Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 758 758- I Want Everything (3)

Chapter 758 758- I Want Everything (3)

Simon grinned and pointed at the chairs next to him. The maids led Cynthia and Alvara to their seats and swiftly started performing their duties. All kinds of foods and dishes were brought up the table and their aromas quickly filled the place, stimulating one's appetite.

Foods that they had never seen before and foods that looked simply too tantalising were lined up one after another.

Cynthia and Alvara although very much tempted didn't directly start. Instead, they looked at the demon who changed a lot since the last time they saw him and asked the question they had been holding in for so long.

"The reason why you called us…" Cynthia started; however, before she could continue with her questions, Simon stopped her with a gesture of his hand.

"We can talk about why I called you after a refreshing meal my maids prepared for you two. No need to feel reserved, you can dig in".

Simon broke the ice by starting first. The aroma of the food was already stimulating their nose and appetite, so when they saw Simon starting first, they did not stand on ceremony and dug in.

It needs to be said that all the dishes that were prepared by the maids were all dishes from his previous world. The texture, flavour and even the taste of these foods provided, was completely different and nothing like what they were used to eating back in the capital.

Needless to say, the two women enjoyed the sumptuous meal and the dessert afterwards. Slowly, their tensed nerves relaxed and their minds calmed down a little.

After the meal, the atmosphere inside the hall became casual and Simon finally started the real discussion.

"You should have a vague idea as to why I called you here right?".

"Simon… Ahem Lord Simon is it because you need something from us?" Alvara started by calling out his name but when she felt the glare of the two maids on her, she quickly changed the manner of her address.

Simon felt the change and couldn't help but smile helplessly inwardly. These subordinates of his were just too loyal to him and wouldn't even let slide even the slightest offence. In fact, they were the ones who made him open up the most extravagant hall to entertain the guests saying things like it would be beneath a king to entertain a guest in any other hall.

Simon had to relent to their insistence; however, seeing that their presence here did not help improve the atmosphere, he could only ask them to leave.

With the Valkyries gone, the two girls felt a little more relaxed.

"Now then, coming back to the subject at hand. That's right, the reason why I called you here is because I want something from you. However, before I start explaining my reasoning, I would like to hear your end of the story. I heard from my subordinates that you were trying to reach me for the past three months. Surely, you have something more important to tell me?" Simon looked at the women in front of him and questioned.

Cynthia nodded "That's right, we tried to reach you. However, your subordinate always rejected us saying that you were busy and cannot be disturbed right now".

It was true, when Simon came back from the Forbidden grounds, he was made aware by his subordinates that the guest he gave refugee on the Training Floor, tried to reach him many times during this time apparently.

"My apologies, you see I was outside the dungeon at that time. Anyways, what is it that you wanted to tell me about?"

Cynthia was silent for a while, her expression fluctuated as if she was making a tough decision before she finally opened her mouth and told him about the decision she made.

"I know that it is asking too much after you sheltered and protected us from all of our pursuers and I am truly thankful for it. However, I cannot keep on taking advantage of the hand of gratitude you extended to us. That is why, I ask of you to return us back to the surface world".

"Oh…" Simon had an impassive face on the outside; however, he was internally quite surprised. He didn't expect for Cynthia to come to such a decision especially while knowing that going out would only spell doom for her.

The kingdom of Ellesmere which had lost its king was already in a state of chaos three months ago, now it would be more of a hell hole there. For her to go back there while fully knowing the outcome…

"I see, if you are determined then I won't stop you. However, can you tell me why you want to go out there once again? Is there anything that you can still do to change the situation of your kingdom?"

"It is as you say, there is nothing that I can do to save my kingdom from this madness or from getting pillaged by other countries. However, even then I want to do everything I can. The Kingdom of Ellesmere is the place where I was born, it is the place where I made all kinds of memories, my childhood, my family and my friends"

"Even my father with his last breath told me to save the kingdom. As the sole princess of the kingdom of Ellesmere, I have a duty to protect my country. I cannot betray all those people who still believe in me"…

"Princess… you…"

Cynthia's answer was just like he had expected, she had no plan and was diving towards danger headfirst. While it may have moved the Guard Captain, Simon was simply amused.

"Although It might be impossible to return the favour to you once I go out, I hope that I can return the favour in the next life".

"Hehe…Who has seen the next life? What if I tell you there is a way to return the favour in this life?".

Hearing his words both Cynthia and Alvara looked towards him with surprise.

"What do you mean?".

"Well, what I mean is that I can help you. Let's be honest here, the reason why you sought me out of all people, it's not only to seek shelter from me right?"

Simon had long known that the real reason why Cynthia and her group came to his dungeon. However, since at that time, he saw no benefit in helping them, he only sheltered them inside his dungeon and left them as is.

Now though, the situation had changed and he could see value in helping them.

Having been seen through, Cynthia bit her lips not daring to say anything. She knew very well that she was in no position to ask the other party's help, especially after how her kingdom treated him the last time.

This was also the reason why Cynthia was never able to bring herself to ask for the demon's help all this time.

While she was being reserved, her comrade and friend decided to be open to him "It is as you say, Simon. We came here hoping to seek your aid. The forces of the both first and second princes are too powerful for the princess to compete with."

"If nothing is done, the kingdom would be destroyed and plundered by the foreign countries. It has been more than three months since we last received any updates on the kingdom, the situation must have changed already, we need to hurry".

Her tone was urgent and her eyes looked desperate.

"Calm down, if it's as you say, then even if you all rush out there right now, you won't even be able to make a single wave. If you want my help then tell me more about the situation in the kingdom and the various factions vying for power"

Even though Simon had visited the kingdom of Ellesmere, what he knew about its inner workings, structure and politics was very little. He needed to know more about the geography of the place, the numerous factions that rose to power and their chaotic relationships before deciding on how to proceed.

Alvara realised that he was right and started telling him about everything that needed to be known about the kingdom of Ellsemere, its geography, nobles and the complex factions who were fighting for power both openly and secretly.

It was not only about the kingdom of Ellesmere, she even gave him details about the foreign factions that were intervening from the shadows.

The more she talked about it, the more clear the picture became. Of course, this information was all stately secrets and not something that should be shared especially with a demon noble.

The only reason she told him all that was in hopes that he would help their princess.

Simon nodded his head after hearing the entire thing. He then turned towards Cynthia and asked "Is what she said true, Princess?".

Cynthia moved her head replying that it was correct. Her body trembled ever so slightly as she tried to suppress the complex emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

"I see" Simon's voice remained impassive. He did not show any compassion or empathy towards the other party even while knowing that her Father the king, was betrayed and poisoned by his very own sons who coveted his throne.

The doctor whom they trusted so much, the doctor their entire kingdom respected so much, turned out to be the perpetrator who poisoned the king in the name of treatment all along and slowly degraded their health and strength. If not for the second prince admitting it in front of Cynthia, nobody would have known about it.

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