It was as she had expected, Simon crashed headfirst into the barrier. The two people he was facing, was hundreds of level above him, it couldn't even said a battle since the other party was one-sidedly oppressing him.

[Multi-Cast] and [Shadow Casting] weren't skills that he would be aware of at his level. it was no wonder that he would find the situation incredulous. He was lacking in every department whether level, skills or experience.

Just when Adalinda thought about stepping in, she saw Simon taking out a crimson sword that she had never seen before. What was more surprising for her than the fact that he was hiding such a weapon, was its power.

Even without using [Analysis], she could tell that the Crimson blade that looked like it was made of blood, was a top-tier [A] rank blade. Using the power of his weapon, the demon noble was able to tear a hole in the holy magic barrier [Gladius], a feat that should have been impossible for him.

Lucine narrowed her eyes and smiled "See I told you, that demon is not ordinary. His fate is destined to be not simple, or else how could he be chosen as one of the inheritors of that thing in the forbidden trail ground".

When Adalinda heard those words, her eyes immediately went wide "You mean to say that he was chosen by…".

She was so shocked that she couldn't complete her words. Simon was pummelled back into the coliseum, and stamped into the ground by a curtain of white light. One could imagine the kind of emotions he was going through after being put into such a state.

His opponent can easily defeat him with their powers; however, instead of doing that, they were just pressuring him with their aura, intending to break his will and enjoying his struggle. His hands were targeted making him unable to keep holding the weapon.

Nevertheless, those glaring crimson eyes of his, never got clouded over with despair. His eyes still shined with the light of making it out of this predicament.

"Is this it?" Adalinda mumbled silently, her eyes sceptical.

It was true that Simon was a little special in his own way but it was nowhere enough to gain the acknowledgement of that thing from the forbidden trail ground. As her thought process reached till here, her preconception was brutally broken apart by what she saw next.

The demon who she thought had reached his limit, suddenly had this ridiculous power spike and was even able to somewhat resist the pressure from his opponent who was well over level 700. That wasn't all, the feeling and aura he gave off, made him seem like a completely different person.

No matter who it was looking at him, they could feel a heavy oppression that originated from deep down their soul. Even Adalinda and Lucine who were watching all of this from high above the skies, were no exception.

"What did he do? This kind of feeling shouldn't be coming off from a low-ranking Demon Viscount. This kind of oppressing aura, I only felt it against Lord Morax and a handful of few people in this world".

Adalinda uttered unable to contain her shock.

"What?! Same as Grandpa?" Lucine asked shocked by the revelation.

Though Adalinda wanted to jab at those words of her disciple, another surprise came from the side of Simon. The moment Simon activated his [Ancestral Symbol Ignition] she was able to instantly recognise it and was no longer able to stay calm.

"Ancestral symbol?! Are those ancestral symbols carved on his body".

Adalinda stood there motionless, she felt like today was just one surprise after another.

"Ancestral symbol… then that means he is one of the possessors of the fragments of Sin. A demon viscount who was chosen by a fragment, what a freak" Lucine said, her golden eyes was constantly fixed on the figure of Simon.

Everything, from his peculiar behaviour to her not being able to see his status and even being chosen as one of the inheritors by that thing, everything made sense now.

The Demon Noble who these two people were looking down upon, was someone who had the potential to become one of the strongest and stand at the pinnacle of this entire world. It wasn't an exaggeration or some biased opinion of hers but simply the truth.

If this demon was given enough time, those aforementioned words of her would turn into reality.

'To think that a low ranking demon I casually met back in the ghastly winding forest, would be hiding so much potential… is it really a coincidence?' Lucine thought internally.

Meanwhile, Adalinda remembered the conversation she had with Irene back in the dining room of that dungeon.

"Why do you stick around that demon? From what I can tell, you possess a power that is no less powerful than my lord… So why?" Adalinda asked, perplexed by the concern the woman showed for the demon.

"He is someone whose fate and destiny is completely tangled and obscured like an abyss. He himself doesn't know who he is but I think the day he finds out, he would be able to undergo a complete transformation".

At that time, Irene's reply, made no sense to her and was very vague for her to understand anything. But now that she had seen and witnessed what the demon was capable of, she couldn't help but agree with those words.

At this moment a clear sound of a bell rang out across the entire city and a huge curtain of light that comprised of an unimaginable amount of holy energy, dropped down from the sky and onto Simon.

Seeing that, Lucine moved immediately. She extended her hand and was just about to swipe down, she was stopped by her master.

"Seriously, I have a boat load of complaints for that guy. Let your master deal with those two nincompoops" Adalinda said while in her head she was constantly cussing Simon for seducing her disciple.

As he master, how could she not see it, the light in those eyes with which she gazed at Simon. Although right now it was just admiration and affability, it would take time for these feelings to develop into something more complex and powerful.

'I knew it, every demon lord are a bad news'.

"Seriously, what are you thinking blatantly flashing all those abilities of yours in the public" Simon heard a voice that was full of complaint and fury in his head and a smile immediately appeared in his face.

Adalinda stretched her hand and with a gesture of clenching her hands, the space above the entire city distorted and just like that her powers penetrated through the barrier and shattered the space in front of Simon before the attack hit him.


Davis after hearing the name 'Vincent' was surprised for a second before his surprise turned into anger. He did not know the identity of this mysterious presence that had just shown themselves but using that name so casually, cannot be forgiven that easily. Not to mention the other party even made light of their Adventurer's association.

"This esteemed guest, please do not mistake my generosity for my weakness. This matter does not concern you, it will be good for you if you do not interfere in it" Davis said, looking high up in the sky.

The crowd too finally became aware of it and matched his line of sight to gaze at the sky. There, they could see a petite figure proudly standing in the sky. Her golden dress, porcelain white skin and her lustrous black hair made her seem like a beautiful doll.

"Hoh~ I must say you have quite the guts to threaten me brat," Adalinda said arching her brows, an intimidating look in her eyes.

The audience doubted their ears, a girl that looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, was actually calling Davis Hall whose age was well over 500, a brat? They felt their lips twitching but no one had the guts to laugh at an officer of the Adventurer's Association.

Davis Hall felt his face heating up after that remark and saw the funny way the audience was looking at him. In his shame, he immediately used the huge magic circle in the sky to send forth a white beam of light thrice as big as the ones that dropped on the coliseum.

Snort… he snorted, the twofold magic circle that he had created, was his most powerful technique and the culmination of skills that he had gathered. As long as he had this technique, he wasn't afraid to fight someone even if they were a few levels above him.

However, even in his wildest dreams, he couldn't have imagined that the one he had enraged this time wasn't someone he could afford to in his impatience.

​ Simon smiled, this guy was really over his head, if he thought that attack would be able to even faze Adalinda. Out of all the actions that the guy could choose from, he had chosen the option where he was most likely to die.

During the course of their journey, Simon slowly became aware of how powerful the little girl was, that is why he could tell that even if there were hundreds of Davis Hall present here they wouldn't even be able to put a scratch on her.

That was how powerful Adalinda was. And as if to prove him right, Adalinda did not even bother to dodge or move from her place and simply allowed the beam of light to attack her.

Seeing the attack land squarely on the girl, the audience wasn't surprised and shifted their eyes. They all knew what the outcome of getting hit by such a powerful attack would be. Though they pitied the girl, nobody dared say anything.

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