Anne-Marie shyly bowed her face while Isla inwardly gave such an evaluation. Count Elven continued speaking to Isla.

“Now, this is…”

He introduced the rest of his relatives and those who were close to him. Finally a young man who looked to be about 20 stood next to Count Elven.

“This is my younger cousin, Gerard.”

“It is an honor to meet you, Sir Isla.”


Isla had been about to shake the young man’s hand, then suddenly paused. Their gazes met midair.

Proud, challenging eyes full of arrogance.

Isla had not heard wrong.

The young man had addressed him as ‘sir’, rather than by his proper title.

“Gerard, where are your manners? His Majesty Isla is the king of a nation.”

Count Elven rebuked his cousin with a frown. However, Gerard tilted his head as if he had done nothing wrong.

“But is he not here as a knight of the Pendragon Kingdom? I do not see why this is a problem.”


Count Elven started to respond, but Isla stepped up.

“That is all right. It is common for children to make mistakes.”


Gerard’s face heated up, suddenly having become an ignorant child. He took on a fierce gaze, but Isla completely ignored it while grabbing the young man’s hand.

“Hmm, you must have trained quite a bit in swordsmanship.”

Isla spoke after feeling the hard calluses of Gerard’s palm. Gerard responded after raising the corners of his mouth, tightening his grip to the fullest.

“Yes. I am pretty strong for a child.”

A powerful pressure could be felt from his grasp.

‘This child, he knows how to utilize the spirit.’

A normal person’s hand would have been crushed under the powerful grip. However, Isla didn’t even bat an eye, but rather displayed leisure, even slowly shaking the young man’s hand.

“Only children try to show off their strength.”


Gerard attempted to respond, but Isla suddenly dragged him in and whispered in his ear.

“And Princess Mia has no liking for a young fool who tries to brag about his strength. Especially children who cannot read the atmosphere. Keep that in mind, little boy.”


Gerard’s face quickly turned red after being delivered an unexpected, decisive blow. Isla let him go before continuing.

“And always keep your eyes fixed on your opponent when you are facing an enemy. If you glance away in a battlefield, you could lose your head in an instant.”


Gerard clenched his teeth. He had been caught stealing glances at Mia as well. However, he could not act unseeingly in front the woman he fell in love with. He glared ferociously at Isla while stepping back.

“He has a bright future ahead of him. Is there anyone else I should meet?”

Count Elven shot a disapproving glance at his cousin, then responded with a smile.

“Ah, yes. I will guide you to your residence. Please, come this way.”

Count Elven spoke politely before striding forward. After the incident seven years ago, several of the families of the high lords had collapsed. Although he was the governor-general of Edenfield, Count Elven had taken up a position as a high lord as well. However, despite his status, he was guiding the two people because they were of prestigious status as well.

At that time, Mia interjected.

“I am grateful, Lord Elven, but I have something to discuss with you. Could you spare us some time?”

“Hmm? Of course. Then I will let the escort knights know.”

Mia asked calmly, and Count Elven spoke before ordering his servants to guide the escorting knights. Afterwards, he took Mia and Isla to his office.

“Now, have a seat.”

“This place is very classy. It suits your temperament very well, Your Excellency.”

Mia praised him while looking around the office, which was simple and neat, but also elaborate and beautiful. Count Elven waved his hands before responding.

“Oh my! No, not at all. It only looks like this because I’ve been using the place for quite some time. It must be because of the stains I’ve left with my hands. By the way, what is it that you wanted to discuss with me…?”

“Prince Raymond has been kidnapped.”

“Heuk! What? What did you say?”

Count Elven was shocked after hearing Isla’s blunt words.

“On our way here, there was an attempt to kidnap Prince Raymond and Princess Mia on a forest road in our kingdom. I tried, but I failed to rescue the prince.”

“H, how could that be…?”

Count Elven muttered with an expression of disbelief. His nephew had been disrespectful towards Isla because he was ignorant but Count Elven was well aware of how strong the Knight King truly was.

He was once discussed as the strongest man in the world along with Alan Pendragon. How could there be anyone who succeeded in kidnapping the prince right in front of Isla…?

“Who are they?”

“We do not know yet. However, we managed to catch one of them, and he spilled the word ‘Edenfield’. I think they must be based in Edenfield or have relations to the city. It is highly likely that the Prince is being brought here as well.”

“Hmm. I see…”

Count Elven nodded while recalling several mercenary and criminal groups based in his city. However, he could hardly think of anyone who was stupid and skilled enough to kidnap the prince of the Pendragon Kingdom.

“You will need to keep this a secret for the time being. If this gets out, it could cause great confusion in the Pendragon Kingdom.”

“Naturally. Anyways, did you deliver the news to the castle?”

“Only to Regent Vincent Ron. He will be able to figure out their identity.”

“Well, that was the right choice. Then… what can I help you with?”

“I am planning to go around the city looking for traces of the kidnappers. So until then…”

Isla’s gaze turned to Mia.

“Please protect the princess. Even though we have our escorting knights, I would feel more relieved with Edenfield’s knights assisting as well.”

“Hmm. Do not worry. I swear on my name and as the governor-general of Edenfield. I will protect the princess.”

“Thank you.”

Isla bowed with sincerity.

Count Elven was one of the few trustworthy figures apart from those belonging to the Pendragon Kingdom.

“Oh, no, there is no need. It is only natural. Anyways, will you be needing a guide?”

“That will not be necessary. I have visited Edenfield in the past before I joined the Pendragon family.”

“Ah, I see. Then when will you…”

At the words of Count Elven, Isla spoke with a firm, determined expression.

“I will begin right now.”


“So Sir Killian and Mister Isla were…”

Completely contrasting from his first impression, Raymond could not stop chattering. However, Raven looked down at his son with pleased eyes and attentive ears. It was good to be mature, but it was much better for a child to act his own age – to be bright and cheerful. It was true with his own son as well.

“So who is your favorite knight among all the knights of the castle?”

“Uh, um… Mister Isla? No, I like Sir Killian and Regent Ron too…”

Raymond frowned with a troubled expression after hearing Raven’s question. He seemed to be in a dilemma to choose only one.

“Everyone treats me really well.”

“Is that so? Are they always nice to you?”

“Oh, that’s not it. They sometimes scold me. Mister Isla scolds me if I miss sword training even once. Regent Ron also scolds me and Elsia when we don’t study very much.”

“Well, I see.”

Raven nodded with satisfaction. The knights seemed to be doing an excellent job. They were not only pampering his children but teaching them strictly with discipline as well. This was proof that they were working their hardest for the Pendragon family.

“Elsia… What kind of a person is your twin sister?”

Raven asked, suddenly feeling curious about his daughter. He had never seen her.

“She looks similar to me, but her eyes and hair are different colors. My mom and grandmother said that Elsia resembles His Majesty the King more than I do.”

Raymond spoke in a dejected manner.


Raven felt a little bitter.

Out of the twins, it was likely that Elsia resembled Alan Pendragon. However, Raymond resembled himself, Raven Valt, instead. Perhaps the twins were born to resemble both men’s appearances because his soul was injected into Alan Pendragon’s body.

“But Elsia is a crybaby. I don’t cry that much. Hehe!”

“Yes, that is a relief. Men should not shed tears indiscreetly.”

His son continued with a bright smile. Raven stroked his head with a smile of his own.

“By the way, Elkin, no, the Knight King of Valvas, was guarding you, right? And you were on your way to Edenfield to see one of his bride candidates?”


“Then you will be able to meet him soon.”

“Yes, yes! I can’t wait to see Mister Isla! I am sure he will like Mister Raven a lot, too! He really likes strong people!”

Raven whispered in a voice full of excitement. His eyes were sparkling with expectation and joy.



Raven responded with a light smile. However, he became melancholic. He was remembering the times he spent with Isla, traversing life and death in Sisak and the South.

Suddenly, someone shouted in a loud voice.

“Master! I see Edenfield!”

Berna flapped excitedly. Her eyesight was much better than humans as a vampire. 

“I can see it too. But why are you calling me master? I never took you in.”

“Well, that’s…”

Berna hesitated for a moment, then explained while gauging the air.

“Well… My race only ever speaks of our True Name to two types of people. Those who must be killed or those who will become our master…”

“Hmm? Are you confessing that you want to kill me?”

“Hiek! How could that be!? I will become master’s loyal servant and devote my loyalty like a dog…”

“I have no intention of taking you in as a servant. I only let you live thus far because…”

Raven was letting her live so he could find the Shadow Brotherhood and destroy it, but he trailed off while lowering his gaze.

Raymond was looking up at him with sparkling eyes.

‘I should save my words.’

The child did not know that Raven was his father. It could be brushed off as a coincidence that Raven saved the child, but it would be strange for him to condemn the kidnappers as well.

“Anyways, I will decide on what to do with you after meeting the child’s guardian, the Knight King of Valvas.”

“Ye, yes…”

Berna’s complexion turned pale. She knew the Knight King would surely kill her. So until then, she needed to somehow come up with a way to survive by satisfying her master.

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