Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 137 Getting Her Head Straight



For those past two days, Andromeda did not speak to Xie Tian as well as her other contacts who were interested in hearing from her.

She wanted a big break from all of this but she knew deep down that this was just the starting of all of these actions in her life and depending on how she handled it now, that was how she would manage through all those hurdles.

She was prepared to do it alone, independent of the men in her life and doing it she shall.

By evening, she picked up her phone and placed a call to Xie Tian.

She was still sceptical about meeting outdoors for now.

Speaking of which, she had to order a cab while wearing her sunglasses to go home, instead of following Liu Xueyi.

As much as she wished to see him, she could not help but let him go this time.

If she wanted them to go back to their work relationship, then this was what she needed to do.

Stay away.

Deep within, she knew it wasn't what she wanted but she could not bring herself to deny what she truly wanted and that was him, his soft demanding kisses which left her body burning and brain in shambles.

And just like she loved every aspect of that, she had to deny her heart.

'It is time to think using your brain and not just your heart, Andromeda Kai.' She cautioned herself.

Thinking with both the heart and mind was good but Andromeda was a lady who had a problem since growing up.

She did not know how to come to a balance in her life when it came to love and her relationship with others.

When she loved someone, she loved to a fault, swallowing up all the danger signs that were shown and doing her best for the person.

It was this weakness Wu Bai noticed and explained so much.

Andromeda heaved out a deep sigh when the call connected and she heard Xie Tian's bored voice.

"Hello?" From her time with him those years back, she knew he did not check the caller before answering his call.

"Xie Tian, good evening."

His eyes flew open hearing her voice and he cleared his throat instantly. "Andy?" He pulled the phone from his ears to check the caller.

Indeed, it was Andromeda. His eyes softened as he placed the phone back on his ear and waited for her to speak.

He was angry yes, but not at her and he wished for her to see that.

He was mad at the fact that she blocked him out at such a point in time when she needed someone.

He wished to be there for her just like in old times but he couldn't because she did not let him.


"Hmm?" She blinked back the tears that threatened to spill. "Yes?"

"How are you?"

"Better I think."

"You think? Hmm." He kept silent, holding in the rage that threatened to break free and looking for ways n which he could speak to her without any problem.

"I am sorry."

Listening to her heart felt a calm apology broke the ice around his cold heart and he felt his anger slowly fade away.

All Xie Tian felt like doing right at that moment was rushing up to meet Andromeda and pulling her body in for a big bear hug.

He knew she was finding it out but was proving to be strong, keeping him and everyone away.

"I am not mad at you," he voiced out, noticing how awkward their silence was.

Deep in his mind, his conscience screamed at him for being such a liar. Of course, he was mad but asked it all to keep her calm.

"I am just angry you shut me out."

"I am sorry," she apologized again, shutting his whole vexation down completely.

"Fine. Fine. You know I cannot say no to you. I accept your apology. What say you, are you up for a ride? You know to help with the stress and so you can breathe fresh air again."

Even if she wanted to turn down the offer, she knew it was what she needed other than being a shut-in for good and staying indoors while having more naughty thoughts about her boss.

In the end, going riding won and she agreed readily.

"Sure. You coming over or I should?"

"Nah, I do not want you going about just yet. Let's let them forget more of the news before I start parading your round town."

"Hehhee, stop it, Xie Tian. I am not some dress for you to parade about, you know," she cautioned sweetly.

"I know but guess what, I do not care. I am back and I am back for you. No one bullies you and go scot-free. Okay, puppy?"

She burst into an uproar of laughter, taking his words for jokes. Unbeknown to her, every word he spoke was true. He returned to the country just for her and her alone.

"Alright. Now go get dressed, I would be at your place in twenty."


The second she handed up on the call, Andromeda took off and went to have a change of clothes.

While she was about to go have fun, Liu Xueyi was about to have a fit that she ditched him and went home by herself.

When he arrived at her office, he met the door locked and was informed by one of the workers that she left exactly at the close of the day.

Usually, he was used to her working late, especially with the fashion show but now that that was off her plate, she closed on time.

As true as that was, he had a fairly good idea why. If that was only the case, she would have called him or visited his office but it was not.

In the end, he was left to drive home himself without a companion. As soon as she got home, he showered, kept his suitcases and went to the living room to have a drink while watching tv.

All he wished was to get his mind off things, especially her but sadly, no matter what he tried, all he saw on his tv screen was her sad face.

He took his phone, ready to put a call through to her when he heard a soft knock on his door.

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