Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 542: Zheng He’s Talent, Mazu the Heavenly Concubine

Chapter 542: Zheng He’s Talent, Mazu the Heavenly Concubine

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

However, in terms of Transcendent members, the aliens had much more than human beings did.

After the school of Dragon Fish was destroyed in the nuclear explosions, new majestic creatures instantly replaced them!


After the nuclear explosion, in the middle of the surging seawater, dozens of vortexes that were more than one kilometer in diameter had appeared.

The soldiers of Dragon City launched all sorts of bullets and cannonballs, but they were all caught by the vortexes and sunk to the bottom of the sea.

It wasn’t the effect caused by any skill, but a special Transcendent alien.

[Sea King Jellyfish]

[Level: Transcendent Rank-5]

[Rarity: Quasi Boss]

[Description: Transcendent jellyfish that can completely transform themselves into seawater. They can disperse and regather free at will.]

Because they could be transformed into real seawater, the Sea King Jellyfish could work as “carriers” like the Dragon Fish did.

Compared to the Dragon Fish, the Sea King Jellyfish were like moving seas and could support a lot of sea monsters to attack the dam.

Also, similar to the mermaids’ colorful threads, the Sea King Jellyfish had the ability of mental interference too. All the sea creatures within their range felt a strong urge to slaughter human beings and all charged at the dam!

“The Sea King Jellyfish...”

On the top of the Leshan Giant Buddha, Zheng Chenggong frowned in the middle of the fire qilins.


After a roar, one of the fire qilins jumped from the top of the Buddha into the vortexes.

The collision of water and fire caused a huge amount of steam. The sea was boiling. However, the fire qilin was torn apart after descending for only a hundred meters.

Obviously, Zheng Chenggong’s talent ability was restricted by the Sea King Jellyfish. After all, the prerequisite of damage buff was to cause damage first.

However, at this moment, all kinds of attacks were simply dissolved in the vortexes.

Of course, not all the attacks were ineffective.

The special attacks launched by some Transcendent heroes could still cause damage to the sea creatures that were hidden in the vortexes.

For example, the Transcendent hero named Aokiji crafted ten thousand shark ice spurs in the seawater, which were thrown into the vortexes and killed the sea creatures hiding in them.

A female hero named Hankokku, on the other hand, shot a tremendous number of heart-shaped bullets with her hand as a pistol, which hit the sea monsters and turned them into stones.


There was also Gan Ning, a newly summoned Transcendent Superior hero. He stretched a black bow with his thick arms and shot an arrow that had a bell attached to its end.

After the arrow flew out, it revolved rapidly in the opposite direction of the vortexes to remove the tearing force.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The sound of the bell spread out and killed the fish in the sea!

The Transcendent powerful attacks executed a large number of sea beasts despite the blockage of the vortexes. The entire estuary turned red!

However, human beings had much fewer Transcendent units than the aliens in the seawater did.

There were at least eight kinds of Transcendent aliens in the seawater. Their number was above a thousand too. Very soon, the Transcendent heroes’ attack was blocked by Transcendent aliens.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

“The earth is shaking uncannily!”

“Something is happening! The dam is falling apart faster...”

Very soon, Dragon City found that the dam was collapsing faster and faster even with the protection of the Leshan Giant Buddha.

It was because deep down in the seawater, a lot of aliens named Overlord Squids had shown up. They had a hundred tiny long tentacles that dug like drills while they stuck themselves to the dam.

Even the attacks of the Transcendent Rank-5 heroes didn’t have enough power left to kill the Overlord Squids after penetrating the vortexes!


Eventually, under the Transcendent forces and the crazy destruction of the Overlord Squids, the cracks on the dam were beyond control, and the Leshan Giant Buddha fell apart into dust after heaving a long sigh.

Boom! Boom!

Following that, the entire dam fell apart too and slipped into the seawater like an avalanche along with tens of thousands of soldiers who were on the dam!


“Oh no!”

“It’s over!”

Watching the collapse of the dam, the hundred million viewers on Earth all exclaimed.

However, the players who were watching the stream on Earth without entering the Land of Inheritance remained calm.

It was because they knew that, since Dragon City had the Four Military Saints and other strategists, how could they not have foreseen that the dam might collapse!

“Ship, come!”

As a matter of fact, the moment the dam collapsed, a beardless hero who seemed to be a civil official but wore a general’s robe bellowed.


A tremendous amount of golden light popped up on the surface of the sea.

In the middle of the golden light, a solid deck appeared on the soldiers of Dragon City who were falling. Then, the deck quickly spread out and turned into wooden ships that were more than a hundred meters long and laden with cannons!

[Zheng He]

[Level: Transcendent Rank-5]

[Rarity: Legendary]

[Description: A voyager and diplomat in the Ming Dynasty. He was originally surnamed Ma, and the emperor gave him “Zheng” as his new surname!]

Zheng He was undoubtedly another Legendary hero.

His talent ability was named “Seven Seas Fleet”, which allowed him to summon the projections of the fleets he had in the past. As the largest warships in the world back then, each of those warships could accommodate a thousand people, so most of the soldiers were picked up safely.

“Frontal army, establish the Heavenly Concubine Sea Suppressor Array. Rear army, establish the Mystic Darkness Sea Destroying Array.”

Then, Zheng He calmly commanded the fleet to establish two massive arrays, creating the illusion of a giant goddess in white as well as a male divine general who held a black snake in his hand and stood on a giant tortoise. They blocked the attacks of the sea beasts.

For most people, Zheng He was a diplomat and a civil official. They didn’t know that he was also a commander.

Zheng He was originally Zhu Di’s servant. He was wise and made great contributions to Zhu Di’s usurpation. He was also familiar with Buddhism and Islam, which was why he was chosen as a diplomat.

Technically speaking, all diplomacies were based on military power!

Zheng He had sailed south seven times with significant treasures and made deals with many countries. There were a lot of pirates on the way too. If he weren’t strong enough, how could he have not been robbed?

His fleet encountered battles large and small dozens of times. The most dangerous one was where he was surrounded by fifty thousand enemies and couldn’t go home.

Zheng He calmly inferred that the enemies were all deployed to stop him from escaping, and their home was undefended. So, he attacked the enemies’ royal palace with two thousand men and caught their king.

Under his command, the fleet unleashed a force that was strong enough to resist the Sea King Jellyfish’s vortexes. It retreated to the second defense line while fighting.

However, while human beings had Legendary heroes, how could the aliens not?


When the human beings retreated on the ships, the vortexes that were scattered on the surface of the sea melted with each other into a gigantic vortex more than ten kilometers in diameter and emitted a Legendary vibe!

Those Sea King Jellyfish could actually join into one.

As a result, the attraction force was significantly increased, and the seawater was propelled into the sky in a huge waterspout.


The Mystic Darkness Sea Destroyer Array, which was in the rear, was caught by the waterspout.

The array was destroyed, and a dozen ships were twisted and pulled to the bottom of the sea.

After falling into the sea, the ships were further destroyed by the Overlord Squids that had drill-like arms. After the ships were broken, the soldiers were desperately dragged to the monsters that had opened their bloody mouths in the water!

“It’s over!”

“They’re truly screwed this time.”

“Those aliens are probably stronger than Legendary Rank-6 after the combination... It’s too much for our soldiers to deal with.”

This time, even the players changed their expressions too.

It was because the ships carried ten thousand navy soldiers, which was half of the total navy force.

If they were all killed, not only would the battle collapse here, but the Legendary advancement test would also fail.

It was because if the sea monsters broke the defenses and turned other battlefields into seas, the original defenses that the other settlements prepared would be half useless.

“Hehe, is this the so-called ‘Earth’s best settlement’?”

“How disappointing. Their navy force is so weak!”

On Earth, in the capital of Jaipan, at the bottom of a high tower that was protected by a lot of troops, several players were watching the live stream in the luxurious living room.

“The Chidragon people are useless at sea battles.”

“Those people are only struggling to survive after falling into the sea. The warriors of our country would’ve carried a bomb or a lethal pill into the battle to kill more enemies with their lives...”

A short and fat man who was only 1.5 meters tall and had a hideous face remarked in disdain on the couch.

Next to her, there was a woman who was more than 1.8 meters tall and wore the black-and-white clothes of a maid. She carefully peeled a grape and then fed it to him with her mouth.

“Someone has figured out the identity of the dragon warships. They belong to the Mandarin officials that we defeated earlier. The people of Chidragon are quite hilarious to regard the losers as heroes!”

Not far away, a young player, who wore a suit and held a cup of red wine, remarked. His arm was as slim as a bamboo pole.

“It’s all because they locked down their country in history. As a result, they don’t have many great sea generals. They have to use whatever they have.

“However, it’s rather infuriating that the two traitors should work so hard to help the natives of Chidragon.

“If they hadn’t accepted Dragon City’s invitation, and if the Straw Hat Kid and the Red-Haired Man hadn’t gone to other settlements, we would have gathered all the generals, the Four emperors, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea!”

Watching Aokiji and Hankokkku who were fighting aliens relentlessly in the stream, the short and fat man snorted.

“So, are we going to reinforce them or not?” another player asked hesitantly.

“Why should we? Our lives are more precious than theirs. Let the traitors be destroyed along with Dragon City.”

“Then, we will summon them with the special offerings and humiliate them by giving them the worst positions after they lost their memories!”

The young man who was holding a cup of red wine sneered.

“I actually like Hankokku. She does have the best body figure. Ha. When she’s reborn in our settlement, we should definitely give her a good lecture as her seniors...”

Then, the stout ugly man squeezed the maid-looking woman’s breasts with lustfulness in his eyes that were not of the same size.


Then, he turned his head with amazement on his face.

It was because on the battlefield of the Land of Inheritance, when the Mystic Darkness Sea Destroyer Array was destroyed, the Sea King Jellyfish, which had reached the Legendary level after the combination, shifted its attention to the enormous lady that the Heavenly Concubine Sea Suppressor Array created!


However, unlike the other array, when the Sea King Jellyfish’s mental waves scanned the woman in white clothes, she opened her eyes and gazed back at it with blue eyes that were as clear as the sea.


The waterspout that was rising to the sky was cut off in the middle and fell back into the sea like a storm.

Unlike the Mystic Darkness General that was purely formed by the power of the array, this Heavenly Concubine was actually a real person!

[Lin Mo]

[Level: Transcendent Rank-6]

[Rarity: Legendary]

[Description: She’s also known as the Heavenly Concubine, the Heavenly Empress, the Saint Above the Sky, and the Mother. She was the Mazu to every native of Chidragon!]

Lin Mo was probably a strange name to most people.

However, Mazu was a resounding name to most natives of Chidragon, especially those who were overseas.

Mazu, also known as the Heavenly Concubine, the Heavenly Empress, the Saint Above the Sky, and the Mother, was originally a girl in the Song Dynasty who died while rescuing victims of an accident on the sea. She was then worshiped by the sailors, merchants, and fishermen who lived near the sea. She was the most esteemed sea goddess in Chidragon.

In particular, after the Ming Dynasty, she was accoladed by a lot of emperors just like Guan Yu. She was a Legendary hero and almost a demigod, just like him.

Actually, her talent ability had already proved that!

After destroying the waterspout, the jade item in the girl’s hand projected a streak of light and displayed the situation of everybody who fell into the sea.

A soldier had fallen into the water and was caught by the Sea King Jellyfish’s vortex. He couldn’t break free even though he was Transcendent Rank-1 and even a Quasi Commander. He could only sink in desperation after futile struggles!


Exactly at this moment, his body glowed, and he disappeared from the vortex of seawater. When he reappeared, he found himself on the deck of Zheng He’s flagship.

“Phew... the Mazu has helped you. Thank you, Lady Heavenly Concubine!”

After a moment of silence, the Quasi Commander, who was an old sailor in Zheng He’s fleet, realized who had saved his life and thanked the Heavenly Concubine while breathing heavily.

“Thank you, Chief Lin.”

Zheng He, who was also a Legendary hero, expressed his gratitude too.

As a matter of fact, Zheng He had always respected the Mazu.

It was because he somehow sensed Lady Heavenly Concubine on his first voyage. He also returned safely under her protection.

After he returned, he mentioned it to Zhu Di, and the emperor specifically sent representatives to offer sacrifices to her. The same ritual was performed before the following voyages.

It was one of the reasons why she grew into the Mazu, the sea goddess of Chidragon, from a common girl!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One navy soldier after another glowed in the seawater and was relocated to the deck.

Furthermore, the human beings who were already inside the mouths of the Transcendent beasts vanished too, and they broke their teeth when they bit too hard.

Obviously, it was a sophisticated talent ability that involved space.

“Mazu, Mazu...”

Not just that, the sea creatures emitted crazy mental waves too after seeing Mazu. They got rid of the Sea King Jellyfish’s influence and attacked the aliens instead!

The situation was not as dangerous as before.

However, Dragon City did have shortcomings in terms of navy forces.

The battle wasn’t in their favor in general. Also, after the dam was broken, the soldiers had to retreat to the second and third defense lines. Also, behind the third defense line was a large branch settlement that had a population of more than two hundred thousand after the migrations.

It was impossible for the navy to retreat any further.


Exactly at this moment, the glow of teleportation glittered above the battlefield, and several strangers arrived.

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