The branch president of the Adventurer's Association was given a huge scare. At this moment, he had the urge to strangle the neck of the subordinate who came to report him about the activities of the Sea God's Trident at such an inopportune time when his daughter was inside the room.

Since he knew he cannot change his daughter's mind, he threw all the caution to the wind and decided to accompany his daughter to the city of Aqualin.


Dozens of kilometres away from the city, in the middle of the land of Loess, a huge blast erupted pushing the onlookers dozens of meters back.

"Seriously Godwin, do you not know how to hold back? What if you also caught us in that blast? You didn't have to use such a technique on a Demon Viscount. What if you killed him? Did you already forget what the guild leader's orders were?" Raven complained choking out on dust.

Contrary to Raven's lackadaisical attitude, Godwin had an indifferent and unperturbed expression.

"It's fine even if he dies, with how many members of our guild he had killed, I see no reason to keep him alive. Though it doesn't seem like he died from that attack earlier".

Godwin said, his narrowed when he thought about the peculiar action of the demon noble just before the attack hit him.

"What?" Raven was surprised, he didn't think that the demon was powerful enough to survive an attack like that from Godwin, even on the off chance they did survive, their condition after taking a hit would be extremely serious.

After the twister in the sky dissipated, a silhouette came into view. Simon flapped his wings and glared at his enemies with his crimson eyes from the sky. Just before that huge emerald green fist connected, Simon shattered one of the Golden Guardian Stones that created a shield around him and protected him from the attack.

Had it not been for the Golden Guardian Stones that he had summoned from the [Ga??????] (previously Gacha), he would have definitely been severely injured from that attack.

'That vaccum fist was extremely unusual, I have never seen something like that' Simon mused as he clenched his [A] tier crimson blade tightly. that attack earlier felt like a magic but was more closer to a skill or a technique so as to say.

In any case, even with the buff from his Crimson Blazing Flame Blade, he was barely able to match the other party. His [Ancestral Symbol Ignition] skill was still on cool down and needed more than a day to come active.

With one trump card down and one trump card already used, the situation didn't look good for him.

There was finally some reaction in Godwin's face when he saw the Demon Noble coming out unscathed from his [Howling Tempest Fist] attack. he didn't know what that thing the latter took out just before the fist connected but he could tell that it was the reason the Demon Nobe was unscathed.

"Intereting" Godwin said as he pulled the sword that was inserted on the ground, recalled his wings and took to the sky.

With one hand holding a shield and other a wide sword, he charged towards his opponent. On his way, he was bombarded by his opponent's flame magic that came at him from every direction.

"Champion Shockwave".

Nevertheless, with just one of his class-specific skills that generated a powerful shockwave around him, he was able to repel all the attacks.

​ Covering the distance between him and the demon, Godwin brought down his wide sword in an overhead swing.

Simon matched his enemy's aggression with a swing of his own sword.

CLANG… intense sparks generated when the two powerful weapons collided with none wanting to give an inch to the other.

CLANG… CLANG… CLANG like a brilliant firework the sparks from their clash lighted the read around them showcasing how powerful each of their blade was.

In the blink of an eye, they exchanged dozens of moves. Seeing his attacks being blocked and read by his opponent, Godwin put forth more power. Battle intent flashed deep within his eyes and he started chaining his attacks with feints and even used his shield to bash his enemy.

Simon on the other hand used his claws and [Mana Lines] skill to conjure magic fast enough to cover any shortcoming he had in his defence.

Watching all of this from a distance, Raven couldn't help but whistle in surprise "To think that the Demon Viscount would be able to last so many exchanges against Godwin? Even though I know he isn't serious but still".

"That demon Noble is full of surprises. What is more amazing is that sword of his, its grade is definitely not low to be able to clash against Godwin's sword which is made from Mythril. This demon holds a lot more secret than I expected… what do you think Chuck".

At this moment, Chuck walked out from behind. He had a complex expression on his face as he watched the two duking it out in the sky.

"What's wrong Why do you look so lost?" Raven asked as he looked at Chuck.

Chuck hesitated for a while, thought over his words and said "Do we really have to do this?".

"What are you saying Chuck, did you not listen to the guild master say how many members of our Guild he killed? Other than that wasn't he also responsible for the tragedy that unfolded with that branch guild you were managing? Just leave this to Godwin, he will make sure that demon doesn't go anywhere" Raven stated.


At this moment, something at the speed of a missile came crashing down on the ground raising a cloud of dust in the air. When the dust settled down a silhouette of a person could be seen coming out.

Cough... cough

Simon coughed a few times, patted the dust off of his body and got out of the crater he created.  When he looked up, he saw Godwin standing perfectly fine in the air and looking down at him with cold indifferent eyes. Not even a trace of exhaustion could be seen on his face.

He lost that exchange of might earlier and was pummelled to the ground by the latter. This bout with Godwin had also told Simon that whether it be skills, stats, or combat experience, he was lacking in every front compared to his opponent.

"Give up you are not my match," Godwin said conjuring a advanced tier Tempest magic and sending it flying towards him.

Simon clicked his tongue in annoyance and conjured a infernal magic of his own. Both advanced magic clashed and created a huge outburst of energy that devastated hundreds of metres of area and pushed all the parties back.

Using this chance Simon utilised his high-speed flight skill and charged towards Godwin.

[Thousand Piercing Blade Storm] activating his augmenting skills and the skills bestowed by his sword, he brandished the crimson sword thousands of times and sent forth a storm of blade shadows towards the latter.

The situation was too unfavourable for him, not only was he facing an enemy whose levels was multiple times higher than his, but he was also outnumbered by them as well. Not using all his powers in a situation like this would be truly foolish.

Godwin stood in front of the storm of blade shadows without backing down, his red mantle continuously flapping with the wind. There was no signs of anxiousness nor any worry in his eyes.

Just as the thousands of blades carrying a sharp sword intent were a few inches away from him, he adapted a weird stance, took a deep breath of air and swung his sword.

"[Blade Heart Sword Mastery]- [Emotion Severance Blade Formation]" Godwin murmured brandishing his sword in a mighty yet profound way.

The [Emotion Severance Blade Foramtion] created an illusion of him holding dozens of swords. Godwin, using the formation deflected all the thousand blade shadows. His concentration was high and his mastery of the sword was close to being perfect that no matter who looked at him right now, they would undoubtedly open their mouth wide in awe.

Chuck was the same, looking at the scene of Godwin bravely and effortlessly deflecting all the attacks of his enemies, he was once again reminded of why he joined the guild.

At that time, Godwin was just a rising talent of the Sea God's Trident, he neither had the authority nor the power to scout someone. Nevertheless, he still extended his hands towards Chuck who was still a nobody at that time and convinced all the senior members of their guild to at least consider him for the upcoming recruitment test.

Even Chuck at that time did not know why the former was so adamant on scouting him, who was just a no-name newbie adventurer at that time. However, it all soon changed when Chuck passed the guild's test, became one of the Sea God's Trident's member and started going into dungeons and adventurers with Godwin and the others.

He realised how talented Godwin was and at the same time knew that his destiny was different from theirs. To Chuck, Godwin was a friend, a mentor and also a kind of rival that he wanted to surpass.

And ever since then, he trained with the objective to get as strong as the latter one day. Nevertheless, now that he looked at the latter's skills after a few years, he once again admitted how monster of a genius Godwin was.

"Not Bad… to be able to make Godwin use the [Blade Heart Sword Mastery] skill that the guild leader only taught him, that demon noble is not bad. From his movement and skill, it could be seen that the demon has quite the experience of fighting adventurers" Raven stated.

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