Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 4: Chapter 16-3: Blast Furnace

Book 4: Chapter 16-3: Blast Furnace

When I returned to the furnace, the fire was already lit.

Why is the fire lit? No way, Yukino!?

Cyril-niisama, if they want to see the process, Yukino can do it. Yukino doesn't need coal, and it's much faster. This way, Cyril-niisama can prepare for the wedding faster.

Yukino tossed iron ore and limestone into their respective chutes and started the furnace, using her own magic to ignite the flames, not coal. Yukino had been watching me work, so her movements were fluid. Yukino's flames burned with even more intensity than coal, melting the iron in an instant, and the furnace efficiently removed impurities. The molten iron was poured into the mold.

I felt a headache coming on. This was my mistake. I shouldn't have left Yukino alone.

Amazing. This way, the cost is almost nothing, and Erin stays clean.

Azul stared at Yukino and the furnace with a gaze filled with more emotion than before.

Cyril-niisama, we're done. Shall we go?

Just a moment, Yukino. I want to talk a bit more.

I composed myself and began to speak slowly.

Azul, I understand what you're thinking, but I absolutely won't allow it.

What do you mean by it'?

Using the fire foxes power. Let me make it clear: only the golden and silver fire foxes, which possess exceptionally strong power, are capable of providing the stable heat required for the blast furnace. Yukino and my wife, Kuu, are the only ones with that kind of power, and I have no intention of letting go of either of them.

That's only when using one person, right? If several people take turns, it should work.

Certainly, if three people work together to generate flames and rotate every hour, such a method should be feasible.

Moreover, even without the fire foxes, it would be possible for ordinary humans to do it if they prepared a large amount of fire magic stones.

Calm down; I'm not planning to abduct anyone forcibly. However, there might be some fire foxes who want to live in Erin, if thats the case I might offer them jobs.

Fire foxes can't live in ordinary towns. Sooner or later, they'll inevitably suffer. I won't tolerate any strange temptations.

That's just your prejudice. As a water sprite, I'm living happily in Erin, and I'll protect them properly.

Azul has power, and besides, the water sprites themselves are a minority. If you lay a hand on Erucy's people, our cooperation will be over.

Youre cruel. You know how hard I had to work for Erucy to be recognized as a country, and now you want to break your side of the deal.

Even so, that's how it is. I won't allow it, even if it means going to war with the Choline Kingdom.

Fine. I won't try to recruit anyone, even if its to get an alternative to coal and charcoal. I don't want to make an enemy out of you.

I shall believe those words.

At the very least, Azul isnt the type to casually break promises. It should be safe to trust her for now.

In one of the village chief's rooms, Kurao was helping me change clothes.

Apparently, there was a ceremonial dress passed down through generations in the elf village, which my father had also used. However, due to its structural complexity, I couldn't put it on by myself. It was predominantly green and black in color, and I couldn't discern its material.

I hadn't seen such material, not even in my past lives. The only thing I could tell was that the material was alive.

Kurao was adjusting the size to fit my body.

The strange thing was that he had never measured my body before, yet it fit perfectly. It didn't even look like he had forcibly adjusted the size at the last moment. It appeared brand new.

Just how much determination and patience did he put into making this dress?

Cyril-sama, it suits you well. Since hearing that Cyril-sama was getting married, I worked tirelessly every night, but it was worth it.

Thank you, Kurao. I'm always being helped by you. Someday, I'll have to repay you.

No, no, not at all. I've received many teachings from Cyril-sama, so there's no need for thanks.

That's not how it works. Those who work hard deserve appropriate rewards. It's also part of a leader's job.

Erucy has many hotheads, so the only individuals I can entrust with significant positions are Kurao, Lucy, Kuu, and Kuus master, Rera. I refrained from granting important positions to my two wives because I feared I might end up pampering them. Even if Lucy or Kuu were to commit a crime, I'd likely forgive them.

I have asked Rera several times to assist Kurao, but she has declined every time. I couldn't give up because I felt her wisdom and knowledge during our conversations. I desperately wanted her help.

In that case, could I ask for an advanced edition of Cyril-sama's teachings as a thank-you gift? I received Cyril-sama's basic teachings for leaders, if theres a basic edition there should be an advanced edition.

Indeed, I was planning to create it, but isn't it more of a reference material for work than a reward?

No, it's a reward. Please, please, Cyril-sama, while you're away on your journey to the Empire, I'll cherish the advanced edition of your teachings and use it to fill the void in my heart.

Kurao began to kneel. I sighed. If he wanted it so much, Ill have to prepare the advanced edition. I had originally planned to do so. If my knowledge could be of some use, there was no reason to hesitate.

It would also serve as a guide for those who will be left in charge after I am gone.

Kurao, after the wedding, I'll finish the advanced edition during the trip to Erin. I'll return to Erucy briefly after that and give it to you before heading to the Empire.

Cyril-sama, thank you very much. For changing your plans just for someone like me. I'll think of the advanced edition of Cyril-sama's teachings as Cyril-sama and wait for your return.

Kurao shed tears and clung to me. I had to change the topic; otherwise, he wouldn't leave.

I wonder if Lucy and Kuu have finished getting ready.

Lucy and Kuu were changing clothes in another room. I hadn't seen their wedding dresses yet, as they wanted to keep it a secret until the day of the ceremony. I was really looking forward to it. If possible, I wanted to make the most of them even at night.

They've been preparing for quite a while, so I think they'll be fine. Cyril-sama is a bit unusual, working until the day of such an event.

Because I'm the chief.

Opportunities for Azul and the others to come here were rare, and I couldn't keep them tied up for long. I really wanted to finish the inspection before the ceremony.

Also, Cyril-sama, there's something I've been thinking about for a long time.

What is it?

Cyril-sama, you have a nice scent, you know.

I felt genuinely threatened for the first time in a long while. Why are people like Roleau, Kurao, and the other men of Erucy so eccentric?

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