Chapter 229: Perusal Mirror

Simon's interest was piqued when he heard that, being a dungeon master he was naturally aware of what kind of existence the adventurers were. There was no way he wouldn't be interested about them now that he was given the opportunity of becoming one.

The old man in the front led them indie a spacious hallway with many rooms on both sides before coming to a halt in front of a large polished wooden double doors.

Without waiting for anyone, Gill pushed open the door and a large hall similar to the reception hall below, came into view. The room was well lit with many small and big lanterns made from a type of crystal similar to the phosphorescence crystal to light the room.

The room other than having various kinds of things placed all around, was mostly empty.

The old man stepped inside the room before turning towards the two following behind him "This is the room we use for issuing adventurers cards and measuring their power and potential. It is also the place we store all our equipments. Although I can see that you two are no ordinary humans, I can't exactly guess what level and class both of you are".

Following the old man with his eyes, Simon saw that he went straight to one corner of the room and patted a large oval construct that looked like a mirror at a glance. However, unlike any ordinary mirror, the surface of this one was a glossy black which made it impossible to reflect anything.

After stepping inside the hall, the very first thing that had drawn Simon's eyes was this very thing.

Adalinda made a slight nasal sound as she squinted her eyes and glanced at the thing beside the old man.

"Since you two are not a registered adventurer, normally you would first have to fill out the details and personal information about yourself at the reception down below. Then only you would be called here to measure and verify the authenticity of the information that you had filled in".

"Based on the records of the test result, and if they are passable, then only you would be registered as an adventurer" the old man enunciated.

Nodding his head in understanding, Simon continued to look at the peculiar black object as a crimson light stealthy flashed between his eyes.

"Of course, the process that I just mentioned is what we use normally to register any adventurer, however, this time is an exception since we are only going to issue a provisional adventurers card to you".

"The difference between a provisional adventurers card and a permanent adventurers card is that the former is only issued to a person for a temporary period of time and cannot be used everywhere unlike the permanent one. Obviously, you are not recognised as a full-fledged adventurer and cannot avail all the benefits with it"

The guild manger of the adventurers guild explained while staring at the both of them. Next, he revealed a smile before continuing.

"Of course, the provisional card can be turned into a permanent one and you can become a full-fledged adventurer and roam the world but that requires merit and acknowledgement from a branch guild. After you successfully complete this job, I'm willing to change your cards to a permanent one".

After finishing all that needs to be said, the old man tapped his cane on the floor, turned and gazed at the object that was three times taller than him.

"Since my analysis attempts are blocked every time, we will use this thing to measure your level and potential as an adventurer with this. We call it the Perusal Mirror".

The Perusal Mirror was the peculiar huge black mirror that was more than five meters tall and a hundred centimetres wide. It was standing on top of a slightly elevated pedestal that seemed to hold it erect.

"This Perusal mirror is a special device of ours that is used to measure an adventurer's level and potential. How it is made is even unknown to us and only a few members from the headquarters of the adventurer's guild is privy to it. Hence you can only find this device inside the adventurer's guild only" Gill said proudly, his gaze flickering between the two of them and the device.

Seeing that the two were not moving from their spot after entering the hall, he couldn't help but urge them.

"To issue you a provisional adventurers card, we need to test you with this mirror. Don't just stand there, quickly come and measure yourself with this device".

Simon had a calm look on his face, but internally he sweating profusely. Why wouldn't he after hearing the description of the device called Perusal Mirror?

Although he now looked like a human, that was just a façade he used with the help of the trinket of Grimlock, his real race was a Demon Noble.

If the device functioned like it was supposed to, wouldn't it mean that his cover would be blown and he would immediately become a common enemy of all the inhabitants of this city? Just the thought alone made Simon unable to proceed any further and he felt like his feet were glued to the floor.

"What wrong…? If you are worried about your skills being disclosed, then don't be. This device only displays a person's name, race, class, level and potential" the old man assured them.

He thought that the two were hesitant to use the Perusal Mirror because they were scared of their skills and other things being disclosed.

To anyone, especially adventurers whose skills are their trump card and most highly guarded secret, it would be unusual to see them willingly disclose it, after all, they rely on these very skills to fight and survive.

Hence it was not surprising to see people hesitate before coming up to this mirror. A scene like the present was not surprising to Gill and thus he did not suspect anything.

Simon's mind churned and he used his [Thought Processing] skill to their maximum extent. Many ideas and thoughts floated up to his head but were quickly discarded by him, he needed a solution that can allow him to skip the Perusal Mirror test without making the old man suspicious.

However, no matter how much he racked his brain, no viable option other than storming out of here came into his mind.

Right when he was panicking internally, from the corner of his eyes, he saw Adalinda walking forward nonchalantly and approach the device.

What was she thinking? Although Simon did not know which race she belonged to, one thing he was sure of was that she was definitely not human.

According to what the guild manger said, other than displaying one's name, level, class and potential, the device would also show one's race. That is to say, the fact that she was not human would be immediately revealed if she were to go through the test of the Perusal Mirror.

Everything proceeded so fast that before Simon even had time to freak out, Adalinda was already in front of the device.

Gill observed the little girl who looked just like a doll cute and adorable, and nodded his head.

"You don't have to worry… just place your hands on the black surface of the mirror and gently insert some mana into it" he explained.

Using the Perusal Mirror was quite easy and the results were always accurate hence it was used in every adventurer's guild spread all across the continent.

Adalinda extended her snow white arm and gently placed her hand on the glossy black surface of the device. A silence descended onto the room and everything… remained the same.

The mirror showed no signs of changes or working as per usual making the old man quite confused.

'What was going on?' Simon thought internally as he eyed Adalinda. There was no way he would believe that it was not her doing.

Just when Gill frowned and came closer towards the mirror to check what went wrong, the glossy black surface of the mirror started rippling as small waves spread all across the edges. The scene was as if a stone had been thrown on a clam lake inducing ripples on its otherwise still surface.

The old man exhaled a breath of relief after finding that the mirror was working as usual and halted his steps. His eyes then went on top of the mirror where a few words were starting to be displayed one after the other.

Observing the sudden changes that occurred on the surface of the mirror, Simon clenched his hands and immediately prepared himself to dart out of the hall. However, when his eyes went over to the top corner of the mirror, all of his thoughts suddenly became blank and the mana circulating wildly within him completely dispersed.

Few lines of words have started to appear on top of the now still surface of the mirror and displayed themselves to the onlookers.

Name-Adalinda Quodriss Hornblaze,


Class-{Dragonfire Adept}



Simon became gobsmacked and his mouth opened wide when he read the information written on top of the surface of the mirror.

Ignoring the fact that it was his first time reading her full name, what was all that about her race being human and level 300?

He rubbed his eyes and double-checked the information displayed on top of the device once again, nonetheless, the words written there were still the same.

What was going on? There was no way that the monstrous little girl who can even make Irene serious, could be someone so low levelled and a human at that. 

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