Eat The World Tree

Chapter 89: First Confession (2)

The sound of flesh colliding echoed through the secluded forest.

Lee Seyeong, with her legs spread wide, breathed heavily as she tightly embraced Lee Shiheon.

Inside her…

Perhaps it could even be said he had made her his captive; his movements back and forth amplified the tingling pleasure.

“Haah, ah! Uhaang!”

Drowned in pleasure, her moans echoed through the forest.

Despite being filled inside multiple times, her relentless movements barely kept her consciousness as she kissed him.

Their tongues intertwined.

As they parted lips, a strand of saliva stretched between their tongues.

“Do you like it?”


She opened her mouth but didn’t answer.

With a faint smile, he pulled his hips back and then thrust forward with all his might.

Reaching her womb in one swift motion.


She was breathless, overwhelmed by the satisfaction, and unable to think straight.

Normally, she would have surrendered to the pleasure, but this time was different.

Her waist quivered. Lee Seyeong’s pumpkin-colored eyes gazed intently at him.

“Do you like it?”

“…… You’re really mischievous.”

A gust of wind blew through the forest, scattering their hair.

Under the warm sunlight, their secret of mingling in such a place was just between the two of them.

Although it was an act a teacher shouldn’t do, she was no longer a teacher, so what did it matter?

That sweet yet alluring fruit of sin, the memory alone, was enough for her.

“You won’t say it till the end.”

“Are you mad?”

As she raised her exhausted arm to embrace Shiheon, the tension in her body seemed to ease.

Buried in his neck, Lee Seyeong continued moving her hips, her thoughts never ceasing.

“Ah, you’re mad.”

“No, why would I be mad about something like this? It was just a comment.”

She poked his cheek, making him puff it up. The cuteness of it made her laugh without thinking.

Lee Seyeong, at her age, had never truly experienced love.

So she didn’t know how to express her feelings…

Despite having negotiated with so many and held others in the palm of her hand, she couldn’t express her honest feelings.

She could have spoken the truth to ease his mind, but her stubbornness didn’t allow it.

She believed such embarrassing expressions of love should only come when everything was over, and nothing stood in their way.

‘It’s okay.’

In that sense, being able to mingle with their bodies was truly a blessing.

There was no better way to convey her feelings than through direct physical contact.

After their coupling.

“So, are you leaving today?”

As they finished cleaning up and started sharing the food on the mat, Shiheon asked.

“I’ll try to leave as soon as possible. Why? Do you want to spend more time with me? Hehe.”

“No, just thought of giving you a gift.”

“A gift?”

She hadn’t expected him to bring something like that.

She doubted it but couldn’t help feeling a flicker of anticipation.

“Watch carefully. I have great luck.”

Lee Shiheon spread his hand out, then waved it in the air a few times, and soon, a light unfolded in his palm.

Lee Seyeong, familiar with the husband candidate system, knew what it was.

“No way something good will come out in a draw…”


A lightning-like flash descended, and soon, something appeared in his hand.

A white bead. A precious artifact called a transfer bead, which was used by Shiheon to survive in the dungeon.

“See, something good did come out.”

Lee Seyeong looked astonished as Shiheon cheekily smiled and activated the transfer bead to take something out.

A blue ticket. This was a prize he had received before but hadn’t used until now.

▶Wishing to Get Closer (B)

[Category: Consumable]

-A coupon to obtain the gift the recipient most desires, it will be activated immediately upon tearing.

The description remained unchanged.

It perfectly fits the current situation of wanting to give the most desired gift to the other person.

“This will give you the gift you most want right now. I remember being quite shocked when a box of condoms came out last time.”

“Is that about me?”

Seyeong, recalling the condoms when she drove Shiheon back to the academy after healing from the trauma of being lured into a cult, asked.

Her cheeks reddened at Shiheon’s nod, but she bravely continued speaking.

“… Isn’t it what you want, not me?”

“Heh, you can think that if you want. I’m not teasing. Just think of something you really want.”

She couldn’t recall wanting anything in particular.

She always thought about giving, never about wanting something.

All she wanted was for him to meet her a few times and hold her. That was always enough for her.

So even she wouldn’t know what the ticket would reveal as a gift.

Shiheon said nothing more.

He simply held the ticket in both hands and tore it lengthwise.


A cascade of light, something glittering within the opened pupils, appeared before their eyes.

An ornament expertly crafted to suit Seyeong’s pale skin so well that it seemed to only highlight her veins.

A ring.

The ring was neither too flashy nor tacky, a pure color that lay there.

“Is this what you wanted?”

Startled by Shiheon’s teasing, Seyeong closed her mouth and looked off into the distance.

‘Did I really want this?’

Although it wasn’t strange to question this, the thought of receiving it made her heart flutter.

Shiheon observed Seyeong’s silence impassively.

He waited patiently for her to speak while she remained dazed.

“A rejected guy giving a ring?”

“Did I say I wanted to give it? Who’s the one wanting it?”

“……Shut up.”

Her neck blushed as Shiheon chuckled in satisfaction, and then he opened and closed his right hand.

That significant gesture made Seyeong raise an eyebrow.


“What are you doing? Aren’t you extending your hand?”

She cautiously extended her hand, and the silver ring was directed towards her ring finger.

“…Put it on the index finger.”

“Huh? But it’s usual to put it on the ring finger…”

“Let’s do that later.”

Understanding her words, Shiheon quickly slipped the ring onto her finger.

The ring fits perfectly as if it was made for her size.

Seyeong stared at the ring on her hand, barely holding back a smile.

“I’ve never received a ring before.”

“Do you dislike it?”

“How could I?”

She twirled the ring between her right index and thumb, feeling her heart tickle more and more, and eventually, she couldn’t stop the smile that burst forth.



Left index finger.

How many people knew the meaning of wearing a ring on that finger?

Shiheon might not know, but she did.

“Thank you.”

On her departing journey, she held a blessing that couldn’t be exchanged for anything.

“Well, go in safely. Don’t just think about me. Call if you remember; I’ll answer quickly.”

I remembered Seyeong’s playful words as I entered the dormitory.

My waist was a bit sore, but that was more due to Hwangdo’s actions than Seyeong’s.



Hearing my footsteps, Shiba rushed out and clung to my leg as soon as I opened the door.

“Did our daughter wake up?”

“Squeak~ Squeak!”

Gently stroking my crying daughter’s head seemed to give me newfound strength.

I lifted Shiba and headed to my room. There, Cheondo was sitting by the bed, turning her eyes from a book to me.

“Have you arrived?”

“Yes. I met with the teacher. Talked and heard she’s going to investigate Flower.”

Cheondo, slightly furrowing her brow, let out a sigh.

“It won’t be an easy task.”

“I think so too. But if she’s set on doing it, I can’t really stop her.”

Cheondo nodded.

Seyeong wasn’t the type to not take care of herself, so there was no worry there.

Rather, she was more likely to solve the problem.

But it didn’t mean I would just sit still.

“Lee Shiheon, you should start-”

“Yes, I should.”

I interrupted Cheondo.

My brief vacation of a little over three days had ended today, and I had no more time or desire to play.

The only training I had done since Purgatory was simple physical and strength exercises.

I had many enemies.

For some reason, they were all after my life.

‘People really change a lot.’

The thought of moving around, once a lazybones, was both empowering and bittersweet.

“I understand your sentiment. But what about Shiba?”

“Shiba? …Ah.”

I pondered Cheondo’s question.

I couldn’t always have Shiba by my side.

Even if I brought her along for training, it could be problematic if something happened during work.

“I’d like to leave her in a nursery, but the academy doesn’t have such a place. And it’s awkward to ask friends.”

I had already asked Jin Dallae too many favors recently.


Looking at Shiba in my arms, she seemed unaware of her situation, rubbing her face against me.


She was really too cute.

So this was what it felt like to raise a child in your arms.

But when it was time to part, I had to be decisive.

“A nursery is simple with magic.”

“… Isn’t that something only Hwangdo can do?”

“Why not learn it?”

Teleportation would be the best solution, but spatial magic wasn’t easy.

In my case, it took a lot of effort to manage it slightly off the coordinates, and even that was possible because of my talent.

“Hwangdo can do it, so you should be able to as well.”

“But… she’s beyond ordinary. How can I do that?”

Cheondo seemed to have high expectations for me, but was it really possible? The Heavenly Demon always seemed to think I could learn ten things by teaching me one.

In reality, learning even two was hard.

I lacked both the amount and manipulation of magic.

“It’s just using magic once in the morning and once in the evening. Until you can, you can be with Hwangdo. It will also be a great progression in training.”

It made sense.

If not, keep trying until it works. The thought of my military days made me shudder, but it had to be done.

Rushing to stay with Shiba could lead to irreparable damage.

I looked at Shiba.

She was still enjoying my embrace, purring like a cat without sleeping.

As if saying not to let go, she tightly grasped my clothes.

But I had to slowly adapt Shiba to the social crib.


Shiba, making eye contact with me, blinked her big eyes, unaware of anything.

A few days later, I visited the Seoul City Nursery.

It was natural for the cries of young tree people, including Shiba’s, who were for their father to fill the air.

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