Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 223: Creating A Ruckus (2)

Chapter 223: Creating A Ruckus (2)

In one corner of the plaza, was a wide building that had enough presence that it attracted the eyes of any passer-by. At the forefront of the building, right on top of the entrance was a wide notice and written in that wide notice were few letters in a striking manner.

Although the letters were foreign to him, thanks to the ability of the skill [Language Comprehension], Simon had no qualms in reading what was written.

Adventurers Guild… was what the notice board on top of the building said. Simon and Adalinda arrived near the Adventurers guild before heading inside.

Inside, the entire interior of the building was made of polished wood and the very first thing that greeted their eyes, was a wide hall big enough to easily hold more than five hundred adventurers.

The smell of alcohol and food was very apparent here. Looking around, Simon spotted more than fifty adventurers currently sitting at different tables enjoying their meals and drinks.

While on other side of the hall was a big board with many parchments pinned on it. Quite a few adventurers could be seen lingering there.

Their entrance did not attract much attention other than a few glances from the nearby adventurers.

Simon did not bother with any of it, and directly headed for the counter where a group of humans dressed in neat clothes stood on the other side of the desk.

"How may I help you?" a woman probably in her twenties and seemed to look average in every way, greeted him with a polite smile. The smile was very practised and business-like.

Simon nodded, just when he was about to put forth his question, Adalinda spoke first. "You there missy… have you seen a girl about this big and having…" she kept on going for a while providing a description of her disciple to the best of her ability.

The lady on the counter made a troubled smile as she patiently listened to Adalinda's words before replying "I'm very sorry I have not seen any such person. But if the person is very important, why not make a commission? I'm quite sure some of the adventurers might have seen her".

Adalinda wasn't amazed, on the contrary, her face seemed to say 'See I told you so' as she stared back at Simon.

The woman that they were looking for was a master of hiding their presence. How can these average adventurers be able to even catch a glimpse of her?

Even Simon was able to detect her presence only when the woman decided to reveal herself in front of him much less these adventurers whose average levels were less 200.

Heaving a sigh of exhaustion, Simon shook his head before asking another question "We are not here to make a commission; however, where can we buy some information?".

The lady carefully looked at the two of them as they made quite the contrasting pair. One was a fairly built man in his twenties with striking features and a handsome face to speak no less, other was a petite girl who appeared to be less than fourteen years old and whose face had enough charms to mesmerise thousands of people with just a glance.

The pair was unique and not something that they saw every day in this city.

The lady pointed at the bar on the other corner of the hall and said "If it is the information that you are looking for, you can buy it from there".

Simon thanked her before heading towards the bar. Right after they left, the other staff near the lady asked her in hushed voice "I believe I have not seen them here before? Are they from outside?".

The lady nodded before writing something on the parchment.

Compared to the counter, the people gathered at the bar were clearly quite numerous. The group sitting around here could be said very boisterous, an effect of the alcohol doing its effect.

Taking a seat at the corner of the counter, they looked around the bar hearing bits and pieces of information relayed around before tearing their attention away.

"Hehe, you there friend… your face doesn't look familiar? Are you by chance new to the city?".

The person seating adjacent to them suddenly initiated a conversation. He was a middle-aged man with short brown hair and a friendly looking face, his facial features could have been said handsome if not for the unkempt beard he had allowed to grow.

No matter how Simon at him, the man had an aura of a veteran who had seen his fair share of adventures.

"You are?" Simon couldn't help but ask. "Ah! Where are my manners. The name is Scott, Scott Green… as for you my friend?" the man named Scott introduced himself.

Simon nodded before replying nonchalantly "Simon, you can just call me Simon, this here is… um..".

"Hmph, I see no point in introducing my name to a human of no value" Adalinda snorted not bothering to give them any face.

'Human?' Scott squinted his eyes at those words.

"Don't mind her, she is not used to socialising with others" Simon said trying to lighten the mood. He felt it was unwise to disturb the mood of the room even before they have gained any information.

Scott waved his hands indicating that he did not mind it one bit.

"As you have already guessed, we have arrived in this city just today" Simon admitted as there was no point in hiding it especially when the other party had already guessed that much.

"I see… so what brings you to this city?" Scott asked trying to probe something out of him.

"We just had some business here. Anyways, we are here to buy some information… by chance do you happen to know some events that had recently happened around the city?" Simon brought out a pouch of coins from his inventory and slipped it towards Scott.

Scott gave the contents of the pouch a quick glance before smiling slyly "Hehe, this amount of money is nothing my friend. If you want to learn some information, you have to dish out double of that or at least a gold coin".

Simon frowned, truth to be said, he wasn't familiar with the monetary system of humans and whatever knowledge he had, was from his time on earth.

Earlier, he had provided a pouch containing fifty silver coins to Scott; however, it seemed that it wasn't enough to buy him the information. The man demanded double of that or a gold coin… if he was to believe the man, then it meant that hundred silvers coins amounted to one gold coin.

The space ring that he had plundered from Laris had about a thousand copper coins, a few hundred silver coins and ten gold coins. Processing all of his thoughts with [Thought Processing], Simon dished out another fifty silver coins.

"Hahaha, that's more like it my friend" Scott quickly hoarded the coins before continuing "Have you heard about the recent tragedy that washed over the once top guild of this city, the Sea God's Trident?"

"It's the talk of the city after all. According to the news that I received, only the branch manager of the guild and a woman were the only ones that came back alive out of all those that went to that expedition".

Seeing that Simon wasn't surprised by this information, Scott provided another piece of news "Well I'm not surprised that you have already heard of it. But here is the catch, the Sea God's guild here is the branch of the main guild located in the capital city and is considered one of the top five guild amongst the whole kingdom. What the ordinary citizen doesn't know is that the tragedy was planned by someone. Naturally, there was a mastermind behind all of that".

When he enunciated till here, Scott noticed an unnatural glint in the eyes of Simon before he continued "According to some rumours, the people from the main guild were quite furious when they received the news. After all, they cannot stay quiet after what happened to their branch".

"As one of the top five guilds across the whole kingdom, they have a reputation to maintain. They dispatched a group of elite adventurers to avenge what happened here and do you know who they decided to send along?".

Scott lowered his voice even further and smiled widely "It was Godwin, the one who is renowned across the whole kingdom as someone who is going to join the status of the Rankers soon. There are even some witnesses who say that they have seen Godwin here in the city of Mountmend".

"Additionally, although it is not verified yet but it seems that the perpetrators of that event were from the barony of Morgress. According to some of my sources, there was a big incident in the city of Morgress. The news has not travelled here since it is being tightly kept secret by the men of Duke Redcrest".

Simon digested all of the information that he got from Scott and according to it, the situation that had developed near his dungeon, had blown up to become quite a big issue.

Who would have known that the party that was being massacred at that time, would be a branch of such a distinguished guild whose name was renowned across the whole kingdom.

Aside from that, the name which piqued his most interest was the name Morgress.. If his memories served right, during the final hours of Laris, he seemed to have mentioned his guild which was located at the city of Morgress.

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