Chapter 211: Null Elemental

Hearing her words Simon turned towards her, pointed at the ball of light that was levitating above the ground and asked "What did you say it is?".

However, instead of answering him directly, she continued to stare at the ball of light and Simon who had summoned it.

"It is unbelievable to see a Null Elemental at this level of plane".

" A Null Elemental?" Simon repeated and tried to use Analysis on it. The result he got was the most bizarre thing he had seen to say no less.

As Irene had mentioned, its race was a Null Elemental but the peculiar thing about it was not just its name but also it's level and everything.

Analysis displayed that it was unable to level and it only had a few inherent skills of unknown capabilities.

Instead of helping, the Analysis made it even more confusing. How was he supposed to know what in the world he had summoned now?

Trying his best to remain calm, Simon tried to initiate a conversation with it only to get Beep-Boop sound like that of a sonar.

In that regard, the thing in front of him was quite similar to the thing he had seen in his transcendent state back during the trial of the Ancient Titan Treant. However, he was unable to communicate with this one.

"Quick… place your hands on it before it gains full spirituality.. hurry up" Irene said in an unsusually hurried tone.

Recognizing the urgency in her voice, Simon complied with her and placed his hands on top of the wisp of light.

The moment he touched it, he felt a sensation as if it was tangible and intangible at the same. While he musing over what was the objective behind placing his hands on top of it, he suddenly felt as if the whole world around him suddenly fade and change into something else.

The scene that lay in front of him was a vast universe with an uncountable number of stars dotting it.

[Beep-Boop-Ping] the null elemental made a noise and the surrounding stars greeted it by twinkling.

The scene around him changed and now he was in front of a huge sun that was about to explode in a supernova.

The scene changed once again and now he was in front of a gigantic back hole which gave chills all over his body.

Just like that, the scenes changed many times, and Simon found himself in different places. The complexity and profundity of the information rushing to his brain was so much that Simon had a splitting headache that threatened to tear his brain apart.

Fortunately, before he could get overwhelmed by its immensity, he was back on his main floor.

"Gugh… huff..huff" Simon staggered and hastily removed his hands from the ball of light. His body was drenched in sweat and he looked just like a person who had a nightmare.

"Big brother… big brother are you alright? Your face looks place, what happened? You just placed your hand on that thing and started huffing all of a sudden" Cecilia supported his staggering self and asked in concern.

Well even if she asked him that, he himself did not know what just happened and the things that he saw was beyond the comprehension of his current self.

"It seems you were able to establish a link with it. How was it experiencing the world of the Null Elemental?" a sweet fragrance drifted in the air and assaulted his nose.

Feeling a soft sensation around his arm, he found Irene supporting him.

"A link?" he asked confused by her words. The thing he saw supposed to be a link with that ball of light?

[Beep-Boop-Beep] the wisp of light communicated with sonar like sounds.

Huh? Strangely enough, for some reason, Simon felt like it had responded to his question.

"Yes, only a person that has created a link with the Null Elemental could see its world. And judging from your expression and reaction I'm pretty sure you have experienced it" Irene explained.

Although her explanation was simple, Simon felt like he did not understand a thing much like another someone who was tilting her head and looking at Null Elemental as if it was some kind of toy.

Seeing his dumfounded expression, Irene shook her and smiled helplessly "I'm the one who should be amazed. No matter exaggerated that [Main Menu] of yours is but to be able to summon a Null Elemental. I guess it is even more special than what you give it credit for. With something as ridiculous as this menu, no wonder you were so confident".

Irene's crystal blue eyes carefully observed the man who seemed to have become more mysterious than ever.

Having the ability to summon her, have a Forest Spring Royal Spirit as his little sister and now even bonding with a Null Elemental. All these occurrences and fate working in his favour didn't feel like coincidences anymore.

Unaware of the inner turmoil in Irene's heart, Simon continued to stare at the Null Elemental before asking "What exactly is that thing?".

[Beep-Boop-Beep] the Null Elemental once gain made some strange noises.

Smiling a little, Irene commented, "It seems it is offended by your remark".

"Offended? That thing?" his eyes twitching, Simon asked for clarification.

"Yes, although it looks like a wisp, it is an extremely sentient spiritual entity. The Null Elementals are born in the cracks between the dimension of space and time. Their body have no origin and no end which you have already experienced a while ago".

"These wisps of light called the Null Elemental, are the creation of the universe full of life force, older than time and beyond the comprehension of any mortal. It is abysmally rare to even feel their presence much less actually meeting one".

Irene explained throwing out every knowledge she had of it.

After her explanation ended, Simon felt as if he was better off without asking. Everything that she had said went over him and he felt like his head hurting even more from trying to make sense of it.

"In any case, it is alive right?" He looked at Irene and asked.

With a simple nod of her head, she answered his question which made him think inwardly. 'Why couldn't you just say that instead of talking so roundabout?'.

Although her explanation was cumbersome and difficult to understand, it raised his expectation for the Null Elemental.

"So how powerful is it?" Something that is born in the cracks between the dimension of space and time, has to be incredibly powerful right?

Hearing his question, Irene went silent for a while before replying "In terms of strength it has no power. It can neither defend nor attack and is the weakest of all creation".

The words that came out of her mouth, immediately dropped a bucket of cold water on his excitement.

It has no power? The weakest of all creation? Simon's face twitched and he didn't know what kind of face he was making right now.

Look here, what was with that hype and lengthy explanation about it if it was so damn weak? He was an idiot to think for a moment that he got his hands on an incredibly powerful subordinate. ofc course all of this was his internal thought.

Looking at his demoralised face and knowing what he was thinking, Irene couldn't help but sigh in exasperation. It was better for her to show him how incredible the Null Elemental was instead of giving him some lengthy explanation.

"I did say it is the weakest of all creation but that is true only if you look at it subjectively. Right now you are unable to fathom how incredible the abilities of a Null Elemental are. However, I'm sure in the future you would understand my meaning when I say how lucky you are".

"It is that amazing? Wow, Big brother you have summoned something so cute" Cecilia tried hugging the Null elemental but it swiftly evaded any of her attempts to do so.

Realising that there is no point brooding over things that have already happened, Simon decided to just accept it as it is. Well, it was not like he can send it back anyways.

The Null Elemental was summoned by using four emblems on the [???????] option, something that was previously impossible. No matter if the ball of light was incredible or weak, he was able to at least understand that the previous parameters of the Summon option no longer applied on this bugged option.

Three emblems were no longer the maximum limit.

So now it was time for him to see if there was anything else other than the emblems that might work on the option. The first thing that came to his mind was the various weapons and objects he had in his [Inventory].

Simon threw multitudes of weapons and items inside the back spiral but no matter what he did, it did not show any reaction. He stopped after a few attempts when he realised that it wasn't working.

It seems that low-rank weapons and aritfacts were no good which made him want to try his luck with the higher tier items but since they were precious, Simon stopped his thoughts at that.

Finishing his experimentations, he glanced at Irene, Cecilia and the newest addition in his dungeon the Null Elemental.

Now that he had summoned it, what should he do next? While he was pondering over his future actions, Irene approached him and said "If you are done with whatever you were doing let's move on to a different floor".

Blinking his eyes a few times, Simon questioned her in confusion "Why do we need to go away from the main floor?".

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