Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 5: Chapter 1-1: [Peaceful Blessing]

Book 5: Chapter 1-1: [Peaceful Blessing]

With preparations for the [Samsara Recursion] complete, I spoke to Kuu.

Kuu, I'm going to perform magic on the child inside your womb. It's important that you remain still, so I apologize, but could you please sleep for a while?

Um, Cyril-kun, what do you mean?

Before Kuu could finish her sentence, I placed my hand on her neck and infused her with electricity-converted magical power.

In an instant, Kuu's body trembled, then collapsed. Now, she wouldn't wake up for a while. I could use magic without any worries.

Release, my soul. Traces left behind in the distant past, come to me.

I activated the magic, as I strongly called to the depths of my soul.

What I desire is the great magician who illuminated a world in despair. Your name is

I spoke aloud the name I once useda name from the past, a name filled with nostalgia.

Suzina! [Samsara Recursion]!

My body was enveloped in light. The unique magic, [Samsara Recursion], activated.

After the light subsided, I found myself dressed as a magician, donning a robe. In my grasp, I held a ceremonial staff embellished with four magic stones, each from a different element: earth, fire, wind, and water. My long white hair was secured with a silver-crafted hair ornament. I now appeared as a human in my mid-thirties.

As I thought, Suzina suits me the best.

I flowed magic through my magic circuits to check my condition. My cheeks relaxed as I felt a clear flow of magic within me.

Originally, it was Felina, my fifteenth reincarnation, and not Suzina, who conducted research to produce exceptional children. However, I had called upon Suzina because he possessed the best magic control among Me. Suzina had been born as an ordinary human, but at that time, Me, who was solely focused on mastering magic, completely took over his body when Suzina recalled his past memories, thoroughly transforming it into a vessel optimized for magic.

Incorporating elements from Yggdrasil and various non-human races, Suzina's very existence underwent a profound transformation and optimization. His brain experienced a series of enhancements, including the complete activation of dormant regions, intricate calculations facilitated through pseudo-virtualization using magic, an exponential boost in processing capabilities with the removal of the brains limiters, and the introduction of an automatic repair mechanism to counter overheating-induced damage. Even his thought processes were reengineered into a specialized algorithm. It was a modification that defied reason and could only be described as sheer madness.

As a result, when it came to controlling magic using internal magical power (Odo), Suzina was unrivaled.

While the magic I was going to use was developed and practicalized by Felina, its control was extremely challenging. If Felina used it, the success rate was only around seventy percent. However, with Suzina, I could approach near-perfect accuracy.

This time I dont hear Ashnos voice.

Suzina's daughter, Ashno Last time, she reached out to me as soon as I summoned Suzina. If she hasn't contacted me yet, it can only mean that Me' has taken some action.

Excuse me.

I apologized to Kuu before reaching into her clothing and placing my hand directly on her lower abdomen. One reason I had made Kuu lose consciousness was that unexpected movements during the delicate procedure could endanger both mother and child. Another reason was that I didn't want Kuu to see Suzina.

I could feel Kuu's body temperature through the palm of my hand.


Suzina's specialty: analysis. I flowed probing magical power into the subject's body, obtaining detailed information about every nook and cranny. It was a magic that could also be used as Cyril, but with Suzina, the amount of information I could gather was several orders of magnitude greater, even reading genetic information was possible.

I see, twins.

I didn't realize when I used the magic as Cyril, but the children inside Kuu's womb were a pair of twins. They were only about a month and a half into the pregnancy, but they were already beginning to develop as fetuses. Their growth was faster than anticipated.

According to Kuu, fire foxes like her had shorter pregnancy periods than elves or humans, giving birth in about five to six months. As a result, the children born were somewhat premature, weighing around 2000 grams.

Thanks to this faster development, the children inside Kuus womb were at a stage equivalent to a two-month pregnancy, making this the most suitable time for using this magic.

Nice to meet you. I'm your father.

I confirmed the condition of the children inside Kuu. They were fraternal twins, a boy and a girl. I could sense it through the flow of magical power.

The boy showed almost no talent for magic at all. Most of his magical circuits were closed, and his body rejected magical power. The latent magical power within him was extremely weak.

Conversely, the girl could be considered a genius. In terms of the number and quality of magical circuits, the total amount of magical power, and innate talent, she surpassed Kuu and Lucy. Having observed nearly a thousand children in the research to create exceptional offspring, I had never seen a child as exceptional as her.

Twins, one ash-colored and one golden. The boys life is going to be challenging if they are born like this.

I examined Kuu's condition with Suzina's abilities. It turned out that a fire fox's abilities weren't determined by the color of their fur. Rather, their fur color was determined by their magical power. In Kuu's case, she wasnt strong because she was a golden fire fox, her fur color was golden because she was strong. However, strangely, there were no elements in Kuu's genes that would turn her fur silver.

Perhaps silver was a mutation after all? Kuu and the others referred to silver foxes as special foxes, and I finally understood why.

[Peaceful Blessing].

And then, I activated the magic that Felina, my fifteenth reincarnation, spent her life developing.

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