Eat The World Tree

Chapter 149: Three Peaches (9)

Cheonma was the most catastrophic human disaster to have marked the era.

His martial prowess exceeded all limits, reaching the pinnacle by himself. Even the World Tree, revered as a deity, could not restrain him.


This was how the followers of the Tree Church described the old man. He did not believe in the World Tree and once demolished a church simply because it irritated him.

Humanity’s foe.

The views of the Association and those of the Church towards Cheonma were not much different. To them, the old man was nothing but a menace, a useless piece to be exploited. If anything, he was an obstacle to their plans.

Businessmen shared this sentiment.

After Cheonma destroyed several influential figures in the underworld, they swore vengeance. Driven by their own interests, they planned to strike at Cheonma, whose life was nearing its end, and to destroy Dowon as well.

“It doesn’t seem to be the right time yet.”

In a certain location, important figures gathered around a round table for a meeting.

“…The opponent is Cheonma. No matter how much he has declined, what else can we expect but defeat? We should wait for a more opportune moment,” said a guild leader, adjusting his stylish glasses to express his opinion. He was among those who had suffered at the hands of Cheonma.

Ideally, they would have liked to take down the old man immediately, but was it feasible? Capturing a monster required the utmost caution, a fact known to everyone present.

The Church. The Hunter Association, among other groups.

All were deeply engaged in this matter. Just the fact of dealing with the World Tree’s concerns promised them spoils, treasures, and honor. Even if some anti-humanitarian deeds were committed in the process, they would be justified in the name of the deity. This person fought for the deity. Perhaps they would even make their name in history.

Of course, they couldn’t afford to be blinded by the prospect of sweet profits and make a careless plan.

“Still, we should wait.”

“…Wait for the right time?”

Then, at the words of a guild leader, one person raised their voice.

“Are you joking now? It is the World Tree’s wish to kill Cheonma as soon as possible.”

The deputy of the Church’s Pope.

The commander of the Golden Knights, Lemon. A light golden lion emblem was drawn on her shoulder.

“I just can’t understand. What’s so difficult about taking down one old man that it has to be dragged out like this? Are you scared?”

“Scared? I lost my father to Cheonma.”

“Then all the more reason to go out and fight, why sit around?”

Lemon, with her arrogance yet also exuding a sense of nobility, narrowed her eyebrows and glared fiercely at the guild leader, who kept his expression emotionless, swallowing his resentment internally.

Then, someone else intervened to stop her.

“If we’re not careful, everyone here could end up dead, Commander Lemon.”

Although he used an honorific out of courtesy, his words carried a warning. The vice-president of the Hunter Association’s advice was met with an annoyed look from Lemon.

The others inwardly criticized Lemon’s attitude.

‘Does she think Cheonma is some street thug? Calling her insane without having seen him.’

‘Why would the Church send such a parachute? Just to add their name to the list of those who overcame the disaster?’

Ignoring the vice-president, Lemon turned her gaze to the chairman of the Hunter Association. She believed herself to be in a position similar to his.

“What do you think? You live in a country close to Cheonma, don’t you?”

Korea and China. Countries closest to Cheonma’s sanctuary. An elderly man with white long hair tied up in a topknot, his face full of scars, looked at Lemon.

Even she had to swallow her arrogance in front of his overwhelming presence.

Eventually, he spoke.

“He is dangerous.”

The chairman of the Total Hunter Association.

The only man who has lived through wars and eras akin to Cheonma.

The Sword God, Jin Kwang.

He was also known as Mugoong.

The history of the Hunter Association. Himself.

“I have fought him before. The reason I, who have lived a lifetime without a scar, ended up like this, is precisely because of him.”

He stands as the pinnacle of all association hunters, a swordsman who once contended with Cheonma.

Mugoong gazed at Lemon with piercing eyes.

“Do you understand what that means, child?”


With a soft voice, Lemon tensed her shoulders and remained silent. A bead of sweat trickled down her pale collarbone.

“Still, we must hurry. Who would have thought that he was raising a disciple.”

“Yes, you’re right.”

As Mugoong spoke affirmatively, Lemon finally relaxed her expression. Just making eye contact with him had her legs trembling.

Mugoong turned to the vice-president and asked,

“The Young Demon… has its existence been confirmed?”

“We’ve confirmed it. Though we’re not sure about the skill level.”

“No problem. If it’s his disciple, it’s bound to be a monster.”

Mugoong, touching his dry lips, glanced around. A young man raised his hand. The head of the Cornus family, San Hyukwon, who had recently taken over in a hurry.

His words carried the weight of a noble to the core, coming from a lineage even the Woodman Sect would not lightly cross.

“The preparations to bring down Dowon are almost complete. In fact… if we just bring down Cheonma, the rest should be easy. However-”

Even though Dowon has elders and a sect leader, this place was overflowing with people of similar martial prowess.

The problem was Cheonma. The powerful evil of this era, whose strength was said to reach the heavens.

Only Mugoong here could properly confront Cheonma, and even he couldn’t guarantee victory.

“Still, the danger remains unchanged.”

Perhaps, as the vice-president suggested, everyone here could end up dead. The atmosphere grew tense, and even the previously arrogant Lemon remained silent.

“Are you the one aiming for the heart of Cheonma?”


San Hyukwon nodded in response to Mugoong’s question. Interlocking his fingers, he introduced a theory.

“The unknown force is the Young Demon. Just one. That’s why we must act quickly.”

This conclusion had been reached in previous discussions. They hadn’t subdued Cheonma in Dowon yet because his lifespan was nearing its end. However, with the emergence of his disciple, the urgency for subjugation intensified.

“A matured Young Demon could initiate another great war at any moment.”

The war instigated by the Spirit King was a catastrophe for the Woodman Sect, resulting in the deaths of dozens of gods. The Pope’s authority was severely undermined, causing extensive damage.

San Hyukwon’s remarks suggested that a similarly devastating event could occur once more.

The term ‘great war’ used by San Hyukwon was sufficient to alarm everyone.

“So, I’ve been contemplating. What about this idea?”

He surveyed the room and lifted his finger.

“Given that Cheonma’s time is limited, we should focus on eliminating the Young Demon.”

Cheonma’s demise was imminent. Thus, shouldn’t their attention be on his disciple?

By eliminating the Young Demon, they could avoid confronting Cheonma directly. They could gradually assume control of Dowon following Cheonma’s death.

An excellent chance to avert war and secure advantages!

If this plan succeeded, it would be as though they had resolved the crisis effortlessly. They could be hailed as heroes who averted a calamity.

“Interesting. Do you have a detailed plan? You must have thought of something.”


As San Hyukwon confidently affirmed, everyone’s attention was piqued.

It was an unexpected development.

‘So, they are targeting me.’

As I revisited the story of Cheonma, I found myself pondering it once more.

The conspiracy of the world’s leaders was shocking in itself, yet Cheonma’s prediction that I would be the next target seemed all too plausible.

‘Well, Cheonma doesn’t have much longer to live. It makes sense that they would prioritize killing me.’

Severing the line of succession was a common tactic in politics. Wasn’t history replete with instances where a country’s crown prince was taken hostage and manipulated?

To them, I, the successor, posed a greater problem than Cheonma, who was nearing death.

‘Then, if I hadn’t been here at this moment… would Cheondo have been the target?’

No matter how well one concealed themselves, a long tail would eventually be caught. However, my presence completely obscured that tail.

Probably, aside from the three peach sisters, myself, and the old man, no one in the world knew that Cheondo was a disciple of Cheonma.

If I were to die now, it would be as if Cheonma’s disciple had never existed. Cheondo could safely assume the role of Cheonma’s successor.


Just then, Cheondo, who was sitting right next to me, inquired.


“Is the meat okay?”

Ah, right.

Snapping out of my reverie, I quickly turned the pork ribs over. A moment’s distraction from the person wielding the tongs can indeed lead to a disaster. Fortunately, they were nicely browned this time.

“It’s fine. Pork ribs are actually better when not flipped too often.”

“Is that so?”

Truth be told, flipping them a few times doesn’t really make a significant difference. However, the person grilling often had their own convictions, like flipping the meat exactly twice. If you grilled meat frequently at restaurants, you’d develop your own method.

‘Of course, I almost caused a disaster just now because I genuinely forgot.’

Cheondo and Hwangdo seemed to overlook it, but Baekdo, ever observant, was giving me meaningful glances.

“Please, cook it properly…”

Still a fierce kid, sharp eyes flashed between strands of white hair.

“Really, Baekdo! Are you going to do that? After Brother went through all the trouble because you wanted to go outside.”

“Hwangdo, whose side are you on?”

“Brother’s side?”


Baekdo gave Hwangdo a look, but what could she do? Hwangdo had already been bribed by me with this month’s salary.

Hidden in a corner of Hwangdo’s room was the April issue: The Grafting Someone Else’s Tree edition! Today, Hwangdo was practically on my side.

Baekdo, guessing why Hwangdo turned out this way, gritted her teeth in frustration.

“Enough, Baekdo.”

Of course, Cheondo too. She had high expectations for this rare meeting. This morning, she was giggling and asking me to choose her clothes.

“Okay… sorry.”

Baekdo, seemingly deflated by Cheondo’s scolding, hung her head.

Cheondo has her completely wrapped around her finger, huh? Well, the reason Baekdo came here was because of Cheondo. It wasn’t because she wanted to see me, nor was it because the outside was so enticing that she couldn’t resist.

Baekdo came almost exclusively to see Cheondo.

And knowing she was in the wrong, she picked at the side dishes and tentatively started a conversation with me.

“…But you did well today, really.”

It sounded like praise. Was it just my imagination?

Baekdo, with a conflicted look, lightly tensed her hand holding the chopsticks.

“…Thank you.”

It was hard for her to say. Cheondo and Hwangdo finally smiled broadly.

“Baekdo is good~ Good Baekdo’s tea~ can~ Baekdo!”

“Hwangdo, stop it when I say something nice, okay?”

Watching Hwangdo and Baekdo bicker, a smile naturally formed on my face.

Baekdo seemed to have a change of heart upon seeing how well Cheondo and I were getting along. It had been a really long time since the three of us were together. She must have felt some gratitude towards me for arranging this meeting.

“All done.”

Just as the meat was fully cooked, I energetically began to cut and arrange it with the tongs and scissors.

Slicing and dicing, I laid out the meat on the plate, its juicy goodness flowing enticingly. The eyes of the three little ones naturally fixed on the sight.

The expensive pork ribs prepared for today would be a lavish meal for these children, who usually ate a vegetable-based diet.

“Brother, it seems all cooked.”

“Can we eat now, Brother?”


Their eyes looked at me like chirping chicks, shining brightly on their joyful faces.

“Of course~ Go ahead.”

With a nod and a smile from me, they began to eagerly use their chopsticks.

“Wow, it’s deliciously cooked, Brother!”

“…It’s tasty.”

Even Baekdo, who was initially indifferent, widened her eyes after tasting it. Hwangdo, reaching his turn, almost squealed with delight, just stopping short of causing a disturbance.

Could there be a happier moment for the one who grilled the meat? They ate so deliciously that two servings vanished before I even put down the scissors.

Despite the effort of grilling vanishing so quickly, I wasn’t disheartened at all. It was okay. Seeing the three sisters smiling made my heart melt.

I truly lived for these three.

“Brother Dowon.”

While I was contentedly watching the three sisters eat, Cheondo, sitting beside me, reached out with her chopsticks.


“…You haven’t eaten a single piece.”

On her chopsticks, she held not just one but three generously sized pieces of rib.

Without refusing, I put the meat in my mouth.

Chewing and then swallowing it down.

“It’s delicious.”

A sincere comment. Cheondo lifted her flushed cheeks in pride, her lips curling into a smile.

“Because Brother grilled it.”

Her cheeks weren’t flushed with shyness but glowed with joy, behind that smiling Cheondo.



Hwangdo, wearing a mischievously gleeful look, and Baekdo, appearing as if she’d been hit on the back of the head with a hammer, were both staring at Cheondo in shock.

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