Emperor's Domination

Chapter 3737: Ancient Empress

Chapter 3737: Ancient Empress

The hall’s gate was shut tight, defended by four statues. It felt as if the dao lords were there in person to protect both the hall and the holy ground.

The spectators felt this aura and found themselves to be at peace. There was nothing to worry about as long as the statues and hall were present.

Thus, during stressful days, some would look up towards the horizon to see the hall. This allowed unrest to be replaced with serenity.

The mysterious nature of the hall also made everyone curious. It has been closed for numerous eras.

“What’s actually inside?” One spectator asked a question with no answer.

Even the older cultivators who have read plenty of historical texts couldn’t answer this question.

“Who knows? Could be powerful weapons from the four dao lords or their manuals. Some also disagreed with this and believed that there was a massive secret hidden inside.” One old expert said.

“A secret? What do you mean?” The crowd became puzzled.

“I don’t know, rumor has it that it should pertain to the origin of our holy ground.” The expert answered.

“What? Buddha Dao Lord started the holy ground, everyone knows this. He was taught by a supreme Vajra during his youth and learned top Buddhist laws.” A youth fascinated with learning said.

“It could be secrets regarding the Vajra, or maybe the Vajra passed away in there.” Another said.

“No, the supreme Vajra should have eternal life. There’s no way one would die in there.” Most became skeptical.

“Eternal life doesn’t exist.” One knowledgeable soul added: “If it does, they would be called an immortal, not Vajra.”

“Everything is possible.” The expert earlier smiled mysteriously: “Our imagination can be limited.”

These conversations increased everyone’s curiosity. Unfortunately, reaching Saint Rank was hard enough, let alone opening the hall.

“Did anyone else make it up there beside the four dao lords?” One youth asked.

“Of course, they’re all famous characters in Eight Desolaces. The most recent one is our supreme.” A senior answered.

“Buddha Supreme...” The crowd put on a solemn expression after hearing this title.

Buddha Supreme was the highest existence in the holy ground, akin to a god respected by all.

He fought against the Black Tides at the border - something the future generations would always keep in mind.

No one was surprised to hear this answer since he was one of the top two candidates. The other would be Righteous Supreme.

However, Righteous Supreme was old and rarely showed up nowadays.

“In this world, the two supremes are the only ones who can make it up there.” A young man said with pride.

“Don’t be a frog under the well.” His ancestor disagreed: “Not to mention Eight Desolaces, there are more capable of doing so in our region.”

“Who?” A person close by immediately asked.

“I know there are two more right now in the south.” The ancestor stared towards the east and said.

“Which two?” More and more became curious.

“The Ancient Empress of Wild East Eight Kingdoms.” The ancestor slowly answered.

This title was unfamiliar to most. However, those who have heard of it before became shaken.

“What about the other?” A young cultivator asked since he had no idea about this empress and simply didn’t care.

“The other is Worldly Immortal from the Ancient Kingdom of Immortals!” The ancestor said with reverence.

The crowd became stirred. This being seemed more famous than the empress.

Worldly Immortal showed up three times, shocking all of Eight Desolaces each time.

“Three dao lords lost to the immortal, this is a peerless existence.” Virtually everyone found this being marvelous.

This being was also from Wild East Eight Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Immortals was mysterious and shrouded in fog.

In the past, outsiders knew very little about the eight kingdoms, especially this one.

However, when Worldly Immortal showed up for the first time, Eight Desolaces trembled as a result.

That era belonged to True Immortal Sect, dubbed by future generations as the Era of the Blessed.

True Immortal had three dao lords at this point, the third being All-things Dao Lord, Li Daoer. This was an unprecedented golden age for them. The dao lord had three thousand disciples on top of being the strongest.

No other sect could be compared to True Immortal at this point. Li Daoer continued to spread his teachings and beliefs across West King, wanting to subjugate it.

The sects in this region had no chance of resisting him and became vassals.

Worldly Immortal didn’t accept this degeneration and descended from above, wearing an immortal robe. The immortal absorbed the five elements and spewed true mantras. All-things Dao Lord knew well enough to retreat.

From that point on, the dao lord never visited the southern West King again. Members of True Immortal also stayed away from Wild East Eight Kingdoms.

The world realized that the region was under the protection of Worldly Immortal and shouldn’t be provoked.

The second appearance was against Righteous Dao Lord and his Evil Devourer Scripture. The dao lord launched a campaign against the east, wanting to unify West King.

Many ancestors from the east lost to him. It wouldn’t be long before the fall of the eight kingdoms.

Worldly Immortal appeared again with one strike crossing the sky, reaching the dao lord back in his kingdom.

The dao lord acquiesced and recalled his armies afterward, putting an end to the invasion. This time, Worldly Immortal didn’t even show up. Just one technique alone bested Righteous Dao Lord.

As for the last appearance, it happened during the era of Dhyana Dao Lord. His Buddhism had reached the apex. Some believed that he has surpassed Buddha Dao Lord in this regard.

He then decided to spread Buddhism to the east as well. Buddhism was immensely popular during this point and surpassed other cultivation doctrines.

Worldly Immortal showed up and challenged Dhyana Dao Lord to a dao discussion on top of a mountain.

Outsiders didn’t know the outcome of this discussion, only that henceforth, Dhyana Dao Lord left the east and stopped trying to spread Buddhism there.

Thus, Worldly Immortal never lost against any dao lord. The title echoed across all of Eight Desolaces. Everyone felt nothing but respect when uttering this title.

“Worldly Immortal and Ancient Empress, are they still around?” One listener said softly.

“Right, Ancient Empress last appeared during the foundation of Duality. She came to listen to Duality Master’s speech. I don’t think anyone saw her again.” A historian said.

“True, they might have passed away.” An expert said.

“Drop this foolish notion. Beings of their level can’t be speculated by regular people like us.” The ancestor who spoke earlier disagreed.

The skeptical members of the audience stopped talking. These two beings were on the same level as dao lords. They weren’t qualified to make comments on this topic.

“We need to get going, I’m sure the letter will reach this place soon.” Someone looked up and began climbing.

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