Godwin no longer spoke anything and simply extended one of his hands to create multiple of those mana swords which came flying towards his opponent from tricky angles.

It took everything Simon had to fend off those mana swords that were as deadly as [C] rank weapons themselves. It was like each sword had a mind of its own and even if Simon deflected them, they would keep on targeting him like homing missiles.

However, that was not the full extent of Godwin's assault, after creating mana swords, he applied his [Blade Heart Sword Mastery] skill on top and even rushed at his opponent himself.


Simon deflected the swords left and right and dodged where he could, but how could the [Sword Mastery] bestowed by his sword, be compared to the higher version of the skill that Godwin had attained after putting years of his effort into mastering the sword.

In the first place, other than his magic, Simon hadn't put much attention on his sword techniques and training. it was no exaggeration to say that he was severely lacking behind in this forte.

Godwin's mana sword kept on putting pressure on him and after a while, he was riddled with cuts and stabs everywhere. To make matters worse, the wounds for some reason weren't healing as fast as he expected.

Contrary to him, Godwin did not have a single scratch on him and his mana armour stopped every attack that the demon noble threw on him even at the cost of lowering its own defences and suffering more damage in return.

It was a difficult pill for him to swallow but Simon knew that his opponent was still not fighting him seriously and had yet to use his full power. Whereas, he on the other hand was approaching his limit. The buff from the skills he had activated was about to wear off and once it did, his power would drop by a whole lot.

The disparity in their strength would become even more apparent. It wasn't like he didn't think about running, he had been doing that all along since his humiliating escape from the capital. It maddened him to no extent that in the face of a strong enemy, all he could do was escape.

However, right now he didn't escape because he knew that the moment he did, the man in front of him wouldn't hesitate to deal him a fatal blow.

WHOOSH… Simon flapped his wings so fast that he left afterimages behind. Dodging Godwin's sword that came swinging down at him from behind, he turned around and deflected the mana swords that barred him from moving around too much.

This time, when he dodged the sword swing from Godwin, he clearly saw it. That wide blade of his, shimmering with a yellowish-green light.

"Hmph, it seems that demon is perceptive enough to see it but it is too late now, he has already suffered too many wounds from that blade" Raven commented a small snicker hanging at the edges of his lips.

"What do you mean Sir Raven" Chuck asked unable to understand those words.

"Hmm? Ah, you weren't there at that time I guess. You see Godwin and I got the opportunity to travel to the mainland once. There in one of the empire, we found a Master Craftsman to forge a special sword for Godwin that was made of Mythril and some part of the disaster class monster that we had killed".

"As a result, the sword that was forged, other than being extremely sturdy and being able to handle that dense amount of mana from Godwin, it also possesses the unique ability to delay any kinds of regeneration ability once a cut was made from that sword. That is to say, even if you drink potions or have regeneration skills like that demon noble, cut made by that sword would have difficulty healing" Raven explained.

It was as Raven had guessed; Simon recognised the peculiar ability of his enemy's sword and that was why he wasn't even drinking the Elixir of Healing since there was no point to it.

CHIII… unable to stop Godwin's rush, Simon got cut by the sword again. If it was a human, they would have already become unconscious from the numerous wounds they had suffered. However, Simon was a demon noble and his stats were much higher than an average human.

Thanks to his defence stats, those cuts from Godwin weren't fatal enough to render him unable to battle. Though that might not be the case now, the timing was slowly but surely approaching.

After a while, the duration of the skills ended and the repercussion from activating all those augmenting skills at once, caught up to him, putting an immense pressure on his body. Not only that, but his power level also dropped by a whole lot.

"Tempest Blade".

Not missing this chance where his opponents aura had suddenly dropped, Godwin channelled his sword with his powerful advanced tier tempest magic, turning it completely emerald.

One of the features of Mythril was that it was an excellent medium that can store and channel mana very well. Because of this property, Mythril was sought out after by all the strong adventurers of this world.

A dark emerald blade was created after Godwin poured all of his mana and magic into it. The sword vibrated and distorted the very space itself. One could even feel its destructive aura from miles away.

After creating the [Tempest Blade] Godwin released a deep breath of air and glanced at the demon viscount who was clearly suffering from the repercussion of his own skills.

[Tempest Blade], a skill that he created after combining his Tempest magic with his sword mastery skill. The skill was one of his most powerful skills and the culmination of years of his hard work and practice.

Using the skill meant that he was not only serious but also ready to take down his opponent.

SHIIIIINNNGG… the moment he swung the sword, all the air around the surrounding stopped blowing and a huge greenish gash appeared in the sky. The green gash was so bizarre that it looked like some kind of cut that was made in the space.

It stayed stationary in the place for a second or two before rushing towards the demon viscount, distorting the very space in its wake. The speed at which the gash travelled, was so fast that before Simon had the chance to see it properly, it was already upon him.

The backlash from activating so many skills was already putting a huge strain on his body, there was no way he would be able to dodge an attack that surpassed the speed of sound. But then again, he couldn't allow an attack like that to land on his body.

The power and mana behind the emerald sword energy was so great that alarm bells started ringing inside his head. His instincts was screaming and warning him not to get hit by it.

Gulping down the blood that came to his mouth from forcefully stabilising his mana that was in a state of turbulence, he poured every last bit of it into the sword.

"Infernal Heatwave" with a vigorous shout, the blade of the sword lit up with a beautiful golden light so radiant that it blinded the eyes of everyone watching it.

A golden sword energy carrying along an intense heat that was powerful enough to even sear the space, was dished out from the crimson sword as it travelled forward and met his opponent's attack head-on.

"Let's get back," Raven said hastily as he grabbed Chuck before recalling his wings and retreating from the area.


When the two different elements of energies clashed, the resulting aftermath was a huge big bang so thunderous that land for hundreds of meters was instantly obliterated. A fierce storm carrying intense heat and berserk winds, was generated and rose as high as three thousand meters towards the sky.

The violent storm was even visible from the city dozens of miles away. At this moment, all the inhabitants of the city were out of their homes and watching the distant terrible storm. the shockwave from the clash just now was so powerful that it travelled as far as their city and if not for the barrier raised by the local adventurers and magicians, the city's wall might have collapsed.

At this moment, on the northern corner of the city, around a wide clearance was a bizarre construct that was maintained by the adventurer's association branch of the city of Aqualin. Right now, the construct was lit up with a bluish-black light and a couple of figures could be seen coming out of it.

Feeling the terrible energy storm coming from outside the city, the lady in the front complained "See I told you father, they have already started fighting. If we don't rush there soon, it might very well be too late".

The lady in the front was none other than Lisa and the old man she was complaining to was her father, the branch president of the Adventurer's Association.

The old man looked at the huge storm that was dozens of miles away and his eyes was immediately clouded with a grave look. No matter how he saw it, this ferocious and berserk energy that they could feel from this far away, was a result from two extremely powerful advanced tier magic capable of even levelling a city, colliding.

If they got caught up in such a terrible storm, even with the adventurers he brought, they wouldn't be able to come out of it unscathed.

"Listen to me Lisa, although you have forced me to come with you here, you must also promise me one thing. Regardless of whether we are able to gain enough time for that demon to run away or not, you will not move too far away from the reach of these adventurers" The old man stated with a serious face.

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