"Hehe… it no longer feels impossible," Simon thought about the seven year agreement he made with Aldebaran. The promise stated he would only be able to keep the Forest Spring spirits if he became a Demon Duke and subdued the Seven Kings within the time period of seven years.

He still had more than three years to keep his promise. The lofty agreement that he made with Aldebaran did not feel as supercilious anymore. Maybe he will become a Demon Duke even before the time limit was up.

Simon felt his blood boiling at this thought.

Vague crimson black mana, emanated out of Simon and was moulded into various shapes of weapons. He can control them as he wished and he could even turn them into a gaseous, solid or liquid state with just a will.

The ability to compress and synthesize mana, this was the transformation that narked that one had reached level 600.

Simon continued to practice with his mana and learned more things about it. He realised that he was on the verge of learning another skill. A skill that bestows abilities and skills to other skills.

[Ability Conferment], it was a powerful skill that one can only learn after reaching level 600 and what separated the outstanding from the ordinary.

Simon had seen and faced opponents who had this skill. It made their attacks very tricky and powerful. By using the [Ability Conferment] to bestow certain skills in other skills or magic, it essentially increases the might of their attacks more than their level standard.

For example, if one used the [Ability Conferment] to add [Greater Force], [Destructive Might] or other skills into a magic, they can in essence double or even triple the might of that magic. The magic would also carry the effects of those skills.

This was also the reason why some enemies that he had faced were stronger than what their level suggested. On his side, Irene, Valkyries, the vampire twins, and everyone above level 600 had this skill.

Simon was also instinctively using it now that he was close to level 600. The berserk that he added to his magic, it was also a type of ability conferment. From this, it was easy to understand how powerful [Ability Conferment] was, if used right, it can even turn the effects of some skills and magic into something completely different.

Of course, the skill was not omnipotent, it was bound by the rules and laws of the world and had many things it couldn't do. For example, the skill cannot create something that went against the natural laws of this world.

There were other things apart from this, it would take Simon some time to fully learn about them. And so after playing with his mana and familiarising himself with its changes, Simon stood up, ready to venture out once again.

Time was limited and although he had already achieved his objective for coming here, he was not going to give up on the trial after coming this far. He had already seen how unique and mysterious the forbidden ground was, the treasure and allure it held was far above anything the world had to offer.

Finger of Ozymandias, the Radiant Crown of Brilliance, the Sword of Dawn, numerous valuable ores, the mysterious ores and the [Historia]—Simon was already looking forward to what treasures he would get next after clearing the sixth trial.

Since he went towards the west the first time, he decided to head north this time. This place was so vast, that he needed to quickly familiarise himself with it.



In the far eastern direction of the snowlands, a tall mountain range that reached the clouds dotted the place like a coiling majestic dragon. Beyond the mountains, a step cliff could be seen and a ravine running down as if dividing the entire land into two.

In the deepest parts, a group of over forty people could be seen moving forward. The snow here reached till waist and as they walked forward, they made a continuous crunching noise. A heavy pressure enveloped the place causing the atmosphere around the group to become grave.

Leading the group, was Godwin, he held a giant bastard sword in one hand and a shield on the other. Both the items were not ordinary, from the sheen they gave off they seemed to be made of Mythril or higher material.

Especially the sword, its unique craftsmanship, its unparalleled sharpness and the aura it gave of simply being carried by Godwin, was a telltale sign that the sword was of a very high grade, probably Admantium.

The others in the group were also equipped with quality gears. Although not comparable to Godwin, it did not fall out too behind either.

At this moment, the air in front of him wavered and Godwin gave the song for the group to stop. Soon, a couple of Assassins led by Raven, showed their faces.

"How is the situation?" Godwin asked. Raven shook the snow from his robes and answered "We are going in the right direction. I can sense the lingering presence of the target around here. It should further this path".

The snowstorm around this path was especially strong as such, they could only send a few experts like Raven who had many navigational and versatile skills forward, to scout ahead.

"I can also feel a terrifying aura sweeping into these parts of the land from ahead. How long before we reach that thing?" Godwin asked deliberating something in his head.

"From the looks of it, at our current pace, it would still take us more than half a day. If we fly there, we should be able to reach there in an hour and a half".

Hearing that, Godwin shook his head "This is the territory of the Snowsquall Drakewings. Their levels and number far exceed what we have encountered in the other parts. With our numbers, if we fly using Mana Wings, we will quickly be spotted by them and become sitting ducks".

"Not to mention that using Mana Wings depletes a lot of mana, if we fly we will only increase the rate at which our level is suppressed. We might get wiped out even before we reach the abomination"…

"Then we will ahead as planned and find a secure shelter to hide here first"…

"Please do"…

With that, Raven and his team disappeared once again leaving behind Godwin and the other warriors as they slowly made their way ahead in this violent snowstorm.



In the far opposite direction, Simon was currently busy engaging a group of monster that surrounded him. The monsters that he encountered around this part were not Snwoqsquall Drakewing but of some other race.

Icemane Raptors, a fearsome monster native to the snowlands. They were extremely ferocious and territorial and their body which was built to run on snow, gave them speed that couldn't be ignored.

Coupled with their powerful sense of smell, these monsters were a force on their own. These Icemane Raptors had caught Simon's scent and had followed him for more than a couple hundred kilometres.

Seeing that he couldn't lose them no matter how fast he flew, Simon finally decided to engage these beasts before they followed him back to his shelter.

Race- Icemane Raptors

Level- 441

Skills- [Super Enhanced Agility], [Super Enhanced Endurance], [Enhanced Defence], [Enhanced Strenght], [Heightened Smell], [Coordination], [Ice Resistance], [Strengthen Bite Force], [Silent Stalkers], [Swift Rush], [Glacial Hide], [Fierce Claws], [Frosty Bity], [Extreme Pounce], [Icy Tail Swipe], [Icy Roar of Resilience], [Pack Tactics]…

Simon analysed his pursuers with [Appraisal]. Although the Icemane Raptors were lower levelled than the Snowsquall Drakewings, they weren't inferior. To be able to survive in a territory with the Snowsquall Drakewings, one cannot look down on their ability.

Especially their speed, tracking skill and the pounce. When Simon was flying, he was astonished to find that these monsters could pounce a few hundred meters into the sky. They had almost caught him off guard once.

Aside from this fact, their numbers were also higher than the other monsters. At a glance, Simon could already count more than twenty hundred of them following and surrounding him.

Sigh… He sighed and unleashed his skills. Before the Icemane Raptors could even come closer they were bombarded with all sorts of skills and magic.

Some which were able to close the distance, came biting him [frosty Bite]. However, those ones were deftly dealt with and sliced in half with the [Burnt Sword].

Simon executed [Thousnad Sword Mastery], [Infernal Magic Mastery], [Lightning Magic Mastery], [Tempest Magic Mastery]. His steps domineering and oppressive as he made short work of the monsters.

From this battle, Simon understood a few things about the Icemane Raptors. These monsters although individually weaker than the Snowsquall Drakewings, they were far more powerful when cooperating with each other.

As could be understood from the skill [Pack tactics and [Coordination], their power relied on their numbers. In that regard, they were very similar to orcs who also had excellent coordination and fought in groups.

In any case, after dealing with his annoying pursuers, Simon continued his flight and scouted the area, searching for the target he needed to defeat to clear the trial.

Mid flight, his attention went towards his status. His level had risen once again after defeating hundreds of Icemane Raptors. It had now reached level 576 and was getting closer and closer to level 600.

Simon planned to use the sixth trial to increase his level as much as he could. Of course, it was not possible to reach the next rank in three days; however, he at least wanted to inch as close as possible. 

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