

While they all got set for the event, Liu Xueyi hurried home after finalizing some things at the office to get suited up for the show.

He had spent more time fixing lots of documents, reading through proposals, new deals and the likes with Xu Fang and now, he was spent.

So many calls came from all centres in regards to the event.

Thankfully, He Dong was there to assist in that aspect. And by the time he arrived home, his first thought was to freshen up and start getting ready when his eyes landed on the gift big box in his room.

It was hard to miss, because of the size.

Slowly, Liu Xueyi made his way there and accessed it from outside. Several thoughts ran into his mind as to what the content was going to be.

After contemplating, he quickly unboxed it and was graced with an outfit, covered in his bag.

His hands found the zipper freeing it from the confines of the black protective bag to grace his eyes with the content.

A splendid well-designed tuxedo stood out in front of him, radiantly dazzling in its gold and black colours. A satisfied shock filled smile remained visible on his face for seconds before he got himself back.

He wasted no time, reaching into his pocket to get out his phone and immediately called Andromeda's line.

"Hey, Andy."

"Xueyi, how are you?"

"Never been better."

She could guess from his voice that he meant every word. "Oh, why? The thrill of the event?"

"Not that but your gift. Thanks for putting so much work and effort and…"

"Hey. It wasn't just me. I brought the idea and they were in on it. I just needed the special royal materials to birth out that beauty. I hope you like it?"

"Are you kidding me? I love it!" He half yelled into the phone.

She let out a nice laugh at his enthusiasm and nodded her head. "Good. Happy to make you happy."

"Really thank you so much."


"Say, where are you now? I want to take you to the venue myself. I want the whole world to see my designer as she walked through the red carpet with me."

"No, Xueyi. Do not forget. They cannot see me and you together. Someone like Wu Bai would figure out quickly."

"Oh yes. I am sorry. I got carried away."

"It is alright. I am at the venue. I need to ensure a lot of things are put in place here."

"Alright. Also, have the guard lookout carefully. I do not trust my competitors. More men would arrive soon."

She nodded in understanding but did not say anything. "Okay, umm I need to go now. See you when you get here."


"Steal the spotlight for me and you, okay?"

"Definitely. Thanks."


~Fashion Show – Estrella Nacinete~

It did not take long for guests to start arriving alongside the media and reporters. And soon the entrance was filled with people.

The second Liu Xueyi got out of his car, the chatter from the reporters became so much he could hardly respond to any.

Being who he was, a dashing smile to his fans and a brief speech was all he gave.

"Mr Liu, your outfit is magnificent. Would it be safe to say that the designer is none other than your new fashion designer? If yes, would we get to know the name of this outstanding fashion designer today?"

"I have two answers for you. Yes, she designed it and secondly, the other remains a secret till I say so. Stay tuned."

He winked at them, stealing their hearts even though they were heartbroken about his statement.

"Mr Liu."

"Liu Xueyi, you cannot keep us in the dark."

"Mr Liu, the theme for this event, can you throw more light on this unique name and what inspired it?"

"Who is this mysterious fashion designer?"

"The public needs to know. Everyone is fanned by her designs."

"Even though Liu Xueyi did not give us a name, he gave us the gender. Now we know the brains behind the sudden rise of Starlight Apparel."

He did not bother with their comments anymore and headed inside.

Within thirty minutes, everyone had gotten seated and the show began.

Behind the stage, most of the models had gotten themselves ready in the various outfits accentuated by her style.

One thing Liu Xueyi did was to ask some of the actresses in his company to model the designs.

This way, not only would it bring a spark, it would steal the hearts of the viewers.

Amongst them was the famous Fang Qian. And since they were already behind the stage, he was relieved to know no one would be spilling Andromeda's secret until the right time.

"Ma'am, Miss Kai!" Jain Xiaofei called out as she made her way over to where Andromeda was accessing the final work.

"Any moment now, ladies, it would be your turn to take the stage and show the world, the true meaning of Estrella Naciente."

She wore a brilliant smile, carefully taking in all her hard work being fleshed out in the open. Things were finally starting to play out.

"Ma'am!" Jain Xiaofei called out again, coming to a stop beside Andromeda.

Turning to face the racing Jian Xiaofei, Andromeda cast a long glance at her from head to toe. "Yes? Did the cat chase you or something, Jian Xiaofei?"

Frustrated by her response, Jian Xiaofei shook her head at her boss. "That's not it, ma."

"Then what is?"

"The CEO is about to make his speech," she informed her, wearing a smile that connoted every idea of mischief from Androemda's view sense.

"He wants you to watch."

"Watch? I need to make some final..."

"You have done enough," Jain Xiaofei cut in. "We can handle the rest Do not forget, this is also your big moment, so he said."

She thought about it. Taking a glance at the stage and Liu Xueyi in the suit she designed for him wouldn't hurt.

Actually, thinking about it now, she understood what he wanted to do. Show her the world she brought out in preparation for the big reveal.

"Okay." Her face lit up in a radiant smile. "Let's go watch."

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