Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 4: Chapter 15-3: Artificial Magic Stones

Book 4: Chapter 15-3: Artificial Magic Stones

In the workshop, I infused magic into the artificial magic stone I had created.

The more souls I devoured, the more magic I could store, and the faster it would recover. However, it wasn't as simple as in a game where you could recover all the magic you used overnight.

In my case, even in ideal conditions, it would take seventy hours to fully recover once my magic was depleted.

This magic stone could hold the magic power of five of me, so it would take approximately two weeks to replenish it to the maximum. Since it took five days to make one, that meant a total of three weeks.

Still, I needed to prepare it because it would be my trump card against Ashno.

Instinctively, I sensed that my magic capacity had reached its limit, restricted by the capacity of my soul, after devouring hundreds of humans and the hero. It was impossible to expand it any further. No amount of training could significantly increase the amount of magic I could release instantly. As for my skills, I had inherited experiences from my past life, and I had already reached a plateau. Becoming any stronger would be difficult.

What I needed to counter Ashno was a weapon. For example, this artificial magic stone couldn't enhance the effects of attribute magic like a real magic stone, but by instantly releasing the stored magic and converting it into electricity, equivalent to the magic power of five of me, it could become a powerful weapon.

After Me unlocked a part of Ashno's information, I was able to recognize how undoubtedly extraordinary an existence she was. Even this artificial magic stone would only be able to delay her.

I still need more. I want to become stronger. A way for me to become stronger as Cyril I want my own magic that only I can use.

I could create this magic stone because Kuiro had a unique magic, Kuiro's own magic.

Kuiro was skilled, favored by the mana of earth and fire, and had a genius sense for crafting tools, but these were just traits of the dwarf race.

Kuiro's unique magic was the embedding of universal magic formulas into his creations. It didn't support attribute magic, but if it was a universal magic he could use, almost all of it could be inscribed into his own creations.

This allowed the creation of items that would trigger specific magic when magic was poured into them. It wasn't due to the power of the dwarves but was similar to [Samsara Recursion], a unique magic of Kuiro alone.

Kuiro's wish was to leave something that only he could create for future generations and make a name for himself in history. His insatiable desire gave Kuiro's existence a direction, and after decades of specialization, Kuiro had finally obtained [Magic Inscription].

Obtaining unique magic wasn't something you could get just because you wanted it.

In fact, I didn't have that many Me with unique magics. Only about thirty percent of the total.

But did I have the qualifications to desire something so desperately?

Just thinking like this probably meant I didn't have the right to do so.

I should stop asking for the impossible. Right now, I need to prepare weapons, as much as I can.

With the artificial magic stone, the possibilities of the style of fighting without relying on mana would expand. Handling high-output electricity has many versatile applications.

I even made the difficult decision to sacrifice our food independence, requiring everyone in Erucy to contribute to building the defensive wall, even though it could have been easily constructed with Kuiro's power. Their hard work gave me the chance to secure freedom, time, and magic power. I need to use those to create even the slightest chance of victory.

Cyril-kun, may I come in?

After pouring all my magic power into the magic stones and enduring the fatigue, I was summarizing weapon ideas on paper when Kuu knocked on the workshop door and spoke.

You can come in, Kuu. It's been a while since you came here.

Yes, well, I only come here to do that.

It would be awkward to do that in the workshop where fire foxes live, the village chief's house, or Lucy's house. So, Kuu and I had a rule that we only expressed our love for each other in this workshop or outside.

What made you come today?

Um, I have something I want to tell you, Cyril-kun.

Kuu looked at me straight in the eyes with a serious expression. There was anxiety in her eyes, I thought about what could make her so anxious to talk to me about.

In my mind, I envisioned myself being abandoned by Kuu. Maybe that was why she had been recently avoiding me It might be an inevitable outcome. After all, I openly confessed that I loved her second most. Naturally, Kuu would desire someone who loved her above all else.

I see, Kuu, I'm sorry. Don't worry; I'll take care of fire foxes even if you and I separate. I won't let personal feelings interfere.

Cyril-kun, what are you talking about!?

Kuu's face turned bright red as she confronted me.

With the wedding getting closer you started to think about it and decided that after all you dont want to marry me, right? But you were afraid that fire foxes would be mistreated if you fell out of favor with me, so you kept quiet. I understand even without you saying it. I'm sorry for not noticing.

In three days, the three of us were getting married. I had entrusted Azul's invitations with Roleau and the others, who were sent to hoard supplies to Erin. If Kuu wanted to stop the wedding, now was the time.

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