Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 251: Underground Space (2)

Chapter 251: Underground Space (2)

There were more than hundreds of said boulders placed in an unusual pattern. When Simon reached a distance that was only a few meters away from the area and was intensely observing the boulders when suddenly one of the boulders started shifting.

When the boulder that was more than 3 meters big moved from its place, a wide dark tunnel that could easily allow more than two people to walk side by side appeared. Intermittent sounds of conversation could be heard coming from the tunnel from time to time. 

When Simon saw the tunnel and heard the conversation coming from inside, he couldn't help but reveal a surprised expression for an instant.

"Adventurers? No, they are… bandits" while these people had armours and weapons donned, they clearly gave a more rough and bloody atmosphere.

"So these boulders are used to hide the tunnels which lead to their hideout?" Simon mused, the peculiar flow of the mana around here was finally solved. From the looks of how these bandits were eyeing their camp, it didn't take a genius to understand that they did not have any good intent.

Simon felt into deliberation, now that he had found out the bandits, should he leave them be even while knowing their objective? Or should he engage them with no benefits to gain?

He did not want to get involved in a fight that gained him nothing but then again if he left them be, who knows what might happen to the convoy. It might even hamper with his plans to reach the capital.

While Simon was intensely contemplating his actions, the conversation of the bandits reached his ears.

"Hey do you think we should call the other two leaders?" one of the bandits with a bald head asked.

"What are babbling about? Our leader clearly said that he is more than enough to handle the members of that convoy" the bandit beside the bald head man replied.

"But even the leader of the southern brigade was easily killed? Do you think we stand a chance alone?" the bald bandit worried.

"Don't worry, Boss told us that the other leader must have been killed because he underestimated the people on the convoy and brought a very small team. From the investigation of their corpses, it seems that they were assassinated when their guard was down" replied the other bandit.

After saying that, he patted the bald head man and walked back into the tunnel.

"You stay here and observe them, I'll go and report to the boss that we have found their campsite. It is likely that we will make a move today".

When the bald head man nodded, the other bandit swiftly disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel. The bald head bandit observed the distant campsite for a while when he suddenly felt a presence reveal itself not far from this place.

"Haa, screw it, I might as well bring them down now that I am already aware of them" a voice that sounded exasperated, sounded out.

"Who is there?" the bandit took out his weapon that was a large spiked club and roared.

Seeing that there was no reply, his look became even more cautious as he surveyed his surroundings. He just moved his eyes to the tunnel from where they came from, when suddenly he spotted a man wearing a simple back robe appear out of nowhere.

His instincts immediately warned him and he swiftly utilised his skill to dish out a [Wide Slash] towards this unknown person.

BANG… before the attack could even come closer, it was swiftly dissipated by the man who utilised his Electro magic.

The moment the bald head bandit realised that the back robed man was a mage, he immediately closed the distance between them and was about to make this a melee combat when…

PSSH… he noticed a hand that had easily penetrated through his armour and came out from his back. To his surprise, the enemy appeared behind him as if teleporting without even him noticing.   

"Wha…" the life-force from his body swiftly dissipated and the bandit listlessly fell down.

Simon shifted his attention towards the tunnel and stepped forward.

The tunnel was long and wide and there were even a few torches lighting the area along the way. At the end of the tunnel that spanned for more than a dozen kilometres, was a wooden door with bad craftsmanship and seemed hurriedly made.

One of the bandits that was with the bald head man, entered through the door and was greeted by a large cave that had many small tents made of clothes and wooden carts lining up the walls filled with rations and other various things.

Clearly, these were all the things that these bandits have plundered from the people, adventurers, and merchants that had taken this route to travel.

"Oi, Cloy why are you back so soon?" a bulky man with a protruding belly asked. Behind him were many bandits that were busy investigating the loots that they had plundered from somewhere.

"Ah, boss I came back with a report. We have found the campsite of the convoy" the bandit henchmen replied.

Hearing his reply, the bandit leader put the mug containing alcohol down and got up from his seat. A fiery heat blazed in his eyes as he clenched his hands.

"Everyone get ready to act, we have caught a big fish today… hahaha".

The rest of the bandits cheered loudly when suddenly a voice that dampened their mood like a cold bucket of water rang out from the tunnel.

"I say it is quite regrettable that you won't be able to enjoy going after this big fish today".

After that voice sounded out, the bandits who were lazing around, became alert and gazed at one of the many tunnels. 

"Looks like you brought some unwanted guests with you Cloy" the bandit leader narrowed his eyes and stated.

The bandit henchmen who was referred to as Cloy, immediately became flabbergasted.

"Eh? But that can't be I have stationed Dross to guard the tunnel. If there was any signs of fight, I would have heard the sound".

"Hmph, the intruder is already here".

The moment those words landed from the boss leader, the wooden door was kicked open with a bang. A young man with handsome features, slowly walked out through the tunnel and observed his surroundings.

The atmosphere around him and the way he carried himself, was so casual that it was like he was out here on a stroll. The attitude instantly pissed off the bandits who were looking at him with murderous eyes.

Simon who had entered the bandit's hideout, lazily strolled his eyes all across. From his observation, he could tell that the place was just like an ant's nest with many tunnels interconnected here and there.

Without even counting, Simon could feel the presence of at least fifty bandits currently gathered in this hideout.

"Oi, do you think this is someplace you can casually stroll in?".

While he was busy delving into his thoughts, a supercilious voice that came from the bandit leader sounded out. Ignoring his call, the young man lazily walked and checked the numerous wooden cargos that were filled with the loots plundered from others.

That attitude that disregarded his presence, rubbed the bandit leader the wrong way and he motioned with his hands to the henchmen to attack the black-robed man from behind.

SHIING… immediately, the sound of a weapon being unsheathed rang out before a bandit came attacking Simon.

The bandit's smile widened when he saw that the young man did not even notice him. Just when the sword was a few inches away from the young man, the scene before the bandit blurred for a second and a fist came smashing down on his face.

BANG… his teeth shattered and blood overflowing from his displaced nose, the bandit was sent flying towards the wall where he smashed towards the many wooden cargos before coming to a stop.

The moment when Simon had sent one of the bandits flying with a fist, another bandit that seem to have utilised this opportunity when his focus was somewhere else to sneak behind him. The bandit brought down his sickle-like weapon on top of the young man's head only to be stopped midway by a sword.

No matter how much weight the bandit put behind his weapon, the sword did not budge. Although the ordinary sword in his opponent's hands that he picked up from the ground, had many dings, it was just like a boulder that refused to move.

Realising that his attack had failed, the bandit was about to retreat back when purple sparks suddenly started erupting out of the sword and travelled towards his body.

"Aaaagghhhhh" in a swift motion the spark engulfed the entire body of the bandit causing him to issue a miserable scream.

THUMP… the scorched body of the bandit fell onto the cold hard floor and stopped moving altogether after a few seconds. The atmosphere inside the hideout had descended into a disturbing silence as all the gazes focused on the black-robed man.

At that moment, they all realised… No, they all saw with their own eyes that the young man's eyes were glowing a piercing crimson as he revealed a wicked smile.

All of them felt their body tremble for a second and a feeling of foreboding rose in their heart.

"Dammit, you bastard do you think you can just act as you wish in my hideout? All of you surround him and attack together. Let me see how long his stamina lasts".

The bandit leader said in an unpleasant tone.. He tapped the space ring on his hand and a wide butcher blade appeared.

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