Luminous Judgment... One of the three ultimate skills, of the Sword of Dawn. It channels the might of the heavens to rain down divine energy upon a designated area, causing a cataclysmic explosion that obliterates foes and leaves a blazing aftermath.

As if the very heavens seemed to respond at his moment, divine energy converged above Malgrum forming a cataclysmic explosion of light and power. The ground shattered, air hummed, space collapsed and a blazing aura enveloped the hall.

In that sublime moment, time seemed to halt. The world of the forbidden ground was eclipsed by the brilliance of Luminous Judgment.

Inside the Hall of Mythos, the statues of Gaelen and Veridian became motionless, their role in this monumental battle fulfilled. Their forms fell to the ground, as if the will that had driven them had completed its purpose and faded away.

"Huff… Huff…" Simon huffed on the ground, his body aching and his heart racing. The aftermath of their battle left him battered but alive.

He gazed around, wondering if Malgrum had been defeated. The dust and debris began to settle, revealing a shattered landscape where the creature had stood. Half of the hall had been obliterated by the cataclysmic power of Luminous Judgment, leaving behind a chasm that seemed to defy the very fabric of reality.

The shattered remnants of the floor revealed a void that yawned open like a maw, hungrily consuming everything in its reach. The battle's aftermath was a scene of utter devastation, a testament to the titanic clash that occurred here.

In this cataclysmic clash, everything collapsed into the void, leaving only the door that Maglrum dragged with him behind.

Surprisingly, even after being in the AOE of the Luminous Judgement, the door and the area near it seemed to be fine.

"This should count as a win, right?" Simon muttered to himself, his voice tinged with fatigue and disbelief. Malgrum had disappeared, it was difficult to know whether they were obliterated by the skill or had fallen into the void.

Other than that, he was still out of sorts after activating that powerful sword skill.

[Congratulations, you have defeated Malgrum the vile and successfully re-enacted the past. Your actions and karma are being recorded. Calculating rewards… your rewards have been set. Please proceed through the door to collect your rewards].

As if answering his question, a notification appeared before him, alerting him of his triumph against the ancient force of terror. The complex runes on it started rotating, the door pulsed with a mysterious energy, and the chains around it came loose.

There was no doubt about it, this the door that the trial asked him to search for, the door that led to the exit.

That said, Simon didn't rush toward the teleport circle immediately. Instead, he took a moment to catch his breath and allow his expended energy to slowly replenish.

His body felt heavy, every muscle aching from the exertion. Though he hadn't utilized much of his mana reserves, the sheer physical and mental strain of the battle had taken its toll. The sheer magnitude of the battle, the unimaginable power that had surged through him, left him feeling dazed and disoriented.

He was still grappling with the reality of what had transpired, the fact that he had stood face to face with an entity that had once thrown realms into chaos. The awareness of his own vulnerability lingered in the back of his mind. 

He couldn't shake off the realization that a single strike from those towering beings would have been enough to shatter him. The disparity in power between them and him was staggering, yet the very same power disparity ignited a genuine desire within him.

He yearned to reach the realm of power where Gaelen and Veridian, these powerful ancient warriors stood. To comprehend the world from their perspective, and to fathom the depths of their strength.

Everything that had transpired in the trials, seemed to have propelled his ambitions even further. True, the objective might seem farfetched and naive given that his current self was stuck at a wall he encountered at level 560.

However, it was precisely this realization that fueled his determination. Every challenge, every encounter, and every victory in the trials was a step towards breaking through that barrier.

He needed to bridge the gap in power, to close the chasm that currently separated him from the realm of legends.

As his breathing gradually steadied, Sword thoughts drifted to the sword in his grasp — the replica of the Sword of Dawn. A weapon that had played a pivotal role in the clash, channelling the essence of sun and sky.

Yet, as he examined it through his [Appraisal] skill, he sensed a faint, lingering trace of energy.

[Replica of the Legendary Sword of Dawn, Quest Item] There was no other information, it was as if the sword had expended all its might to aid  him in that climactic confrontation, leaving behind only a husk of its former glory.

With a sigh, Simon realized that the sword had fulfilled its purpose, at least for the time being. It had aided him in overcoming an insurmountable challenge, and triumph over an ancient terror. He carefully sheathed the sword and stored it inside his inventory.

After a while, as he finished recovering somewhat, he made his way to the door. It was time he exited the fifth trial.

As he slowly opened the door, he was enveloped by a blinding light that wrapped around his form like a cocoon. The sensation was both exhilarating and disorienting, as if he was being transported through time and space.

When the light finally began to subside, Simon found himself standing in an awe-inspiring hall, illuminated by the radiance of countless treasures. The hall seemed to be filled with it, its walls lined with an assortment of riches that dazzled the eye.

Gleaming gemstones, sparkling crystals, and precious metals adorned every inch of the chamber. Ores of unimaginable quality were scattered in abundance —

"These are Mithril, Ehterealite, Chronium and even the elusive Admantium" As Simon checked the ores that were lying around his feet, his eyes couldn't help but widen in surprise. One could feel the excitement in his voice.

These precious ores that are extremely rare that even his dungeon was unable to produce at the current stage, this hall was overflowing with it. More than gold or any other treasures, what excited Simon the most were these ores.

It needs to be mentioned that at this current moment in time, what Simon required the most was not any treasure nor any training resources, he had his dungeon for that. What appealed to him most was the ores that he lacked.

He needed higher quality ores to manufacture the more powerful Andromedas and Warmachine. If you think about it, what's limiting the [WorkShop] from producing more powerful warrmachines were higher quality ores like the Admantiaum and Orihalcum.

Once his dungeon had a steady supply of them, Wisp could built a better and stronger manufacturing line. At that time, producing all kinds of fearsome Warmachine from that will no longer be a wishful thinking.

"As expected of the wealth of the forbidden grounds" Simon finally understood the words that Lucine said to him once, why so many people were attracted by the forbidden grounds. It's because the treasures it held that could change the destiny of a person.

The treasures here were just from the fifth trial, Simon couldn't help but wonder what kinds of rewards were waiting for him in the upcoming trials.

As he moved further into the hall, his gaze was drawn to a collection of artifacts that seemed to pulse with their own mystical energy. Grimoires with intricately carved covers exuded an aura of arcane knowledge, while weapons and armour of unparalleled craftsmanship shone with an eye catching light.

[A] tier artefacts, one looks was enough for Simon to tell that they were no ordinary items, they were the embodiment of ancient craftsmanship.

As Simon observed the arrays of treasure in the hall, his eyes were drawn to a raised dais at the centre of the hall. There, atop a velvet cushion, rested an object that seemed to radiate a subdued yet profound aura.

It was a book, its cover adorned with symbols that seemed to dance with hidden meaning. The mere sight of it stirred something within him, a curiosity and longing that he couldn't ignore.

"Is this book beckoning me?" Intrigued, Simon approached the dias and gently lifted the book from its resting place. At that very instant, when his fingers touched the book, he felt a connection being established.

The feeling was mysterious and appeared for a fraction of a second. It was so short that most people would pass it off as nothing but passing feeling. However, Simon clearly felt that something within him had changed the moment he held the book.

"Strange?!" He frowned unable to determine where that feeling came from? After being unable to spot any change within him, Simon shifted his attention back on the book.

As his fingers brushed against the cover, he felt that it was both ancient and mysterious. Unable to contain his wonder any longer, he opened the book, only to stand rooted in shock the next second.

The book he thought would have pages filled with intricate illustrations, arcane symbols, and writing, was… empty!!

Did it make sense?

Why was the book empty?

Wasn't it an ancient item, a treasure from the forbidden grounds?

How can it be empty?

For a second there, Simon felt like the being who created this forbidden ground and trials, was trolling him. But on second thought he shook his head thinking that it might not be the case. 

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