Simon was sipping on his tea when suddenly he remembered something "That's right, do you think this can be fixed?". He said taking out a scroll from his inventory.

The scroll that he took out wasn't the scroll of return that he got recently from the space rings of those adventurers but something that he had bought at the Serene Palace Auction House. Yes, it was the same damaged space scroll that he bid a whooping 5000  blackgold coins to buy.

Although it was in a damaged condition and cannot be used, it was still a scroll that had the spatial laws in it. If it can be restored, the scroll was capable of teleporting someone anywhere within a thousand-kilometre radius.

The difference between a space scroll and a scroll of return was that unlike the latter, the former did not need a pre-established transit point and exit and can be used to teleport anywhere. Of course, there was always the factor of the uncertainty of not knowing where the scroll will teleport you.

In that aspect the scroll of return might be better however in the case of the scroll of return once the transit point and exit were set, it cannot be changed and thus it was useless anywhere else. On the contrary, if one can deal with the uncertainty factor, the space scroll can become a life saving tool in some critical circumstances.

Other than that, the space scroll also doesn't require extreme mana and concentration from the user, it activates as soon as one tear the scroll. There were many other reasons why a space scroll was seen as an incredible treasure; however, the main reason for Simon buying the scroll was because he wanted to learn more about the space magic.

Ever since he saw Berigard use the space magic, Adalinda opening spatial tears and the usefulness of the magic, he was fascinated by it. Simon would always try to understand or learn space magic in his free time because he knew how mysterious and versatile the magic was.

If he was able to learn the space magic he would be able to get another life saving card. That is why, when he saw a space scroll come up on the auction, he didn't think twice and quickly grabbed the item.

He thought that he might get some clue from this space scroll which is why he didn't bat an eye on using most of his money to buy the item even if it was damaged.

Irene observed the item before extending her hand to take a closer look. Of course, since the item was damaged, [Analysis] won't work on it. Hence, it depended on the individual's knowledge and ability to understand what was wrong with the scroll.

Irene spread open the scroll, looked at it for a while before asking "What about it?".

Hearing her bizarre question, Simon wondered if she was unable to see the problem with the scroll.

"You see that scroll is damaged and I was thinking whether there was any way to fix it" the reason why he was showing the scroll to Irene was because he knew that she was adept with space magic.

When he had seen her status the first time he summoned her he saw some absurd sounding magic listed there. One of which was the advanced tier of space magic.

However, even after explaining things so carefully to her, Irene seemed to look even more confused from his words. She gave him that 'What are you talking about?' look.

Just when he was getting suspicious, whether Irene was doing this deliberately when the person in question turned the scroll horizontally and said "This thing is not damaged. In the first place, this is not a scroll but a page from a space attribute grimoire".

"What?!" The words that Irene said, instantly made Simon's eyes widen, he took the page and looked at it horizontally. Now that he thought about it, it does look more like a page from a grimoire than a scroll.

All along he had been thinking that this was a damaged scroll and that is why it cannot be analysed. In the first place, the item in his hand was not even a scroll and was actually a page from a grimoire.

The reason why it was releasing a spatial aura was because the page was from a space attribute grimoire.

Then doesn't that mean that he was fooled? No, it couldn't be said that he was fooled since even the auctioneer wasn't aware about it. Very few people in this world are knowledgeable about space magic thus it wouldn't be wrong to say that the page managed to fool everyone at that auction.

Even Simon would still be living in that misconception had he not shown this page to Irene.

After hearing that it was not a space scroll but instead a page from a grimoire, Simon sighed in dejection. There goes his hope for thinking about restoring it.

There was no doubt a space grimoire was more valuable than a space scroll by a matter of magnitudes. One cannot learn the magic itself from a space scroll but that was not true for a grimoire.

Both were a one use items however, unlike the former, a grimoire was a special item that allowed the user to learn the magic stored in it. Grimoires are divided based on their colours, each colour showcasing their rarity.

There are Green, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and tiers that even Simon was unaware of. A single platinum grimoire was able to create huge waves and make even those renowned guild masters of the top five guilds of the kingdom of Ellesmere go crazy about it during the battle of the finest tournament.

It could be seen how valuable a grimoire was from this. Not to mention the page that Simon had on his hand was from a space grimoire, that in itself was enough to put the rarity of the grimoire above a platinum colour.

However, the thing was that, the item on his hand was only a page and not the whole grimoire itself. One cannot learn the magic inside a grimoire with just a page. What's more, if even a page is missing from a grimoire, the entire grimoire becomes useless.

Thus it could be said that even though Simon accidentally got his hands on something incredible, it was also useless at the same time.

Thinking that he had just wasted his time and money buying this, Simon was just about to keep the page back inside his space ring when Irene who had just thought of something stopped him.

"Wait a minute, could the page on your hand be the principal page of the grimore?".

"Principal page?" Simon asked looking at the page in his hand.

"Yes, if the page on your hand is the principal page which is the most important page inside a grimoire and is kind of like its nucleus, then it might be possible to gather the rest of the pages of the grimore" Irene answered.

She was not only adept with space magic but had advanced it to several levels. No wonder when she saw the page that was from a space attribute grimoire, she was able to quickly come up with this idea.

"With the principal page even if you do not have the whole grimoire, you would still be able to locate it using that page" she added.

"How do I know if this is the principal page or not?" Simon asked. Truth be told, he cannot understand even a single syllable or a word that was written on this page. His [Language comprehension] skill was having no effect whatsoever on it.

"A principal page other than detailing the most crucial part of a grimoire, will also have a faint magic circle enchanted on it" Irene mused. She looked at Simon and said "turn it towards the light and see if it has any".

Simon nodded his head thinking that it was kind of like a watermark. When he turned the page towards the chandelier, he saw a complex magic circle big enough to cover the entire page.

Irene, and the Valkyries all gathered beside him and peered into the page.

Irene: "I thought so, it really was a principal page".

p Annette: "With that master will be able to gather the rest of the pages and complete the grimoire".

Listening to the two of them talk, Simon became curious and asked "How will this principal page will lead me to the rest of the grimoire?".

It was true that the one in his hand was the principal page but how was it going to help him gather the rest of the grimoire?

Irene smiled, extended her jade white hand and pointed at the faint magic circle "This is not just an ordinary magic circle but the seal of the creator that made this grimoire. It was put into this page when the grimoire was made thus when it is near the other pages, or the grimoire, naturally it would try to seek it. The page would resonate with the other ones and at that time you would be able to sense their location".

So that's how it was, unexpectedly he still had the chance to get his hand on the grimoire itself.

"That's great master" the Valkyries said basking in this happy moment.

"Anyways, where did you get this page?" Irene asked arching her crescent brown in a frown.

"Hm? This page was something that I bought in an auction. At that time it was auctioned off as a damaged space scroll. I had no idea at that time that it would be a principal page from a space grimoire"

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