Emperor's Domination

Chapter 4558: Six-buddha Monarch

Chapter 4558: Six-buddha Monarch

Each corpse held one corner of the treasure chest as they walked toward the bridge.

“So what’s actually inside the chest? They want to take it along with them for the next life.” One expert commented.

With reincarnation, the previous life no longer mattered. One would only yearn and think about the next.

However, these four villains still wanted to carry this chest with them. They obviously couldn’t let go.

“They stole too many treasures to count, and only exceptional ones.” A big shot said: “For them to care about this chest so much, whatever inside must be incredible.”

Greed started showing up in everyone’s eyes as they stared at the chest.

“I heard True Immortal lost an immemorial treasure, Three Thousand Dao lost a regalia, and Lion’s Roar lost an auspicious immortal armor…” A knowledgeable ancestor started recalling the potential artifacts.

“Don’t forget all the sects that they destroyed too. Those treasures must have been amazing to justify the massacre in order to keep it a secret.” Another said.

This only added to everyone’s excitement. Any of these treasures from the behemoths would cause a bloodbath in the outside world.

Whatever was in the chest must be the very best, the thing these villains valued the most.

“If we can get that…” Some salivated while staring at the chest.

“Boom!” Another corpse flew out from the grave. This time, it was a monk covered in a bright radiance.

He wore a kasaya and had light circles pulsing behind him. He had three heads and six hands, each holding a different Buddhist artifact - bowl, pestle, loop, pagoda… Auspicious clouds accompanied him as he flew in the air.

“Six-buddha Monarch!” Someone shouted after seeing the monk.

“A sacred monk, even God Ape Dao Lord addressed him as dao brother. He buried himself here too.” A disciple from a great power murmured.

“Such a transcending monk should have escaped the reincarnation cycle. Why is he seeking it here?” The master of an ancient school said.

“Boom!” Gales and black clouds suddenly took over, signaling the start of a storm. Thick lightning bolts struck the bridge and a figure appeared.

He was covered in black armor plates from top to bottom. Lightning bolts coursed around him as if he was the source of this affinity. His eyes were empty as well with the exception of lighting currents, truly a creepy sight.

Miasma emanated from him with a destructive affinity. He seemed to be a being from the darkness, the ender of living things.

“Blackbolt Fiend! He’s here too!” A clan ancestor blurted.

“He and the monarch are mortal enemies, they’ve fought no fewer than a hundred times while they were alive. What a coincidence.” An elder added.

“Yes, unexpected indeed.” Another became sentimental.

These two have fought numerous battles to the death, intending on tearing each other asunder. Alas, both of them were on the bridge right now, side by side. They completely ignored each other.

“There is no feud after death.” One expert said.

Mortal enemies could now walk on this bridge together, no longer caring about previous sentiments.

“Clank!” A saber hymn sounded. Next came rampaging saber energies. An old saber user then landed on the bridge.

“Dao Wudi!” An expert immediately recognized him. [1]

“Ancestor!” Members of a certain clan roared after seeing him. They were clearly his descendants. Alas, he didn’t stop to look at them for a second.

“Boom!” A female cultivator resembling a godfiend landed on the bridge. Waves formed behind her.

“Wavebreaker Goddess…” Someone from the same generation said.

Her beauty once captivated all the geniuses of that period.

The next entity of note was a great serpent that appeared on the bridge. It took a while before someone figured out its identity.

An old man from a secret sect shuddered and said: “Nightmare serpent…”

“That’s a nightmare serpent? Rumor has it that if you see it in your dream, you’ll be eaten by daylight. There is no escape.” A big shot had heard about its legends before.

More corpses arrived at the bridge. They were all renowned characters once. Not all were humans and demons.

For example, the nightmare serpent was first. The second interesting creature was a skeletal duck.

Judging by its large bones, it must have been rather large and would make a perfect meal for a roast duck lover. It strolled happily on the bridge, looking quite leisurely while shaking its tail.

However, people were more focused on the golden egg on its back. Dao runes occasionally flashed on the shell as if it contained a supreme grand dao. Hymns and thunders could be heard as well.

This golden egg was obviously magnificent. Some thought that it might have a divine beast inside.

Ever since the corpses started appearing, ancestors would start naming them. In fact, some ancient ancestors even lived in the same generation as these corpses. However, no one recognized this skeletal duck and the egg on its back.

1. Not an uncommon name, it means Unbeatable Saber ?

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