“El! El! N, no, Ray! Not you as well…”

It was a warm spring day just after winter.

A young mother raised her voice while hastening her steps. She emanated a mature, seductive charm as well as a pure atmosphere. Although she wore a tight dress, her wavering large breasts and slender waist was dazzling enough to catch the eyes of many men as she ran.

However, all of the men present in the small, but harmonious garden simply brought their right hand to the pommel of their sword and bowed politely as she passed bow. Or rather, to be precise, they greeted the two figures who rushed ahead of her, which extended to her chasing figure.


“W, wait for me!”

A boy with fluttering short, brown hair hurried after the girl smiling brilliantly under the bright sun. Her platinum blonde hair reflected the golden light. The appearance of the two beautiful children was reminiscent of figures from a fairy tale.

The two children looked to be about seven or eight. A young wife chased after the two, holding onto the hem of her skirt.

“Children! If you fall down… Ahh!”


Sure enough, the girl running at the forefront tripped, and the boy could not stop himself and was about to bump into her.


A sturdy man appeared like the wind and took both children into his arms. The two children smiled brightly after realizing his identity.

“Sir Killian!”

“I told you that running in the garden was dangerous, did I not? Princess Elsia, Prince Raymond.”

Mark Killian grinned while setting the two children down. He was the head of the Pendragon Duchy’s, or rather, the Pendragon Kingdom’s knights.

“Sir Killian.”

“Baroness Conrad.”

Baroness Lindsay Conrad nodded as she approached while gasping, and Mark Killian gave a deep bow.

Seven years ago, Mark Killian had been granted the status of viscount by Ian Aragon, the emperor of the Aragon Empire, but he was still extremely polite towards Lindsay. It was only natural. Even though she was only a baroness in status, Lindsay was essentially the queen of the Pendragon Kingdom.

Both the knights of the kingdom and the general public considered her as such. However, she was still addressed as a baroness because the only person who could officially elevate her status was absent.

It was just a small problem that it was the seventh year this year.

“Let me ride on your shoulders, Sir Killian!”

“M, me too…!”

The girl named Elsia grabbed Killian’s thick forearms and begged. The boy named Raymond followed suit and grabbed the knight’s other arm in a hurry.

“You cannot. Sir Killian is the commander of our kingdom’s knights. He’s very busy with official work, so he does not have time to play…”

“Hahaha! It’s okay, baroness. Here we go! No, what about this, Princess Elsia, Prince Raymond.”



The two children beamed from atop of Killian’s broad shoulders. Killian was second to none in terms of physique among the knights of the Pendragon Kingdom. It was natural for children to see a different world sitting on his high, wide shoulders. After all, they were still only seven.

“I like Sir Killian the best! I’m going to become Sir Killian’s wife later!”

“M, me too! I’m going to become Sir Killian’s wife too!”

“Uhahahahaha! Prince Raymond, in your case, you would become a husband, not a wife.”

“Really? Then I’m going to become Sir Killian’s husband!”

Raymond grinned. His large eyes sparkled under his dark brown hair.

“However, there is no law in our kingdom that allows men to marry each other, so… that might be a little difficult.”


Raymond became sullen. Sitting on Killian’s opposite shoulder, Elsia raised her head with a star-like gaze.

“See? You can’t, but I’m going to get married to Sir Killian!”

“I apologize, Princess Elsia, but I, Killian, am already a married man. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to either.”



Elsia took on a dejected expression. It was as if she had lost the entire world. However, Killian interjected with a solemn voice, and the eyes of the two children sparkled once again.

“Perhaps in a few years, you will meet a knight and a lady who are much better than me. Probably not just one or two either. Both of you will have much more fun with them, and they will cherish and love you two more than I do. I think you could become married to them instead.”

“Really? Are they stronger than you, Sir Killian?”

“If we’re talking about power, Uncle Karuta is the strongest, silly.”

Elsia said as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Killian took on an awkward expression. No matter how young they were, they were well aware of many truths.

“Then… Hmm! Will they love and cherish us more than our mom?”

“Well, that’s…”

Killian couldn’t find the words to respond. He smacked his lips, and Lindsay stepped up while looking over the three people with a pleased expression.

“I am sure of it. Mom also got married to the person who cared for me so much, right?”

“Dad? You are talking about King Pendragon, right?”

“That’s right.”

Lindsay responded with a soft smile. However, her smile quickly disappeared at her immature daughter’s following words.

“But when is dad coming back? You told us last year that he would come if we slept a hundred nights. We’ve already slept more than one hundred nights, haven’t we?”


Lindsay and Killian became silent. Even they had no idea when he would return. Some mocked them and called them foolish, saying that they were waiting for the dead, but everyone in the Pendragon Kingdom still believed that he was alive. He would surely return one day.

It was fine if others called it a vain belief or an obsession. For them, his return was like a prophecy waiting to be fulfilled.

“The king…”

“The lord…”

Killian and Lindsay started speaking at the same time. Both paused with surprise, but soon, Lindsay spoke on both of their behalf with a soft smile.

“He will definitely return. I promised him that I would raise both of you up well and healthy until then. Now, why don’t you both come to your mother?”



The two children climbed down from Killian’s shoulders and ran into Lindsay’s embrace. The two children emitted a warm, embracing scent like the sun. She whispered into their ears.

“His Majesty will definitely return, my beautiful children.”


“Yes, mother!”

The scene of the three figures painted a kind, beautiful picture. Killian felt content but emotional as he observed the family.

“Baroness Conard, Sir Killian.”

A knight approached the group and showed respect.

“Hmm? What’s going on?”

“Lord Isla has arrived.”


The king of Valvas. Even after seven years, the Stormbringer retained his position as a knight of the Pendragon Kingdom. He was returning for the first time in half a year.


“Elkin! Long time no see!”


Although Isla possessed a superior status as the king of a country, the two shared a relationship that surpassed mere titles. They greeted each other without hesitation and vigorously shook each other’s hands.

“It’s been a while, Sir Isla.”

“The knight of Pendragon, Elkin Isla, greets Baroness Conrad.”

Similar to Killian, Isla also acted politely towards Lindsay. No matter what anyone said, she was their lord’s wife. Moreover, she was the mother of their lord’s children. Their loyalty towards the lord was directed toward her as well.

“Mister Isla!”

“I missed you!”

The twins rushed towards Isla and grabbed onto his arms.

“I missed you as well, Princess Elsia, Prince Raymond.”

Isla rarely smiled, but he acted differently towards the two. Although he was already over 30, his smile was still captivating that women would let out infatuated sighs at the sight. With a gentle smile, Isla knelt down on one knee and met the twins’ gaze.

“I am relieved to see that both of you are still pretty, handsome, and healthy.”

He stroked their heads along with his words. Even though the rough, calloused hands belonged to the one known as the Ghost Spear, or the Stormbringer of the Battlefield, the two children grinned with half-closed eyes, perhaps because they felt warmth and kindness at his touch.

“Prince Raymond, are you diligently practicing your spearmanship?”

“Oh, well…”

Raymond hesitated, and Elsia quickly stepped out.

“But Ray likes swords more than spears. He always swings those weird-looking ones too!”

“W, when did I…”

Ray stuttered with a blush.

Isla understood that the prince favored swords over spears, but could not comprehend Elsia’s following words. He turned to Killian as if asking for an answer.

Killian was Raymond’s swordsmanship teacher. He responded with a satisfied smile.

“It seems one can’t deceive their blood. Prince Ryamond seems to have taken a liking to the scimitar.”

Even though he was young, it was certainly strange that a prince of the country took a liking to the scimitar, which was mainly used by foreign tribes in the South. However, none of the people in the Pendragon Kingdom, including Isla, found it strange. Rather, they were rather proud of the fact.

It was because their eternal monarch also utilized the scimitar and the longsword on the battlefield.

“I’m sorry, Mister Isla… But I like it better than the spear.”

Raymond apologized with a sullen expression, but Isla shook his head with a bright smile.

“No, rather, I am proud of you. Your father, the king, also wielded the scimitar and defeated countless monsters and enemies.”

“Wow! Really?”

“Of course. However, His Majesty also used a longsword as well. So please promise me, Prince Raymond. Practice using the longsword when you wield the scimitar.”

“Okay! I will! I will become a brave knight like Father in the future!”

Raymond shouted with a courageous expression, tightening his tiny fist. Smiles bloomed on the adults’ faces in response.

“Now children, you need to get going, right? It is time for your studies.”


The twins’ expression instantly dimmed, and their lips pouted at Lindsay’s words.

“Ehem! If you do not study properly, I will not give you rides on my shoulders from now…”

“Hmm. I don’t think I could teach you sword techniques either…”

Killian coughed dryly, and Isla chimed in as well. The two children took on panicked expressions.

“I will do it!”

“Let’s go!”

The thought of not being able to play with two of their favorite knights in the future was devastating. Elsia and Raymond scurried away with their maids.


Killian saw off the twins with a boisterous laugh, then turned towards Isla.

“By the way, Elkin, you are here because of that, right?”

“Hmm. This and that, but… that is the biggest thing.”

Lindsay looked puzzled at the serious conversation held between the two. Then she clapped her hands as if something came to mind.

“Ah! Are you perhaps talking about…?”



Killian shrugged in response, and Isla gave a short sight before turning his head. She continued with a bright smile.

“It’s a grand occasion! His Majesty the Emperor personally played matchmaker, so of course you have to attend! I am so glad that you can finally start a family, Sir Isla.”

“Yes, well…”

The Stormbringer bitterly licked his lips with an astringent expression that was not easily seen.

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