Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 205: Ancient Draconic Compel (2)

Chapter 205: Ancient Draconic Compel (2)

Simon silently approached it… twenty meters.. fifteen meters.. ten meters.

Just when he was about to reach five meters near it, the Lightning Draconic Serpent detected his presence and tried to move its tail in an attempt to squash him. However, it was already too weak and drained to even do such a basic movement.

Hissing menacingly, lightning… no weak sparks arced its body as it tried to scare off the unknown enemy that just approached him from behind.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt you?" Realising that the Lightning Draconic Serpent was on guard against him, Simon spoke out.

"Snort, did you think your presence went unnoticed by this one? You were observing the battle from the start trying to be the fisherman who reaps all the benefits at the end. Your intentions were already clear since the moment you came here. If you want to kill me then do it, I won't bow my head in subservience to anyone" the Lightning Draconic Serpent said staring at him with its wide Draconic eyes.

Simon frowned his brow and looked at the distant orc general and his commanders who were coming over here right now.

"Your plan did not work what now?" He asked looking at the empty space a few meters behind him.

"What are you blabbering demon… Wha-.. how did she? N-N-No w-who are you?" Just when the lightning Draconic Serpent thought that there was no one else in the vicinity, out of a sudden it felt an aura appear near him and completely freaked out when it felt the person's presence.

The moment the mysterious woman appeared, the Lightning draconic serpent started acting weird and its serpentine body which refused to bend down even after being wounded all over, bent to their limits until it hit the ground.

Its body was trembling and its wide draconic eyes violently contracted.

What was going on? Why did the Lightning Draconic serpent, one of the three overlords of the north and the one possessing a dragon bloodline suddenly become so docile and cowered? The only reason Simon could think off was this mysterious woman who definitely had done something to it.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"Nothing… hmm, if I have to say the reason, then it might be because of my presence" the woman stated looking down at the frightened and terrified Lightning Draconic Serpent.

'Presence! What presence?' Simon thought, the woman was so good at erasing her presence that it was next to nil. There was no way he was going to believe that the woman did nothing.

"Well you should hurry up, that orc is coming over here right now. And judging from the way he is hurrying over, it had definitely sensed you" the woman said teasingly as she savoured Simon's troubled reaction.

Ignoring the antics of the woman, he asked "What do I do next? How do I make it subservient to me?".

Extending her milky white hands, shapely and perfect, she lifted a droplet of its blood without even touching it and pulled it towards her. Just when the droplet was a few inches away from her, it stopped.

At moment an unusual phenomenon occurred, Simon blinked his eyes a few times, for a second there he saw the air around the woman vibrate ever so slightly. No, it was not just the air but the very space as if it was a thin transparent film, quivered slightly.

The changes were so minuscule that he would have missed it entirely if not for him paying enough attention to the action of the mysterious woman so as to not get deceived by her. Unbeknownst to him, tiny runic letters that was not visible to the naked eye, entered the blood and formed a strange array.

After what took her a second or two, her extended hand next pointed towards him and the droplet of blood came to rest near him.

Looking at the droplet suspended in front of him, Simon made a confounded face and asked "What should I do with this droplet of blood?".

She is not telling me to drink it is she? He thought as he inspected the blood for any peculiarities.

Hearing his question, the woman was the one who had a surprised expression. Blinking her eyes, she observed Simon with a peculiar look that seemed to say she was looking at an idiot.

"You don't even know that?".

"Well excuse me for not knowing something so obvious. Now care to explain what should I do with this droplet of blood before that orc general comes seeking my blood?" although that remark irritated him for some reason, he let that slide.

He was a demon born from the mana of this world with an impure bloodline and because of that the memories of the world that he had inherited, was also incomplete.

As if it was not obvious, the woman had to say it loud "I see so you are a demon noble born from the ample mana of this world. Well, it makes sense now… you just have to make a slight cut on your thumb and allow your blood to assimilate with that droplet of blood".

To be honest, it was natural for Simon to be doubting those words. You have to be a complete idiot to believe every word of a stranger whose intentions were unknown.

However, since he was running out of time, he cut open a small wound on his thumb and allowed the blood to seep out of it. Next, he extended his thumb and the droplet of blood quickly assimilated with his own.

The moment the droplet of blood from the Lightning Draconic Serpent assimilated with his own, a strange phenomenon occurred. It was just like the time when he was reincarnated into this world.

New sets of information that felt like memories came pouring inside his head. But unlike the previous time, he had to go through a massive headache, this time the pain wasn't that worse and easily endurable.

"What a powerful technique to be able to subdue a monster of this level. [Ancient Draconic Compel], a technique that can bind any monster that has a dragon lineage or bloodline within it to the user. So this was the method you were talking about. Did you create this technique?" marvelling at the absurdity of this technique that flowed in his mind, Simon asked.

The woman vaguely smiled neither denying nor agreeing with his words.

Anyways it did not matter to him where the technique came from, with this he would be able to subdue the Lightning Draconic Serpent who had the dragon bloodline.

Simon expanded his consciousness on feeling the Ancient Draconic Compel technique more strongly that inadvertently created a gateway between the lightning Draconic serpent and him using the droplet of his blood.

The gateway that was created by the technique, bound the Lightning Draconic Serpent to him in a master-servant relationship.

The technique once formed allowed him a certain amount of control over it and made it unable to hurt him in return. That was not all, with this technique he would be able to influence the mind of the Lightning Draconic Serpent slowly and make it absolutely loyal to him.

The worth of this [Ancient Draconic Compel] technique that the woman had casually tossed out, could not be even measured.

"Wha-What did you do to me?" the Lightning Draconic Serpent glared at Simon and roared furiously. It could clearly feel some form of network being formed inside its core stone that connected it with the demon in front of him.

To make matter worse, no matter how it tried to destroy or remove that network, the blood in his body would start churning and make it absolutely impossible for it to do anything.

The [Ancient Draconic Compel] was a powerful technique that once established is impossible to remove unless the master wishes it so himself.

Just when the Lightning Draconic Serpent realised that it was unable to remove the network created on his core stone and was about to flip out in anger, a flood of mana came rushing out of the network and poured into its exhausted and tired self.

Simon roared out in anguish when he felt the mana inside him was being rapidly depleted soon after the network between them was formed.

"Y-you… you were planning this?" Simon realised that at this rate his mana pool would soon be emptied, he ground his teeth, looked at the woman and asked.

Arching her crescent brows at the random accusation, the mysterious woman said while snorting "Hmph so rude. I did not do anything, you are experiencing mana depletion because the technique had successfully worked. Your mana is being poured inside the body of the Lightning Draconic Serpent; if you want to make it stop just command it. But I advise you to pour all of your mana into that serpent, that way you would have a better chance to survive".

"What?" he wanted to ask what she meant by that but before he could even open his mouth, the woman which had appeared as mysteriously as she did, was already gone.

"Who is there?" before he could ponder over her words, one of the orcs that was marching towards here, felt the presence of Simon and roared out loudly.

"Sniff… Sniff..  this smell!" Bellock who was walking along with Berigard and Belmarch, couldn't help but comment when he smelled the odour.

"Guhaha… Bellock it seems you know this trespasser?" Belmarch asked when he noticed the reaction of his fellow commander.

"Sir Berigard… he is the trespasser that had intruded our territory a few days ago and managed to kill quite a few High Orc Soldiers" Bellock said without tearing his eyes away from the demon.

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