These Elemental Constructs once existed in a realm where elemental forces converged, and if he wanted them to attain the power they were meant to have, he would have to provide a suitable environmental habitat for their development.

Just as a seed needed the right conditions to grow into a mighty tree, these elemental beings required a nurturing environment to mature into the formidable forces they were destined to become.

"It's clear to me now. These elemental constructs are like young saplings, yearning to grow and flourish. I will do everything in my power to provide them with the environment they need to achieve their full potential" Simon spoke with determination.

These elemental constructs if raised in a proper environment can become powerful defence for his dungeon.

After Simon confirmed that the Elemental Construct have formed a soul link with him, he dispersed his people. As for the elemental constructs, because they were too huge for the main floor, he sent them to a different floor for the time being.

And just like that, Simon returned to his monotonous routine.

A week passed by and he was still stuck at the same level. However, his magic and skill training progressed dramatically. Now not only can he use his mana to cast spells without any wastage, he was even able to make progress in Amalgamation magic, capable of merging two Advanced attribute magic together.

The result was, the very fabric of space trembled as a vague magic took shape in Simon's palm.

"Huff… huff… I can't believe it completely drained me out of my mana just to form a single magic" Simon grasped for breath looking at a golden crimson orb the size of a baseball, slowly rotating in his hand in excitement.

It needs to be mentioned that after reaching the level he was in, the total Mana Pool he had was well over 300,000. Yet he was running on fumes only after conjuring a single magic.

There were faint traces of black tears forming around the magic, an indication of the space being violently torn apart. Not only that, the aura this magic released was so terrifying that it even induced changes in the mystical cycle of his Main floor.

Needless to say, he can't test its strength here; however, even without testing it out, Simon could vouch that it was strong, stronger than any of his attacks. After all, the magic was the culmination of enlightenment and achievement he had up until now.

"Let's store it there" he muttered something under his breath.

After another two to three hours, Simon was done with his training and was just about to leave the pond of serenity, when he heard a voice transmission sound inside his head. It was from Prime, the new [Administrator] of his dungeon.

The contents of his message immediately excited Simon and he couldn't help but teleport to the [Workshop].

Inside the volcanic mountain where Prime made his new home, Simon arrived through the path he created and confronted the other party.

"Is it really true that you fixed the Radiant Crown of Brilliance?" he asked.

"Of course, who do you think I am brat? Didn't I tell you that I will fix it, you still had doubts about my ability?" Prime released a yellow light from its body showing that it was unhappy with Simon's attitude.

"Haha, I never had any doubts about your ability. It's just that I didn't think it would be fixed so soon. Hasn't it only been a month since I gave you that item?"…

"Well, you already had all the items I needed to fix it. Normally it takes more time just to gather the material needed to fix the artefact than to repair it. However, since you had all of them, all I needed to do was set up my instruments and let my abilities do the work" Prime explained before returning back to his work.

This craftsman that he brought from the auction was a little peculiar in that, there was never a time it stayed idle. It was constantly busy with inventing, and tinkering with new items.

Of course, Prime hadn't forgotten about the Resonancer. It was working on it side by on the other projects.

Simon observed the Lumynar at work before taking his leave. Arriving back at the main floor, Simon called forth for all of the [Guardians] and his close subordinates on the Main floor.

After a few hours, all of them gathered at the main hall of the White Palace where he told them about his intentions to leave the dungeon for a while.

"Master, you are leaving? Where are you going?" Annette questioned with a concerned look on her face.

"Don't worry, I am going out into the outside world, instead I am going to the forbidden grounds to train" Simon answered with a smile. Now that he had encountered a wall in his training that could only be breached through efforts, he has no other option but to go out and seek a challenge where he can surpass his limits.

And what better place to break the limits of the body than the forbidden grounds that was fraught with dangers at every turn?

It had been a while since Simon last cleared the fourth trial, probably around two years. At that time, he was forced to go into the forbidden grounds as there was no other place for him to run from his enemies at that time.

However, this time he chose to dive inside the forbidden grounds on his own accord.

"Forbidden grounds?!" His subordinates exclaimed. They were aware of the forbidden grounds he spoke of.

"Yeah, I will be leaving the dungeon in your care for the time being. It shouldn't take me too long this time. Keep an eye on the Tower Town and the Seven Kings during this time. Although I'm sure they won't make a move soon, if you notice anything unusual, use this"

Simon spoke, taking out two intricately crafted long black plates the size of one hand from his [Inventory].

"These are?" Annette tilted her head.

"Echomir Plates, they are made of a special material and are enchanted with a wonderous property".

Just as everyone wondered what was so special about these plates, Simon gave them a demonstration. He took out a pen from his space ring and started writing something on one plate.

And to their astonishment, whatever he wrote, also appeared on another plate almost magically.

Seeing their surprised faces, Simon finally explained "When someone writes a message or symbol on one of the Echomir Plates, the inscription instantly appears on the surface of the other plate, no matter the distance between them. The magical connection that binds the plates defies the limitations of space, allowing for instantaneous communication between individuals who possess the plates".

Using this plate, even if Simon is away, he can somewhat communicate with his subordinates inside the dungeon.

The Echomir Plates was one of the few joke items that he had created back when working on the game that actually had some practical uses.

His subordinates understood what these plates were; however, they were still worried. "Master, is it possible for you to bring any of us with you?"

Simon glanced at their faces and felt their sincerity; nevertheless, he still shook his head. The forbidden grounds was dangerous but this is precisely why he was going there. He needed a place where he can challenge his limits and break the wall limiting his progress.

Even If he could bring them to the forbidden grounds, this whole ordeal would hold no meaning if he took the help of his subordinates.

"I see, since you have made up your mind, we will not stop you. However, make sure you are not being reckless and do not gamble with your lie again"

Irene stated trying to keep an indifferent expression. Though she was fooling no one, it was clear that she was concerned.

Simon smiled, hugging the beauty in his embrace. "Yeah" he nodded. After he declared his feeling for her, he no longer bothered to hide it from his subordinates. He would show his affection openly sometimes.

And of course, there would be few people wearing a teasing smile in the background while others burned in jealousy.

"Alright then, I will be going now" he had left sufficient instruction for his subordinates and enough safeguards in place inside the dungeon. As such, even if he was absent for some time, the dungeon should still be running fine.

Thinking so, Simon took out the Transit Rock from his [Inventory] that was the gateway to the forbidden grounds and crushed it under his hand.

Previously he had cleared the fourth trial, this time his goal was the fifth trial. Simon's vision wavered and he found himself falling into the long white tunnel. Soon after, his surroundings changed and he was transported to a different place.

As his vision cleared, he found himself in a dimly lit, underground chamber. The air was thick with an ancient, musty scent, and the soft glow of magical torches illuminated the worn stone walls covered in inscriptions and murals depicting scenes from long-forgotten times.

The atmosphere was eerie and the silence was punctuated only by the distant sound of dripping water.

"So this is the fifth trial huh?" Simon muttered observing his surroundings.

He walked around the chamber for a while and arrived before a huge looming door. The door was massive and had intricate runes and patterns carved onto it. Simon touched the door and spread his senses.

As he had guessed, he couldn't perceive anything beyond it. It was as if the door was blocking his senses.

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