that her car raced down the tracks, her spirit became free with thoughts and plans on how to carry on this operation. 

In the turmoil of her heart, she managed to find peace, coming to a point where both parts were at equilibrium. 

After thirty minutes of continuous driving, Andromeda's grip on her steering wheel tightened briefly as she released a deep breath, a knowing smile erupting on her face at the change.

'Calm, anger, hatred, love, pain, healing… I have felt them and more.' She paused inwardly, calming her racing heart as she reduced the speed at which she drove at. 

Suddenly she passed a wall along the road painted with varying colours each carrying their meaning. 

Slowly, Andromeda recounted in her mind, 'Winter, autumn, summer, spring.' 

"All of which carry their own differences, yet complement each other and find a way to coexist. The perfect piece, equilibrium and balance in between."

Her eyes flickered open at the thought, a plan and an inspiration flowing into her mind the next second.

Her smile broadened, her thoughts and plans finalizing. "I think I have found the perfect outfit for the finals, the creation to best everyone. I better call Xie Tian and Peng Xiaoli."

Putting the car in reverse, she took a turn and headed back. 

There was so much to be done and little time to accomplish everything. 

"I shall use the trick of the semi-finals to actualize my goal while also killing off my enemies. Thank goodness I have a bit of extra time on my hands. It shall be a covet design operation. Away from prying eyes while Bolin catches the culprit for…"

Ring! Ring!

Her little alone time was interrupted by the sound of her ringtone going off.

Reaching for her phone, she answered the call, her eyes narrowing to the caller. 

"Just about time," Andromeda muttered to herself before greeting loudly as she placed the call on speaker. "Hello, Bolin. Good evening."

"Hello, Andromeda. Good evening. How are you?"

"I do not know if calling the person helping me a devil would be right."


"Hahhaa," she giggled softly at his reaction. "What I mean to say was, 'speak of the devil', I just thought of you, you know."

"Oh…" He chuckled evilly as the thought of Liu Xueyi getting red-faced at the thought of Andromeda thinking about another man crossed his mind. 

"What is it now? I know that laugh, it cannot be good." 

"Hahaha, well I am glad you thought of me but I am sure Xueyi would get mad if he found out."

"Hahaha, it is nothing to be bothered about really. I thought of what I asked you to do yesterday and was going to check in on you."

Rong Bolin cleared his throat immediately and nodded. "Exactly. I called to inform you about that. My apologies for getting carried away and making fun. But look on the bright side, I made you laugh."

"You did but I guess I may smile more when I hear your report."

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Huh? Why? What is it or shall I say who?"

"Two names to be precise. One I suspect and the other, is the real culprit. A huge amount dropped in the culprit's account and when traced, it was wired from a private account under an alias name for the daughter of Coral Blooms."

Andromeda's eyes darkened as they narrowed ahead. 

"I am talking about Victoria Gong."

"Daughter of Gong Che the Bloom King. I see," Andromeda muttered as if taking note of something mentally. 

Her eyes grew further cold as she nodded before returning her attention briefly to her phone. "Thank you, Bolin. That's great. Give me any evidence you have. I know what to do."

"Sure. I already have it forwarded to you."

"Thanks. It means a lot. I owe you one."

"Nah, just get me that picture or have Xueyi prepare me a feast, hand made my him."

"Hahhaa, sure, you helped his girlfriend. Thanks."

"I think more than that, I helped his future wife, so he definitely owes me. Bye dear. Success on your finals."

"Thanks. See you."

She dropped the call and focused on the road. At the same time another call came through. Looking at her phone, her eyes caught sight of a familiar name. 

"Lian Rui. How nice."

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