This means that even if Simon used his only advantage, his wings to fly around, they would still be able to reach him.

FLICKER… at this moment the flames of the fireplace flickered announcing that they wouldn't last long if another crimson bead is not supplied soon. The situation now had turned, Simon did not have time to stall anymore and have to raise his game.

"This will be a gamble but I have no other choice" eyes blazing crimson red, he uttered some determined words.

[Super enhanced strength] [Super enhanced Agility], [Super enhanced endurance] [super enhanced defence], [super enhanced magic], [Body Strengthening] Simon activated his augmenting skills and drank a few vials of elixirs of healing before starting round two.

Time was of essence, this time the concept of using his mana and strength sparingly was out of his head. These attacker zombies were unlike any other zombies he had fought up until now in the previous hordes and weren't an opponent he can defeat by pacing his strength.

The fact that even with the help of his [A] tier sword and its stats buff, he was still constantly on the back foot was proof enough that if he did not go all out, he can forget about defeating them.

Flames and lightning wreaked havoc around Simon. Now that he had acquired the [Concurrent Chant] skill and along with his [mana Lines] skill he can fight physically while simultaneously casting magic.

The magic he was going for, was a powerful AOE lightning magic which had the highest flexibility, swiftness and had enough destructive power to pierce through the defence of these tanky attacker zombies.

Simon clashed with the attacker zombies head on and showed them that they weren't the one dictating the tempo of this fight.

Simon deflected all of their simple attacks with ease and countered with his sword attacks that were much more powerful after the buff from his skills now. Even though there were three enemies attacking him, their attacks were simple enough for Simon who had a fair share of battle experience, to dodge it.

After suffering setbacks repeatedly, the two other attacker zombies skin had also started to become red indicating that they too had gone berserk. Now Simon was up against three attacker zombies that would stop at nothing to tear him apart.

In this wide hall of the tomb, destruction spread everywhere. As far as the eye could see flames and electro wreaked havoc and the mana around here was in turmoil. Four entities crisscrossed around the place at a speed that was difficult for an average person to see with their eyes.

At a glance, the battle looked extremely chaotic with punches kick and sword attacks flying everywhere. However, if one looked carefully, they would be able to see that three of them were currently engaged with an individual who looked like a demon in the truest sense of the word.

His crimson eyes, jagged horns, blood-drenched body, bat-like wings and the way he bent the elements to do his bidding, gave him a fierce appearance. Time slowly ticked by and before Simon knew it, half an hour had already passed.

The flames in the fireplace was almost about to die out yet he was unable to determine which of the zombies had the crimson bead inside it. This exchange with the attacker zombies, once again reminded him how troublesome of an enemy they were and how high their HP bar was.

Even after suffering so many magic attacks, cuts and slashes in their head, they were still able to stand back up again. The [Ultra enhanced Endurance] of theirs was so ridiculous that Simon wondered if they were really zombies or not.

Clenching his sword tightly, Simon brandished it in a flurry creating a storm of sword shadows that rained on the attacker zombies that were trying to charge at him with [Brutal Charge]. Next, he flapped his wings and created some distance from them.

Right now, his body was encased in flames and electro. While fighting with the attacker zombies he was also simultaneously channelling the amalgamation magic of flame- electro. Even though conjuring such a magic would eat up his already depleted mana pool, he had no choice; no, he was left with no choice but to use it.

Even his most powerful intermediate tier lightning magic was unable to damage them much. Simon glanced towards the fireplace and noticed that the flames were so dim that even a gentle blow of air can snuff them out.

In this situation where he was barely able to fight against these zombies, it would be bad if the curse activated and made them even stronger. He did not have the confidence that he would be able to handle them then.

Thus he had to take the gamble and expend all his mana for one last attack that had the potential to defeat them.

ROARRR… bright crimson flames mixed with purple electro roared as they mingled and spread around the surroundings and covered every inch of the hall. The attacker zombies had very low intelligence but even they could tell that the magic conjured was extremely dangerous.

They stopped their wild attacks and started fighting back against the elements that were going crazy. The three attacker zombies started beating their chests in a rhythmic order. Their powerful beat was enough to cause the air to ripple and set the mana in disorder.

The quickly spreading flames and electro, suddenly halted their advance at this moment and slowly started backing down. Seeing this phenomenon, Simon locked his brows. The way they were beating their chests, he could tell that it was definitely a skill.

[Drum Beat] he quickly recalled one of the skills they had in their status. To be able to disturb the flow of mana and set it turbulent, the skill was definitely like the [Disruption roar] that he had seen a few times.

First was against that butler who had turned into a beast after over-exerting his incomplete Beast inheritance skill and the other in the 'battle of the finest' tournament where a human named Marcus had used a similar kind of skill to stun his opponent.

DUM… DUM… DUM… the dull beating started spreading and quickly overpowered the flames and Electro that he had set around the hall. Simon's expression was grave, this was the worse skill they could use against him at this time.

Amalgamation Magic required an enormous amount of mana and control to conjure, if his mana was suddenly disturbed there was no doubt in his mind that the magic would fail and he would suffer a severe repercussion.

Not to mention he had dumped all of his mana into this attack hoping that this would be the last. No matter what, he cannot allow his mana to be disturbed at this moment but then again, he had nothing on him to stop an intangible attack like that which only left him with one option and that was to endure.

Flashing a defiant smile to trick his mind and heart, Simon gave up all resistance and instead started channelling his mana into the amalgamation magic even more fiercely.

RUMBLE… the elements which had been halted, started becoming active once again and rebelled against the turbulent mana.

DUM… DUMM… DUM… the sound echoed out across the entire hall and brushed past Simon making his entire mana pool go haywire and his mind go blank.

BITE… Simon bit his lips and tasted iron in his mouth, he used the stimulus of the pain to forcefully stay conscious. It would be all over if his mind faltered now. Activating [High-Speed Thought processing] skill he forcefully made the turbulent mana within him flow through his mana lines and kept on feeding his mana to his magic.

Resisting a disruption skill without any artefact or ability and only with sheer willpower and persistence, was something only a madman like Simon would do. Doing something like that would no doubt put an extreme pressure on his mana lines and might even leave him with permanent damage.

However, Simon had no mind to pay attention to these details right now as all of his focus was on enduring the [Drum Beat] skill that kept on disturbing the flow of his mana.

Fortunately, for him, the skill lasted a couple of seconds before the drum beat stopped allowing his mind that was strained to its limit, a moment of respite. Simon had survived through the disruption skill and had managed to keep his magic from going out of control but it did not come at no cost. C

urrently, his entire face was beet red, eyes bloodshot, and blood flowing from his nostrils and ears. It took every bit of his energy and mental endurance just to keep channelling the mana to fuel the magic.

  ROOAARRR… and finally the magic was near its completion, the ten meters long crimson dragon made of flames and electro, opened its mouth wide and roared towards the attacker zombies.

Usually, the dragon formed from the amalgamation magic of flames and electro would be around twenty meters long but because he was completely spent and the disruption skill had dissipated much of his mana, the magic was formed albeit a little less powerful.

Using all of his mana into this one last attack, was a big gamble and something that had to be done to win the round. Simon had absolute confidence that this attack would be able to defeat his opponents.

He let out a spirited shout and willed the dragon formed from his magic, to proceed forward. "Electro-Flame Mastery]… [Crimson Lightning Dragon]".

RUMBLE… As the magic started moving, the whole hall trembled and an aura of destruction spread everywhere.

GROOORARR… the attacker zombies roared and hurled the huge debris onto the crimson dragon in a last ditch effort. However, how could these attacks be able to stop the magic? The crimson dragon proceeded towards the attacker zombies unabated by the debris and swiftly reached them.

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