“We’ll see you again!”

“I’ll remember your name!”

The two mercenaries exited the pub while supporting their egg-crushed colleague, shouting third-rate, cliched lines until the end.

Raven sat down while shaking his head.

Then he slowly looked over the rest of the customers.

Usually, people reacted in one of two ways after witnessing such an event. They would become afraid and avoid his gaze, or they would try to chase him out by complaining to the owner.


However, Raven was forced to reconsider his prejudice.

“Wow! Sir! That was amazing!”

“Which mercenary group are you from? That was really something!”

The guests applauded and raised their glasses with praise. Feeling a little strange, Raven looked around before realizing something.

“I am sorry to ruin the mood. As a token of apology, the next round of drinks is on me.”

“Ohh! So it wasn’t just your skills. You are generous as well!”


Everyone in the pub cheered.

The middle-aged owner also nodded affirmingly with indifferent eyes, as if he found Raven’s response to his liking.


One of the guests suddenly took a violin out of his pack and started playing an exciting tune.


The people began to shout and dance joyfully to the tune of the music, swaying and laughing under the dim light, intoxicated with alcohol and melody.


“What kind of dance is that!? Puhaha!”

Although Raven wasn’t a huge fan of buzz and fervor, he observed the scene with a smile. Soldrake, who was silently gazing at Raven, spoke after a moment.

“Why did you buy the alcohol? It was not Ray’s fault.”

“Just because. I was in a good mood. And this is how humans live.”

“Really? Why were you in a good mood? Those humans tried to attack Ray and me, right?”

Soldrake asked with a puzzled expression. Unable to resist her adorable charm, Raven responded after grasping her hand.

“It was not because of those hooligans, but rather these people. Look. Everyone is relaxed and having fun, right?”


“The world that I knew, that is, the world I lived in before I was revived as Alan Pendragon… In that world, it was hard to see something like this. Everyone was tired of living and scared, doubting, antagonizing, and attacking others. But it is different now. And…”

He paused briefly, then looked around while taking a swig of his drink. He continued in a soft voice.

“This is the Pendragon Kingdom. This is my land. Although I do not know how other places are faring, the fact that people living in my land can be relaxed and abundant means that they are doing a good job.”



Raven thought of ‘them’ with a smile.

Those from the Pendragon family, including Isla, Killian, Vincent, Elena, and Irene.

They were responsible for creating such a harmonious, peaceful land. Raven Valt, who was also King Alan Pendragon of the Pendragon Kingdom, believed as such.


“Let us go.”


After staying a night in an inn located on the second floor of the pub, Raven and Soldrake left early in the morning.

“Where should we go?”

“I want to go wherever Ray wants.”

“All right.”

After ending the war of the gods, the two were revived in Soldrake’s lair, which was located in Mount Ancona. It was only possible through the grace of Illeyna, the goddess of light. Although they only spent a few months in the divine world, the two were aware that seven years had passed in the human world.

However, they were ignorant as to what events had transpired during the seven years, so their first thought was to head to Conrad Castle. However, Soldrake made a suggestion.

She had given up all her authority and power as the Dragon Queen and a brother of the gods. Now that she was neither the Queen of Dragons nor a half-god, she wanted to learn about human life, since she could not be called fully human either.

Raven accepted Soldrake’s proposal without hesitation. Soldrake was his other half, though it did not necessarily represent a relationship between a man and a woman.

They fought together on the ground, died together, and fought together once again after being revived in the divine world.

Which two people could ever experience such a life together?

Soldrake wasn’t Raven’s companion due to their contract, but rather his true soulmate. He would do anything she wanted.

It was the only way he could repay Soldrake’s true heart, the resonation of the souls they shared.

“Should we head a little more eastward? Come to think of it, I have been to all sorts of places with you, but never to the east.”

“East… That is where Ellagrian’s territory is located.”

The Wise Dragon Ellagrian. She was the guardian of the elves, and she normally maintained a low profile.

“Then let us head there. A couple of months should be enough to make a round trip.”


After being revived as a mortal in the material world, Soldrake’s lifespan decreased enormously. She would live less than one hundred years. Of course, she would live longer than an average human and could exude the Spirit of the Dragon to some extent, but every day was now precious compared to when she was immortal. Therefore, they could not waste time and travel as leisurely as before.

“All right, let’s go.”

Nevertheless, Raven was overjoyed. He was with his soulmate, and his land had transformed into a rich, strong nation. Obviously, he desperately wanted to see Lindsay and the twins, but there would be no harm in slightly delaying his meeting with them. They were growing safely in the Pendragon Castle.


‘I am a father? Ha…’

His heart still quivered when he thought of Lindsay and his children. He didn’t even know what they looked like.

However, Raven had lived all of his life on the battlefield, even in the divine realm. The idea of children still felt very alien to him. Even he had trouble understanding himself. To be honest, he felt afraid.

He did not even bat an eye while facing hundreds or thousands of enemies and powerful monsters. However, he felt conflicting feelings of longing and fear towards his wife and blood.

‘I am sorry. Maybe I am not ready yet…’

He slowly repressed his remorseful heart and slowly drove the horse forward with Soldrake.


“Then I will get going, Your Majesty. Please take care of yourself.”

“Yes, Your Majesty Isla. I look forward to hearing good news, or rather I look forward to seeing you return with a good lady.”

Isla gave a knightly salute, and Elena saw him off with a pleased smile. However, her expression dimmed slightly as she shifted her eyes to the two people standing next to him.

“You must always be careful. Although I do not expect anything to happen, if anything does happen, you must follow the words of His Majesty Isla.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Don’t worry, Grandma!”

Mia answered calmly, and seven-year-old Raymond replied with excitement.

“All right, all right…”

Elena looked over her youngest daughter and grandson with a worried expression. Suddenly, a sorrowful voice was heard from behind.

“Me too! I want to go too! I want to go on a trip, too! Annnngh!”

“Ah! Y, you should not act like this.”

Elsia eventually burst into tears, and Lindsay hurriedly stroked her small face while soothing her.

“Whyyy? I want to go too. Uaahh! I want to travel with Mister Isla and Auntie Mia. Anggh! Grandma…!”

With large teardrops rolling off her small face, Elsia clung to Elena.

“El! Oh no…”

Lindsay became greatly flustered and tried to pry her sobbing daughter off Elena’s skirt. However, Elena gently shook her head and patted her granddaughter’s head, then stroked her cute face.

“Your grandmother has told you several times already, right? A real lady does not cry easily.”

“Heuk! Huahh! But…”

Elsia wiped away her tears after hearing her grandmother’s soft reprimand. Elsia liked her grandmother as much as her mother.

“But I want to go with them too…”

“Raymond and Aunt Mia are going to do something important. Of course, my sweet little darling can do it as well.”

“Right? Right, Grandma? Then…”


Elsia receded slightly at her grandmother’s firm tone. Elena, the queen and the eldest of the Pendragon family, continued with a gentle gaze.

“My darling El. There is something else that only you can do. Something even Ray cannot do. What do you think? Aren’t you curious?”

“What… is it?”

Her tears quickly stopped, and her eyes shone brightly. Elena wiped the tear marks off her granddaughter’s cheeks, then continued.

“You are going to go around the territories in our kingdom with your grandmother. As ladies of Pendragon, we will be officially meeting with the nobles of the kingdom. Of course, we are going to eat delicious foods together and see wonderful sights.”

“Wow! Really?”

No traces of sorrow could be found on her face. Elsia asked with large, curious eyes, and Elena nodded with a bright smile.

“Of course! I think all the lords and knights of the kingdom will gather to see El. Among them, there are knights as cool and handsome as your favorite, Lord Isla.”

“Me, me! I want to go! I want to go with Grandma!”

“Yes, yes, my darling.”

Elena took Elsia into her embrace and rubbed her face against Elsia’s cheeks. She could not help but adore her little granddaughter. Lindsay was at a loss after seeing Elena embrace Elsia playing the baby.

“I apologize, Your Majesty. I was lacking in educating the children…”

“No, no. Children should behave like children. Mia, Irene, and even Alan also acted like this at her age. Hoho!”

Elena’s expression was bright when she mentioned her son, even though he had gone missing seven years ago. All the nobles and knights were impressed by her words and actions. Although she was a woman, she was bolder and stronger than any knight. That was Elena Pendragon.

“Now, be on your way. Be sure to send my regards to His Excellency Duke Lindegor and Lord Elven. Don’t forget the letters as well.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Mia answered in a calm voice. She was officially the leader of the Pendragon Kingdom’s delegation. Others knew her as a dreamy, somewhat unusual girl, but Elena had raised Mia. She knew how responsible and skillful her youngest daughter was. As such, she was able to see them off with a smile on her face.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Raymond replied in a mature fashion unbefitting his age.

“I only have one thing to say, so remember it.”

Although they were twins, Elena’s grandson did not resemble her son very much, unlike Elsia. She spoke in a soft, but solemn voice.

“Wherever you go, never forget that you are a Pendragon, regardless of who stands in your path.”


He was still young, too young to know the heavy burdens of Pendragon’s name.

“Good, my cute little darling.”

Nevertheless, he clenched his fists and responded vigorously with a determined look. She embraced him, then slowly raised her body.


“Yes! Your Majesty!”

Soon, a carriage carrying Isla, Mia, and Raymond departed under the escort of more than ten royal knights.

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