Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 107 Mana, Meta, Magic

Samiel held the Frost Crystal in his hands before he started absorbing the Frost Crystal into his Mana Core. Every being that had Mana or any other supernatural energy had the Core like people with Mana had the Mana Core or people with the Psionic Energy had the Psionic Core.

The so-called energy core was formed the moment a person Awakened and became a Professional, and it was in the Core where all of the Mana was stored. Samiel was able to sense his Mana Core within his heart somewhere, as it was glowing and absorbing the Frost Element from the Frost Crystal.

Absorption of the Frost Crystal was a relatively simple thing, as Samiel was just drawing out all the energy inside the Frost Crystal into his Mana Core, which was greedily absorbing the freezing and cold ice energy from the Frost Crystal.

During this time, he also sensed that change happening to his Mana because while he was absorbing the energies from the Frost Crystal, he was getting the new Mana Quality. The process was relatively slow and only a tad bit painful, but not something that he couldn't bear, as he wanted for the process to finish.

Samiel could feel in real-time how his Mana was getting colder and freezing like Ice. It was a relatively slow process, but Samiel observed it with glee because while a bit painful, at the same time, it was extremely pleasurable in some weird way.

It was vastly different and yet somewhat similar to the freezing effect of the Void itself, just without that feeling of dread and madness, but he was getting there. It was a very different feeling of frost and ice from that which was brought by the Void itself.

[Your Proficiency with the Lord-Class Knight of Niflheim has been increased by 1%]

[Your Proficiency with the Lord-Class Knight of Niflheim has been increased by 4%]

[Your Proficiency with the Lord-Class Knight of Niflheim has been increased by 2%]

As Samiel was absorbing the essences of the frost from the Frost Crystal, he suddenly heard the notifications from the Akashic Records that his proficiency with the Lord-Class Knight of Niflheim had been increased. This was probably due to the fact that he gained the Ice and Frost Mana Quality, which in turn strengthened his proficiency with the Class that was specialized for it.

[Your Proficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler has been increased by 1%]

[Your Proficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler has been increased by 3%]

[Your Proficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler has been increased by 2%]

[Your Proficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler has been increased by 4%]

[Your Proficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler has been increased by 2%]

And as expected, the second this which greatly benefited from obtaining the Ice and Frost Mana Quality innately was his Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler, which skyrocketed in terms of proficiency from the old 19% to a new and shocking 31%.

At the same time, the proficiency with the Knight of Niflheim increased from the previous 22% to 29%, which was an increase of 7%. Both of this growth were shocking to Samiel, and he was delighted at them because he had already reached the cap he could grow them without directly increasing his Tier.

Right now, he was still technically only a weak Steel-Tier in terms of Tier alone, but his foundation was extremely robust, and his proficiency with his Class, despite their Rank and his Tier, was very high.

Of course, the easiest time to increase the proficiency with the Classes was technically at the Silver-Tier and Gold-Tier, especially the Gold-Tier was most suitable because there one needed to achieve 100% proficiency so they could undergo the Legendary Class Advancement to become a Legendary Level Professional.

After Samiel reached the next Floors, he could increase his Level once more; though he did not reach the Bronze-Tier before reaching the 8th Floor, till then, he could reach maximally only Level 25, because he planned to reach the Bronze-Tier on the 8th Floor.

Meanwhile, as Samiel was undergoing another kind of transformation from gaining the Ice and Frost Mana Qualities, Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber was observing his student with a slight smile. Over the past few weeks, under his training regime, Samiel finally appeared to be someone worthy of the title Holy Son of Hall of Kadath, albeit barely.

Though, he would still come out superior when compared to members of the younger generation from the rest of the 13 Gates or other powerful hidden mortal factions across the Cosmos. It wouldn't be even wrong to say that he could compete even against some of those who were growing in the Higher Dimensional Worlds.

In regard to the Higher Dimensional Worlds, practically due to conditions there, almost nobody was born mortal there. All lifeforms born in the Higher Dimensional Worlds were typy born either at the Silver-Tier or Gold-Tithe er, at worse peak Bronze-Tier.

After finishing the entire process which took around additional 15 minutes, Samiel opened his eyes as he read the final notification from the Akashic Records that sounded in his ears the moment he finished the entire procedure.

[User Samiel Zentuar has obtained Mana Quality of Ice and Frost.]

[User Samiel Zentaus has achieved the achievement of owning 3 Mana Qualities at the Mortal Level.]

[Due to owing 3 rare Mana Qualities as Mortal, you have been rewarded 100 Record Points for such achievement.]

[Due to being a mortal connected to Akashic Records, you obtained additional Record Points.]

[Additional 50 Record Points have been obtained.]

And on top of that, he also got the rewards of 150 Record Points, making his current Records Points 5,640 Record Points that could be used to exchange something from the Akashic Records. Even having a single Mana Quality was good; having two was excellent and three was akin to a miracle because having three, it was almost impossible to achieve it the natural way.

Though Samiel was tempted to exchange for something advanced magical knowledge, in the end, he refrained from it because he heeded the words of Hall Master to save his Record Points until he was Transcendent.

At max, until he was Holy Legendary, only then was it worthwhile to exchange for something from the Akashic Records. For the Holies, Hall Master Faulhaber told him that he could exchange for something that would make his Ascendance easier or increase the chances of succeeding.

Aside from that, using the Record Points as a mortal was just wasting them completely.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the 5th Floor of the Tower, on another floating island, Yvraine was undergoing another torturous training, at least for her.

The entire time she set foot onto the 5th Floor she was learning under the Lord Moon Sword and she had to admit that it was worth of it, because her combat prowess had increased several times over, and she could use her swords countless times better than before.

As Lord Moon Sword promised, he brought her to another floating island, where another old coot was living a life of a hermit while pursuing the deepest secrets of the Arcane. The one who was teaching her the usage of the Metamagic more extensively was in fact ancestor of Lord Moon Sword, Baharhidon Elvyn Yaennernamis.

He was so ancient, probably from the same generation as the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath, Menuhyutt Faulhaber, both of them were equally old and were still making a ruckus in the mortal plane, even if normally should they long ago ascended.

Baharhidon Elvyn Yaennernamis was actually one of the Grand Elders of the Tree Guardians; he was also a peak Holy Legendary, but he didn't pursue the ascension to the Transcendence, but he rather decided to devote his life to the protection of the Nesser Dynasty.

There were many people like this who chose to remain in the Material Plane instead of transcending, and some of those people would have achieved Transcendence for sure, like Lord Baharhidon. For various reasons, they rather chose to stay; some feared death because they would be weakest after ascending and some didn't want to part with their status and heading onto the unknown.

"I have finished reading through the grimoire."

Yvraine stated, completely exhausted. For her, this was way worse than the physical training with Lord Moon Sword. Right now, for several days straight, she was reading one book after another, and some of them she read already for the second or third time.

"Can the Spell Fusion be used simultaneously with the Empower Spell and Maximize Spell for any Tier of spells?"

The old elf asked her the question as he ran his hand through his long white beard while looking at Yvriane who looked unsure of what to answer before the old man just shook his head.

"Re-read all tomes on the usage of the Empower Spell, Maximize Spell and Spell Fusion Techniques properly this time."

He ordered while Yvriane grumbled because the old elf was extremely strict when it came to learning mysteries of the Arcane. And she wasn't Samiel who actually enjoyed reading old books that stuck with that weird air of something which wasn't opened in millennia.

"While compared to plebians or even some self-proclaimed experts, your knowledge over your magic is indeed superior, but when it came to the true depths, then without proper knowledge over the theory, you cannot execute the Metamagic Techniques to its fullest potential."

After rebuking his student, he opened a huge magic tome, which he then started enthusiastically reading, while Yvraine was suffering because she needed to go through the boring books once more.

She was never a fan of these things because she didn't have the patience for the proper Magic research and understanding of the Arcane. But to be fair to the old elven master, she had to begrudgingly admit that her knowledge of the many aspects of the Arcane was incomparable to what they were before.

Especially she learned to use her Metamagic more extensively, not just occasionally coasting some spells amidst the battle. Of course, for the Arcanist of Baharhidon Elvyn Yaennernamis's caliber, this was nothing, and he was in no way satisfied with her progress; thus he just gave her more and more work to do.

Through the many days she would be listening to his lectures about various aspects of the Metamagic, or Arcane theory, he also went talking about various attributes of the Elemental Magic of the Elemntia Magicae for days, during which she wanted to sleep.

And to make it even worse, he was giving her tests like they were in school at the end of each lecture and the start of the next one. Not talking about the fact that the old coot was clearly enjoying it too much for his own good.

After several days of additional reading through the various books on the magic theory and Metamagic Techniques, she finally got the pass from the Arcanist Baharhidon Elvyn Yaennernamis, and they finally moved on to something more interesting than just being buried in the ancient books.

And that was testing the Metamagic against the living enemies that were living on the floating island where they were located. This was the best method how the learn and apply the Metamagic after some time, and to see if the direction where one was heading was right or not.

The floating island, where the Baharhidon Elvyn Yaennernamis chose his place of temporary living, was special in one thing. There were many powerful creatures with various levels of the magic resistance living here.

Such as the Hill Trolls or various types of trolls and other creatures with high resistance towards the Magic. The reason why they were here was actually pretty simple; they were here because the old magician brought them here by himself.

Often due to their racial predispositions, they served their purpose as targets to test new spells. Countless magicians would just use the trolls as their living targets to test the efficiency of the spells that they either learned or invented; because of this, troll slaves were rather popular on the slave markets.

"Come on, girl, I will find you a very nice and big Stone Troll, and you will be fighting the monster with the purely magical abilities and spells, nothing more and nothing less. You are absolutely forbidden to use any martial arts or sword arts, and most importantly, you need to make use of the Metamagic as much as possible during the fight."

The old man said jovially, as Yvriane frowned hearing that.

Stone Trolls were one of the rarer and stronger subspecies of the Trolls, and the most important thing about the Stone Trolls were two things. The first was why they were called the Stone Trolls, mainly because they would turn into stone when the light touched their skin.

And secondly, among all Troll subspecies, the Stone Trolls were magically most resistant, making most of the Spells basically ineffective. Not to mention, their skin was extremely tough for even the majority of ordinary weapons even to cut through.

And on top of that, their resistance was not only towards Magic but also the Psionic Energy.

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