
CHAPTER 446 – Taking a Toll on Her

The persistent knocking on the door shattered the tranquillity of the morning, jolting Andromeda from her peaceful slumber.

Groaning softly, she called out, her voice laced with drowsiness, "Who is it?"

The voice on the other side responded respectfully, "Young Miss, please forgive me for disturbing your sleep. I didn't expect anyone to be home at this hour."

Curiosity mixed with annoyance, Andromeda inquired further, "Wait, who is it?" Her eyes darted to the clock, freezing as she read the time.

12:05 p.m.

A wave of panic washed over her as she realized her predicament. Without holding back her frustration, she let out a stream of curses, forgetting the presence of her unexpected visitor.

"Fuck! Xueyi!"

"Ms. Kai?"

Her ears perked up, recognizing the familiar voice and Andromeda quickly composed herself, not wanting to reveal her dishevelled state.

"Um, please wait a moment. I'll be right there," she hurriedly responded before leaping out of bed and grabbing a robe from the walk-in wardrobe.

"Darn Xueyi, leaving me to sleep! It's already noon. My designs! I was foolish to indulge in his lovemaking this morning. Urgh!" she muttered to herself, rushing to prepare for the day ahead.

Once she finished freshening up and dressing, Andromeda hurriedly left the house, her mind preoccupied with the time crunch.

As she arrived at her office floor, she took a deep breath, trying to compose herself before facing her team.

Walking into her office, Andromeda's gaze fell upon the two diligent figures working on the designs she had selected for the finals.

The moment Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei noticed her presence, she pressed her lips together in an apologetic manner, offering a small smile.

"1:16 p.m. Ms. Kai," Peng Xiaoli pointed out, her tone hinting at the delayed arrival.

"I know, I'm sorry. Please..." Andromeda's apology hung in the air, but she understood that it wasn't enough to rectify the situation.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Kai. Welcome. We understand that you were tired, considering everything that has been happening," Jian Xiaofei's calm voice filled the room as she stepped away from the mannequin, beaming a supportive smile at Andromeda.

"Thank you."

No sooner had Andromeda given her thanks, she walked over to her desk to drop her back when Peng Xiaoli's voice rang out from behind her.

"Not so fast."

Confusion crept onto the faces of both Jian Xiaofei and Andromeda as they turned their attention to Peng Xiaoli, whose eyes narrowed like a hawk zeroing in on its prey.

"It would have been better if you were truly tired and took the initiative to rest," Peng Xiaoli speculated, her words holding a tinge of accusation.

"Huh?" Jian Xiaofei struggled to decipher the unfolding situation; her mind was unable to grasp the underlying tension as her gaze shifted between both ladies.

Arching her brow, Andromeda placed a hand on her waist, tilting her head slightly to the side. "Care to explain what this is all about, Xiaoli?"

Jian Xiaofei chimed in, joining the perplexed chorus. "Yeah, I'm lost too."

A dark glint flashed in Peng Xialoi's eyes, her mischievous thoughts rising.

SInce Andromeda was trying to play the ignorant game, then she was by far ready to play along.

'Do not blame me, Ms. Kai,' Peng Xiaoli concluded in her mind.

"The hickeys on your neck, Ms. Kai. They betray you, and I doubt you got them from sleeping," Peng Xiaoli pointed out, her gaze unwavering.

"Rather than resting you allowed Mr. Liu to exhaust you."

"How did you..." Jian Xiaofei's eyes widened as she caught sight of a blushing Andromeda, her confusion dissipating.

"Besides, the dark circles under your eyes, even though you tried to conceal them with makeup, indicate exhaustion. Your eyes are heavy, Ms. Kai, and that's a serious offence."

Feeling cornered, Andromeda pouted and attempted to defend herself. "Who says it's an offence? I missed him, and I'd gladly do it again."

Peng Xiaoli face-palmed, shaking her head as she released an exasperated sigh.

"It's because your body is not resilient, Andromeda. You're feeling unwell or weak. I know it. I've worked with you long enough to recognize the signs."

"You're wrong. I'm just going through something, that's all, and I..." Andromeda trailed off, turning her head away like a pouting child.

Observing the scene, Jian Xiaofei couldn't contain her laughter at the banter between the two ladies. "Oh, please! You two are something else, Ms. Kai, Peng Xiaoli."

"Well, my theory seems to be correct. Ms. Kai found it unnecessary to rest and instead..." Peng Xiaoli's words were interrupted by Andromeda's muttering.

"Hmph! I'm glad I spent some intimate time with Xueyi," she confessed, her voice barely audible.

"Huh? What did you say?" Peng Xiaoli questioned, taking a step closer to Andromeda. "Look at her, acting cute when we were genuinely worried about her."

"I guess that's the cute side we can't escape, her weapon against all of us," Jian Xiaofei teased, drawing closer as well. "Anyway, Ms. Kai, we're just glad you're okay. If it's not too much trouble, let's get to work."

"Yes, I suppose I can work with that," Peng Xiaoli stated, clearing her throat.

Although Andromeda received a scolding, she recognized that their actions were driven by genuine concern for her well-being and her dreams.

The rest of the day they proceeded peacefully, with the three women making final adjustments to the designs, adding the finishing touches.

Jian Xiaofei declared when they were about done, her eyes shimmering with delight, "There, all perfect."

"I think so too. What do you think, Andromeda?" Peng Xiaoli inquired, awaiting her opinion.

Seconds ticked by, and the silence hung in the air. Worried glances were exchanged between Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei before snapping their head towards where Andromeda was. 

To their disbelief, Andromeda supported her body with her hands leaning against a wall and her head lowered like one who could collapse any second. 


Shock registered in Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei's eyes as they yelled in unison, "Andromeda!"

"Ms. Kai!"

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