336 Chapter 336: Furano’s changes (2)

Frost smiled and nodded as Nanna and Loki took his warning seriously, bunching up closer to him and Maya in response.

Kiba walked along the side of the queue heading to the forefront so as to gain immediate access. This action of course drew mixed feelings from the long standing refugees, with many of the young and prideful cursing under their breaths as they passed. They’d been waiting outside in the cold for hours, yet this man and his family just showed up and gained immediate access just because he was an adventurer, it irked them greatly.

Frost and his group paid them no mind, ignoring their mutterings as they understood their reasoning.

At the front of the northern gate over a dozen soldiers and guards could be seen manning the entrance and that was just on the ground, many more where looking down from the 12 metre wall with eagle eyed gazes. Riots happened every monster stampede, such a force was necessary to end them quickly and with minimal harm. The atmosphere was anything but cheery, cold, and militaristic but for such times it was the most apt.

Thankfully however a known and friendly face was awaiting them at the gate. Kato the gate guard Frost and Maya met when they first visited Furano was hard at work, doing his part to ensure safe passage for the refugees. He had significant bags under his eyes and looked a bit pale, clearly tired. He didn’t recognise Frost and Maya at first given that they rode on Kiba but the moment he did a large welcoming smile bloomed on his face.

“Frost, Maya welcome back, it’s good to see you oh and you brought the kids ummmm...sorry I’ve forgotten their names.” Kato waved towards them, energy filling his worn out body at the sign of known and friendly faces. Frost and Maya were sufficiently imprinted in his memory given that they not only joined him for a drink at his sister in law’s inn but played an integral part in ending his single life. Plus, it was really hard to forget such an attractive pair.

“Their names are Nanna and Loki” Frost didn’t hold it against Kato, he only met Nanna and Loki briefly as they were leaving. “it’s good to see you to Kato, unfortunately given how busy it is I doubt you could join us for a catch up drink.”

“Haaaaaaaa you got that right; we’re all being worked to the bone without an end in sight. You have no idea how many riots there’s been over the past few days, people are really on edge with this stampede. If the soldiers from the frost wolf battalion weren’t here aiding us all hell would have broken loose long ago.” Kato let out an exhausted sigh as he compared his usual work schedule to what he had now. Guarding the northern gate wasn’t exactly smooth sailing but compared to what it was now that was a breeze.

“Anyway, can’t keep this line held up for some small chat, sorry.” Kato received a glare from a couple of the nearby soldiers that basically translated as ‘hurry it up’. There was no time for catch up or friendly chatter anymore, just process and move onto the next one, dull and painfully impersonal.


“Understood, the man in charge ushered us to the front as I’ve got a scouting mission to report, here’s our guild cards.” Frost understanding the situation didn’t take up his friend’s time, clearly stating his reason for entering and displaying his guild card.

Kato nodded his head and waved them in, he got what he needed time to move onto the next entree.

“If you’re set to leave again I advise you to use another gate, as only the northern one handles refugees.” He gave one last bit of advice before turning to face the next group in line.

“Thanks Kato and good luck.” Frost received a backhanded wave before he had Kiba cross the threshold, entering Furano.

Inside the capital town the atmosphere was a sharp contrast to outside, the streets were busy, and people were cheery. Even the refugees sported happy expressions as they knew once they entered Furano their safety was all but guaranteed. Many had made this trip before and knew where to go. The shelter provided to the refugees wasn’t the best, but it was more than the bare minimum and all of it was provided free of charge.

Of course, people could work and use their own money to gain better accommodation and food which many did thus inns, restaurants and the like were flourishing with business. Ever since Douglas took over the territory the monster stampedes became less and less daunting after each one. The regular residents no longer saw it as a period of hell but a great business opportunity.

With the high well defended walls, the aid of the frost wolf battalion, adventurers, and the Furano family’s resource preparation there was no point in wallowing in depression, passively waiting out the disaster. Better to live life as per usual and focus on the benefits.

Though it was still a very dangerous time, and the residents couldn’t leave the town they would not behave as though they were under siege. Which greatly changed the negative feelings surrounding the monster stampedes. Even the soldiers and guards felt much more alive and tenacious when facing the hordes of monsters if the townspeople were in a good mood and cheering them on. Plus, if the atmosphere wasn’t dark and dreary people had less reason to riot and or commit crimes.

Douglas had chosen a wise path to embark upon when it came to dealing with the monster stampedes. A path that was greatly praised by the royal family and other nobles though it was also a path that stoked negative emotions in those same nobles.

Jealousy and hatred towards Douglas for overcoming a disaster so well and even to the point of making a substantial profit. It made many of the nobles look bad in the eyes of their populace and the royal family.

‘Why do we get taxed so heavily and live in poverty when those in the Furano viscounty, the outskirts of the empire live so much better despite being inundated with disasters every few years.’ Many citizens in the other territories thought like this, causing great headaches for their ruling nobles. Thus, their redirected their ire towards the Furano family.

Frost directed Kiba towards the adventurer’s guild so as to complete his scouting report that had been deemed as urgent. The sight of the massive, winged tiger had many people look at Frost and his family in awe. Their nerves relaxing as they pictured Frost and Kiba fighting to defend Furano, a few even bowed in respect, grateful for the return of such a strong adventurer in their time of need. Unfortunately, their thoughts were misguided Frost, and his entourage wouldn’t be here when the fighting began. Though their efforts would in fact help indirectly they wouldn’t be here in the thick of it, fighting alongside the many soldiers and other adventurers.

The adventurer’s guild was quite crowded at the moment, many adventurers had rushed back to Furano to enlist their services for the monster stampede defence. As this job not only brought much glory but had fantastic financial incentive. Payments usually started at 10 silvers per day and bonuses would be rewarded for high ranking kills as well as extra pay depending on the level of profit Furano makes.

Easy money in adventurer’s eyes, they’d already long gotten used to risking their lives in their line of work. Having highly trained soldiers by your side, war machines at the ready and high defending walls made the task far less dangerous to them.

And to seal the deal if you died in the service of defending Furano or one of the other bastion towns your name would be etched in the book of fallen heroes, you would become an immortal memory, never forgotten even after death. For many this was something more than worthy to die for, to become a legend, respected by all for your deeds, a good death.

Frost had Kiba wait outside while he, Maya, Loki, and Nanna dismounted and made their way inside the guild hall.

As they entered multiple queues could be seen, all for the different counters and clerks. Signs were above explaining what each queue was for.

[Accepting standard quests], [reporting standard quests], [monster stampede registration], [scouting report submissions], [other]. The monster stampede registration queue was clearly the largest, spanning all the way out of the guild hall.

The scouting report queue was relatively small but everyone in that queue was of significant strength. Each group appearing to be at the very minimum upper D-rank. Frost and his group the [white claws of Niflheim] would be the only E-rank party.

Frost joined the queue while Maya took the kids to find a place to sit down and relax and get the lay of the land. Only Frost took part in the scouting mission so only he could report the findings. Plus, as party leader it was his responsibility.

Frost stood in the scouting report queue for ten minutes but had only moved 3 places and was getting quite irritated. No small number of men were ogling Maya as she sat there chatting with the kids plus a large number of adventurers looked at him with frowns questioning why he brought his family to the guild hall; this was a place of hard business not some restaurant.

Thankfully however a saving grace arrived in the form of a middle aged dwarf.

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