Simon had broken the harmony stone in two, he placed one inside the cave and carried one with him. As such, using the Harmony stone, he could always navigate his way back.

The snowstorm continued to hit Simon, by now a small pile of snow had accumulated on his back and his level had decreased by 100. However, there was still no signs of the Abomination or the end of this place coming any closer. It was as if the place spanned unendingly, it was just too vast.

Even with Simon's speed, he felt like it would take him months to explore all of this place. Four days simply did not make sense. Simon complained in his heart but his speed never slowed down.

Finally, after a while when he was deliberating if he should go back to the cave, he found something. It was not the Abomination, the target of this trial or the challengers but something that was native to this place.

While Simon was exploring the snow lands, this thing suddenly jumped out of the snow and pounced at him. The entity was completely white, it had six limbs, was bipedal and had big ears like bats.

Its sharp fangs and claws which were each more than three feet long, shined menacingly. Coupled with its appearance that somewhat resembled a white bat, the thing stood at five meters tall.

Race- Snowsquall Drakewing

Level- 453

Skills- [High Speed Flight], [Super Enhanced Agility], [Enhanced Strenght], [Super Enhanced Endurance], [Enhanced Defence], [Chill Ward], [Icy Breath], [Ice Fang], [Reckless Aura], [Camouflage], [Glacial Gale Strike], [Frozen Talons], [Ice Magic Mastery], [Frostwing Dive]…

When Simon glanced at the creature with his [Appraisal], its status quickly appeared in front of him. The Snowsquall Drakewing, it was a creature that was born and native to the snow lands. Its level was pretty decent and it had many powerful skills.

It was obvious that it hunted its prey by camouflaging itself with the snow, waiting for its gullible prey to come near before pouncing at him. Just as it did with him.

Simon quickly executed [Flash Steps] and easily dodged the monster. However, the monster did not give up easily. After seeing that its ambush had failed, it executed its blizzard skill to trap him and quickly disappeared into the snow.

After a while, it came diving at him from above, its wings shining and its momentum terrifying. This was the [Frostwing Dive] skill of the Snowsquall Drakewing.

The creature came crashing at Simon at a high speed. However, just like usual he easily dodged it and counter attacked. Numerous Infernal spears and lightning bolts locked onto it and targeted it from all directions. A feat only possible if one grasped [Dominator's Control], [Mana Flow] and [Mana Control].

Facing the siege of magic that left it with no room for escape, the Snwosquall Drakewing utilised its defensive skill [Chill Ward] and covered itself with a layer of condensed ice.

Simon's magic sieged it, the lightning bolts failed to achieve much effect, and the Infernal spears were also so. However, it did achieve to melt a few layers of ice. No matter how powerful the defence of the monster was, being sieged with many attacks at once, even its ice wall melted after a while.

The Snowsquall Drakewing roared as lightning pieced through its wings and targeted its vulnerable areas and the Infernal spears scorched its body.

Few seconds later, the monster dropped on the snow, defeated. The snowsquall Drakewing was not a match for Simon, if he wanted to, he could have ended the battle in an instant.

However, this was the first time he had encountered a monster like that. As such, he wanted to see how powerful it was and what it could do. Of course, the research was for the benefit for his dungeon and he had to say that the monster was quite powerful.

If it were the adventurers, they would have to form a team to defeat it. Unless they were rare class holders or were above level 500.

WHOOSH… WHOOSH… WHOOSH… At this moment hurried sounds of winds came from the distance and to Simon's astonishment, many white entities took to the air from the faraway mountains.

From a distance, it looked like an avalanche occurred in the mountains. However, make no mistake, it was no ordinary avalanched but hundreds of Snowsquall Drakewings taking to the air.

Right before the Snowsquall Drakewing died at Simon's hand, it gave a piercing roar that reverberated across the expanse of this white space.

Now that he thought about it was, of course, a distress call to its brethren. Hundreds of auras from the snowsquall Drakewings locked at Simon making him unable to run away and with a quick few flutter of their wings, they were already upon him.

They encircled him from the skies and came pouncing at him using their skills. [Ice Fang], [Glacial Gale Strike], [Icy Breath], [Frostwing Drive] targeted him from all directions.

Simon had no intentions to run away nor dodge these attacks, his motive was simple, he would take on their attacks and use them as the whetstone for his growth.

It just so happened that his level was quickly being suppressed and it had already fallen to a level below these monsters. If he didn't go all out, it would be difficult for him to survive much less run away. Since the moment he was found by these Snowsquall Drakewings, he only had one option open to him, fight and survive.

And so, a chaotic battle erupted with Simon as the centre, all sorts of magic and skills clashed, erupting into dazzling sparks of light that decimated the snow lands and even caused the snowstorm ravaging the area to become chaotic.

Although the special restriction of the place suppressed his level, it did nothing of that sort to his skills or his items. That is to say, the skills that he had acquired through arduous training and the skills that were bestowed from his artefacts, were not affected at all. They could fully display their might.

It had been a while since Simon was able to fight so freely and with all of his powers. The skills that he had learned, the experience that he had accumulated over the years bloomed like a brilliant flower.

Every training that he had gone through, every fight he had fought was as if they had become a weapon colliding with the wall that hampered his growth.

Soon, numerous cracks appeared in the wall and spread through the entire surface. Rubbles fell down from it and slowly the wall started collapsing.

Simon who was locked into a fight, felt his blood rushing into his veins, exhilaration coursing through his body and his movements and attacks becoming more sharp.


A heavy demonic roar erupted, causing the Snowsquall Drakewings to suddenly halt in their tracks, their bodies quivered and the ferocious nature in their blood was subdued.

It was not only the monsters, even the falling snow was affected by Simon's roar. After all, it was roar packed with the powers of a Demon Earl and its intimidation.

Forget about this Snowsquall Drakewings that only had the blood of a wyvern, even a lower dragon with a dragon bloodline would feel heavy oppression when facing the current Simon.

Soon the wall collapsed, the aura erupting out of Simon's body went berserk. A part of the sky turned crimson, and at this sublime moment a qualitative change started to occur inside Simon.

His mana which was in a liquefied state, started condensing once again. The mana that was coursing throughout his whole body started coagulating towards his heart at a high speed.

Consequitively the changes inside Simon started affecting his environment. His body became crimson and his heart beat resounding loudly. In front of the world that had fallen still, as if someone had pressed the pause button, winds started generating out of nowhere and pulled all of the mana from the surroundings towards him.

The wind started picking pace and soon Simon became the eye of the storm. Like a voracious demon, he absorbed all of the mana around him. This phenomenon could be seen from far away.

All the mana that rushed inside his body through his pores coagulated inside his heart and started changing forms. Vaguely, the liquefied mana inside his body started condensing and solidify.

Feeling this change, Simon quickly became excited after all, this was a transformation that told him that he had reached the level 600 stage or was very close to it.

From a gaseous state to liquefication, it represented a chasm that represented one had reached level 500. Many people and races get stuck before this chasm unable to take this leap forward due to the bloodline restriction and potential. Forever remaining ordinary.

Those who can take the leap, transform and become a being that was the envy of innumerable people. They were the people who could truly call themselves a powerhouse and gain recognition from the world.

Similarly, the solidification of mana from liquid was another chasm, a huge chasm that even fewer people who had already condensed their mana into liquid and reached level 500 could reach.

The leap from this chasm represented that they had reached level 600 and became an elite even among the powerhouses. They are so strong that they can cause natural phenomena in the world, destroy cities in minutes and cause true calamity.

This was not just some simple level up, but a qualitative change, a metamorphosis to be precise.

Time stayed still, Simon voraciously devoured the mana, his heartbeat resounding strongly. It appeared like dozens of hours or even a day had passed; however, the change did not even take more than a few seconds.

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