Upon arriving at the villa, the first thing Raven did was to deploy troops to guard the premises.

The soldiers took turns in groups of two in securing the main gate while the others rested, and griffons watched over the entire beach, including the villa. It didn’t demand much energy from the griffons, as all they had to do was get up high in the air and observe the beach while leisurely flying around.

No intruder could escape the griffons’ watch because they had vision equal to that of eagles.

Karuta and the other orc warriors also took the opportunity to rest as they had traveled the entire distance on foot. However, the orc warriors had excellent stamina and they soon started wandering around the area out of curiosity. None of them had ever left the Pendragon territory before.

In particular, Karuta and the orc warriors saw the sea for the first time in their lives and they became stunned at the sight of endless water.

Raven felt rue for the orcs. In many cases, orcs traveled far and wide from place to place.

Their race itself was specialized for combat, so many preferred to move around to search for other orcs to fight rather than to settle in one place. However, since they still needed a base, many orcs lived in deep mountains or islands.

A prime example of this was in the archipelagos of the inland sea. There were several times more orcs located on the islands compared to the mainland. Distinct tribes occupied different islands and had been constantly fighting and looting for the past several decades.

There was even a saying that one could qualify to become the “Orc King” if an orc managed to subdue and integrate the different orc tribes spread throughout the Morte Islands.

The orcs of the Morte Islands were familiar with the sea, and they were also masters of navigation at sea.

But, Karuta and the Ancona Orcs had only seen the sea for the first time.

Naturally, they had never seen boats before either.

Karuta’s determination to fight and conquer all other orcs in the world had already come to a screeching halt in front of a giant obstacle from the get-go.

“Buy me a boat. A big one.”

“Big boat my ass, crazy orc.”

“Come on! Don’t be like that. Karuta will pay you back.”

“This isn’t a matter of you paying me back or not. Do you think a boat magically sails by itself as soon as you board it?”

Raven stared at Karuta with a dumbfounded expression. Karuta had squeezed into Raven’s room while he was changing his clothes.

“Oh, then…”

“Do you know how to row?”

“I don’t know.”

Karuta shook his head.

“I knew it. Besides, you would need a sailboat in order to reach the Morte Islands. Do you know how to spread the sails? What about the winds and the currents? Do you know how frequently the storms strike?”

“N, no, I don’t know.”

“Where are you going to get a crew? Who’s going to be captain? No, do you even know how to swim in the first place?”


Karuta awkwardly turned his glance and stroked his fangs. However, he soon pouted his lips and spoke in a louder voice.

“Ker! Then what do you want me to do? You said you’d let me fight to my heart’s desire. You, Pendragon, said that I would be able to fight with the other orcs until I was sick of it. But now you won’t even buy me a boat or help me or whatever!”

“Wait, you bastard. There’s a place and time for everything. If you wait a few days, you’ll have a chance to fight with other orcs.”

“What? Is that true? There are other orcs in town?”

Karuta’s eyes opened wide in anticipation. Raven grinned and patted Karuta on the back.

“Yes, just wait a few days. Go calm down the others as well and take a rest.”

“That’s a promise, right?”

“On Pendragon’s name.”

“Kuwahhh! Yes!”

Raven grinned as Karuta excitedly let out a shout of joy then hurried back to the other orcs.

What he had said a little while ago was true. Sooner or later, the Ancona Orcs would get a chance to fight other orcs for the first time in decades.


“Those little ants from Arangis who’ve come crawling clearly can’t differentiate if they are walking into shit or gold.”

The party had traveled solely through the imperial roads after leaving the Pendragon territory. It was partially due to safety reasons, but more than that, it was to brazenly show the world that the Pendragon family was accompanying the royal family.

The reason for the blatant display was simple.

Raven knew the future.

Originally, Ocean King Duke Arangis would consolidate the Morte Islands with a fleet of more than 10 sailboats and sea griffon troops under the command of Elkin Isla, who would attain the title of Stormbreaker in a year or two.

But now that Isla became a knight of the Pendragon family, the sea griffon army of the Arangis Duchy would not be able to display even a quarter of their original power from the future.

Nevertheless, the Duke of Arangis would still initiate a fight with the orc tribes of the Morte Islands, and perhaps still achieve victory.

The Arangis Duchy was known as the ruler of the south, and their forces were powerful. However, another reason existed as to why Duke Arangis could confidently declare war with more than 10 orc tribes of the Morte Islands simultaneously.

No one knew right now, but there was an orc tribe that was cooperating with the Arangis Duchy.

Latuan Orcs.

The oldest of the Morte Island tribes, and the most vicious and cruel pirate group of the inner sea – Latuan Orcs. They were the collaborators of the Arangis Duchy.

However, it could not be publicly stated that a duke of the empire had a symbiotic relationship with a notorious pirate group. Therefore, in the future, the Arangis Duchy kept this fact strictly under wraps, at least until they had almost finished conquering the islands.

Besides, the secret was well kept because it was nearly impossible to know the matters of the islands which were in the middle of deep waters.

Thus, it was only long after the orc tribes succumbed to the army of sea griffons and the Latuan Orcs that the relationship between the Latuan Orcs and the Arangis Duchy became known to the world. However, by then, even the empire wasn’t able to do much either.

The imperial city had been thrust into a volatile situation after the coronation of the new emperor. The empire couldn’t easily move a large number of troops after the bloody fight for the deposition of the throne.

It was suicide to consider fighting the thousand-strong army of Latuan Orcs and the sea griffon army controlled by the Stormbreaker out in the open sea anyway.

The Arangis Duchy had proudly announced the truth knowing the fact that no one could openly fight against them, especially after they had consolidated the entirety of the Morte Islands.

“But the only one who knows the truth right now is the Ocean King and myself.”

Raven muttered quietly to himself, and his face was filled with joy and determination.

Tolo Arangis, the second son of Duke Arangis, was now in Leus.

The man was called “The Killer Whale of the Rom Strait”, and he was the key between the Arangis Duchy and the Latuan Orcs.

Because his identity was…


“Brother Alan! Are you here?”

Raven quickly turned his body at the chilling, charming voice.

Sure enough, Mia and Irene were coming at him with quick strides and with bright smiles on their faces.

Mia wore broad shorts and a simple shirt which complimented her cuteness, and Irene wore a neat white dress with a wide hat that revealed her cool, fresh charm.

“You’re here… eh?”

But Raven’s eyes skimmed over his sisters to the figure that was standing behind them.

“E, excuse me, Your Grace.”

Lindsay carefully entered the room with a shy expression and her eyes lowered.

It wasn’t unusual for her to be wearing a thin, loose blue dress to accommodate the weather.


“Oh, ehem! Y, you’re here.”

Raven got caught up in starting at certain areas of Lindsay’s body, which were revealed more than usual. He came to his senses and tried hard to turn his eyes away.

“Oh my! Brother, you’re so silly! Even though she’s a concubine, Lady Lindsay is still your W.I.F.E. You should treat her more warmly.”

Irene seemed to have suddenly changed her attitude towards Lindsay. She bounced towards Raven, then took his arms and dragged him towards Lindsay.

Mia approached Raven as if she had been waiting, and tightly clasped her arms around Raven’s waist. Irene took Raven’s other arm and placed it in between Lindsay’s arm and chest.

“Uh, uh? N, no, this…”

Raven’s body stiffened at the soft, squishy feeling in his arms.

“Oh my, oh my! I think the four of us look good together like his! Don’t you feel like we’re a really harmonious family? Don’t you think, Miss Lindsay?”

“Y, y, y, yes! Yes!”

Lindsay’s face was painted red from embarrassment, but she still stuttered out an answer.

Even though Raven was flustered, he was also dumbfounded at the situation.

What was reflected in the mirror was his two sisters, as well as Lindsay, sticking to him like cicadas on an old tree…

“Now! Brother, let’s go take a walk and play in the water as a harmonious Pendragon family.”

“Uh, yes…”

Being occupied by three ladies, Raven waddled awkwardly with both his arms.

‘No, why is this kid behaving like this today? And why is Lindsay… Damn it! I would rather battle with the Latuan Orcs right now…’

He couldn’t hastily act in this situation as the guards and the maids were all watching him. He was literally dragged out by the three ladies.

But this difficult situation soon escalated into a nightmare.

“Oh my! I was on my way to ask Your Grace to go on a walk with me. This is perfect.”

As if they had planned prior, Ingrid and Luna were standing in the corridor. They too were dressed in loose dresses.


Luna was expressionless as usual, but the moment Raven saw Ingrid with a spring-like, soft smile, he felt a chill run down his back. He was familiar with the aura contained in her eyes. Her mouth was smiling, but her eyes spoke otherwise.

A warrior in front of a life-and-death adversary, or a predator in the face of a prey…

‘C, could it be… that woman also has the Spirit of the Emperor…?”

“Oh-ho-ho! I’m sorry but Brother Alan is going to be going out with just our FAMILY. I don’t think your highness would appreciate being crowded by so many people, so I think it would be better for you two ladies to spend a cozy time together instead.”


Raven’s body shook in alertness.

A similar spirit was being emitted from his pretty, but unusual sister Irene.

“Even dignity has its time and place. The royal way of doing anything is to give everything you’ve got, even when it is resting. You don’t have to worry, Lady Irene. Besides…”

The energy increased exponentially along with the deepening of the princess’s smile.

“You and I may someday become FAMILY too, don’t you think, Lady Irene?”


All the ladies’ mouths opened in shock.

But Ingrid came forward uncaringly and reached her hand out to Raven.

“Anyways, Your Grace?”


Raven was bewildered by Ingrid’s sudden transformation and the disappearance of the fierce energy.

“I heard from my brother Ian.”

“About… what?”

“I heard that you would. Fulfil. Your. Obligations. to the royal family. I also hope to see a little bit of that obligation from you as well.”

“L, let me! Let me show you around!”

Irene panicked and hurriedly grabbed Ingrid’s hand.

“This is good, right?”

“I asked His Grace Alan… And do you mean to leave Lady Seyrod to go by herself?”

“No, it’s… huh?”

Irene stepped back. The same went for Lindsay. Without a word, Raven lifted Mia up and placed her on his shoulders, then looked back at the four ladies who were each boasting their unique charm.

“I don’t know what you’re all doing, you aren’t children. I will take Mia, so you can do whatever you want.”


All four of them stuck glued in their place like sacks of flour while staring at Raven’s back…

But soon, all of them followed behind Raven’s back like little puppies.

Of course, they didn’t forget to give each other fierce glances.

This was the beginning of the ‘silent battle’ and the vacation of the Pendragon Duchy.

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