Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 407: The Spider and Viper (4)

“I’ve heard a lot of rumors about you. Mostly related to women.”

“Huh? H-Haha, did that turn into a rumor……?”

“They say you’ve been jumping from woman to woman every other month. I’m impressed.”

Daisy remarked sarcastically. However, it seems Luke took that as friendly teasing as he laughed like an idiot.

Heroes are said to be promiscuous, and Luke was indeed experiencing a brilliant adolescence where maidens seemed to be in short supply in the city. It could be partly due to the fact that he was the adopted son of someone who was both a Demon Lord and the region lord.

“It’s not that impressive. I’m just putting into practice what I learned from Godfather.”

“What did Father say?”

“He said that the concept of family is about passing down one’s assets to future generations, ultimately inheriting wealth.”

Luke spoke with conviction, like a clergyman proclaiming divine truth.

“He said that for true equality to be achieved, the concept of marriage and family itself needs to change. So, if you feel comfortable or affectionate with someone, just enjoy your time together with them without overthinking it!”

……Huh? Did I say that?

Oh, wait! I remember now. There was a time when Luke came to me secretly, feeling guilty about having intercourse with Jeremi. Luke thought Jeremi was my concubine. He considered it sinful to secretly make love to someone who was his adopted father’s lover.

That was when I offered him those words. Whether it’s Jeremi or anyone else, love is a personal freedom. If the two of you are happy together, that’s enough…… At the time, I just uttered whatever words came to my mouth. I didn’t have the luxury to give a child a serious consultation when I was busy mulling over how to deal with Henrietta in Frankia.

‘Th-Then, is it okay if I, um, do that with Big Sister Jeremi?’

‘Of course, why not?’

While pondering what I had to do to mess with Henrietta enough that it might spread as great gossip, I gave an irresponsible response to the boy who had just entered adolescence.

‘The more you do it, the better.’


‘Just think about it, Luke. If you openly share your free love with your partner, would that not spread that liberal mindset? Throughout your entire life, the number of women you can love will not exceed ten thousand. Even so, ten thousand is still quite a number. You will be doing something good for ten thousand women. This is also the task that the goddess Aphrodite bestowed upon us since ancient times.”

‘I-I see……!’

The innocent hero candidate clenched his fist.

‘I understand! I will spread the message of free love to the world according to your teachings, Mr. Priest!”

‘That is a noble resolve, Luke. Stay true to it.’

……Now I fully remember!

To be honest, Luke is a lot dumber compared to Daisy, so I would always give him half-hearted responses. Jeremi enticing Luke was my order to begin with, so I didn’t really care. But the words I thoughtlessly spoke in jest ended up turning into Luke’s philosophy on love!

In other words, the hundreds of village residents and city dwellers who lost their virginity to Luke until now……. If you think about it carefully, it was all because of me.

What an unimaginable outcome. It’s not that the hero is lascivious, I was the one who created the greatest lascivious villain, a monstrous Casanova……. How deep are my sins……?


Daisy let out a chilly snort. Without a doubt, the temperature in the room dropped by about 2 degrees just now. Daisy stomped the empty floor with a thud. Of course, this was clearly visible to me since I was hiding under the bed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just stepped on an ant.”

I was being treated like an ant by my adopted daughter.

Daisy let out a small sigh.

“Luke, we are siblings and no one can change that.”

“Huh? Of course.”

“I believe we shouldn’t keep any secrets from each other unless absolutely necessary.”

Luke nodded several times in response. It seemed like having a long conversation with his beloved little sister after three years was bringing him a small but genuine joy. Unlike the visibly excited Luke, Daisy had an inexplicable coldness about her.

“Luke, I understand that you’re dedicated to your love life. I don’t have any thoughts about that, really. I’d even say I support you sincerely.”

“Haha. Thanks, Daisy. I hope you find a good guy soon too—.”

“But I have a question. Luke, you almost always spend quality time with your lovers.”

Daisy continued.

“But why do you indulge in masturbation every day like a dog in heat?”


A silence fell over the room.

Though I couldn’t see Luke’s face, the air hinted at his considerable shock. I only now began to grasp Daisy’s intention, and I, too, was surprised.

“W-What are you saying?”

“It is as I asked.”

Daisy’s voice gradually took on a threatening tone.

“There’s no point in feigning ignorance. I’m sure you have the item that Teacher Jeremi gave you.”

“……Oh, Big Sister Jeremi must’ve told you. Haha. And here I got worried over nothing. Seriously, she loves teasing people too much. I guess you inherited Big Sister Jeremi’s sense of humor.”

Luke tried hard to divert the topic with a joke. It showed just how embarrassing and awkward the subject was for him. However, Daisy firmly cut off his attempt.

“If you don’t answer my question from now on, you and I will forever be estranged.”


“I understand it’s embarrassing. I know you might not want to talk about it. But I have my reasons for dragging you into an empty room on a night like this after avoiding you for over three and a half years. So answer me.”

Daisy got a step closer to Luke.

“Despite having so many lovers, why do you keep using that slime?”


Shortly after, Luke opened his mouth.

“Will you tell me why you’re asking me this?”

“If you give me an honest answer.”

“This is a really important question, right?”

“I promise you it is.”

Luke let out a sigh.

“Ugh, okay. Well, it might not be that embarrassing if I think about it. It’s natural for someone my age to be doing something like this.”

“Answer my question.”

“……For starters, Big Sister Jeremi gave it to me as a gift. I think it’s been about five years since I got it. You know this as well, but Big Sister Jeremi is pretty mischievous……. She might’ve given that to me as a way to mess with me when I was younger.”

Luke explained while dragging the ends of his words. His voice was filled with embarrassment. He must be flustered since his little sister had exposed his private matter.

“What happened is…… Do I have to tell you the specifics as well?”

“No. Just answer the part that matters.”

“Phew, that’s a relief. In any case, Big Sister Jeremi messed with me frequently with it. How should I explain it? It’s a little embarrassing, but I got used to it…….”

Luke’s voice became as small as a fly.

“I may be young now, but I was younger then. There’s nothing I can do when someone older like Big Sister Jeremi decides to play with me. No, I’m not saying she’s in the bad. That’s just how it was.”

“But you made a lot of lovers afterward. Was there still a need for you to keep using it?”

“No……. It’s not that I needed it. How do I explain it…….”

Daisy coldly questioned him further.

“Did it feel good?”

“Uh, yeah. Well, I guess.”

“Was sleeping with women not enough to satisfy you?”

“……I’m the weird one probably. It might be like a strange aftereffect since it was my first time. Haha, I’m sure you don’t know about this yet, Daisy……but there’s like a type of synergy between people who love each other.”

Luke was still embarrassed, but he was now speaking more comfortably than earlier. It seems like he had accepted the current situation to a degree in his heart. An older brother teaching his innocent little sibling about sex, this was most likely how he had accepted the situation.

“Uhm, don’t laugh at what I’m about to say.”

“I won’t laugh. This isn’t something to laugh about.”

“……I think my synergy matches with that toy the most. Ugh, there were girls whom I really liked, but every time I made love to them, I would end up comparing them to that toy……. Hah. This makes me feel bad for all the girls I dated.”

Daisy let out a small laugh.

How did Luke perceive this laugh? Luke shouted.

“You promised not to laugh!”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.”

“Whatever. I’m not going to tell you anything now.”

Luke was evidently sulking.

“It’s only natural for a toy to feel different from the actual thing. In the first place, Father has been way too soft with you, Daisy. I can’t believe he hasn’t even educated you about this! There’s a difference between knowing and being indifferent and being indifferent because you don’t know. I’ll have to tell him about this tomorrow so that—.”

“It’s me, Brother.”

Daisy cut him off.

With a tone void of emotion.

“That’s mine.”

“……What are you saying all of a sudden?”

The good-natured Luke was gradually starting to lose his temper.

Instead of answering him, Daisy stood up and approached a drawer. I could hear the sound of her rummaging around before pulling out something. I couldn’t see what Daisy had pulled out from my angle, but I had a good feeling I knew what it was.

“It’s the same as this, isn’t it? The slime you have.”


“You probably don’t know this, but you only have one half of that transparent slime. It shares its senses with its other half. For example, if your slime bends, then this slime will also bend similarly.”

“I seriously don’t understand what you’re trying to sa—”

“It was five years ago in the forest of Frankia.”

Luke shut his mouth.

Daisy continued softly.

“The forest was so dense that even sunlight struggled to get through the leaves. It was midday, but there was a chill in the air. A few days prior, Teacher Jeremi had inserted a transparent slime into my body, but I didn’t know the reason why. That day, I saw her take you somewhere into the forest, so I secretly followed.”


“I hid in the foliage and peaked at you two. You were sitting on a boulder and Teacher Jeremi was caressing you. It was shocking, but that was nothing compared to what followed next.”

By mixing small lies with the overwhelming truth,

Daisy’s words became arrows that stabbed into Luke’s flesh.

“Teacher Jeremi took something out. I couldn’t make it out clearly because of the distance, but I could at least tell it looked the same as the thing that was forcefully gifted to me a few days ago. I couldn’t help but resent my good eyesight at that moment.”

“You’re lying……. Daisy, what are you saying……?”

Luke’s voice trembled.

“Your jokes are going too far. W-Was it Big Sister Jeremi? Did she put you up to this……? This won’t do. Where’s Jeremi’s room? Is it on this floor? I need to go and—”

“Don’t run away.”

As Luke hesitated to get up from the bed, a chilling voice flowed from Daisy’s lips. I couldn’t see what was happening from my position. However, I could tell Daisy was leaning closer to Luke due to the shift in the position of their ankles.

“Look me in the eyes and listen till the very end.”

“Uh, ugh…….”

“It enveloped you. And, at the same time, the thing inside me vibrated in the same way. Over and over again. I had to desperately suppress the moans escaping my lips. I collapsed to the ground, wishing for that hellish time to end quickly.”

“Lies……. You’re lying…….”

“Twice yesterday.”

Luke’s sobbing stopped.

“Once was around noon. The other, in the early morning. Did you sleep at all yesterday, Luke? Thanks to you, I was up since the crack of dawn yesterday. That hindered my work a lot. The day before that, you thankfully only did it once. Do you know what I’ve been constantly wishing for over the past five years?”


“Just once today. Please, just once today. Every time you played with that slime that apparently has good synergy with you, I could do nothing but stand in place and endure it.”

Luke’s legs shook. He was trembling all over.

“At first, I thought it would end someday. Just a little longer. If I endure a little longer, it will eventually end. I thought it would pass quietly as if nothing ever happened.”

“Ah, uh, ah……ahh…….”

“When I heard about your relationships, I silently shed tears. I thought it was finally over. But for some reason, even after a year passed, even after two years…… Time kept flowing, but the hellish moments never ended.”

Daisy murmured faintly.

“In the end, I couldn’t bring myself to look at you anymore. It was the same with our parents. That’s why I became estranged. There’s no way our parents could accept the fact that their son and daughter were practically having intercourse every day. So, even though three years have passed since then, you haven’t changed a bit. You didn’t seem to even remotely know why I started to avoid you and I had to suffer all by my lonesome.”


“That’s why I decided to tell you the truth today, Luke, my brother.”

Daisy pressed her body against Luke.

And she quietly whispered.

“You’re a son of a bitch who indifferently raped your blood-related little sister for the past five years.”

—At that moment.

I could feel the last strand that was holding Luke’s mind together snap.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. The truth is finally revealed to Luke. I wonder how he’s going to react. Unfortunately, the next chapter might get a little delayed depending on how this week goes. I’d normally keep translating this weekend, but I just got back from the cemetery yesterday for my grandpa’s burial. It took us 4 hours to drive down and then 3 hours to drive up, so I am exhausted. I genuinely just want to rest this weekend. If I’m able to get my work done early this upcoming week, the next chapter might not get delayed. I have a good feeling I’ll be able to finish early, but I’m just warning you guys in case I fail and the next chapter ends up coming out later 🙂

In any case, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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