“I will be waiting for you on the other side! Kuwuuuuughhhh!”

The Red God of War let loose one last deafening roar to decorate the end of his life, a life filled with blood and battles, but also joy and happiness.

It was then.


A faint sound of long trumpets resonated in everyone’s ears. It felt surreal, almost as if it were mere hallucinations.



Count Louvre’s eyes trembled as he looked back towards the orc warrior after crossing the bridge. Hundreds of men had been seriously injured or killed because of the crazy orc and three others. Of course, it was less than 10% of the total troops, but the important thing was that there were only four enemies.

“How dare you, you dog-like orc…”

The words that flowed from his lips were unbefitting his status as a great noble of the empire. It was an unwritten rule to not use underhanded tactics such as ambushes in this type of war, a battle between two different noble families.

The standard was to exchange messengers to greet each other and to state their conditions before beginning the battles. 

Even if they won the war, the side that employed a surprise attack would be regarded as cowards by others, and they would not escape harsh criticism and condemnation by the aristocratic society. It would be even truer if they launched an ambush from behind.

However, it was an orc, and not a human, who launched an ambush from the rear today. Although he could be considered a close ally of the Pendragon Duchy, one could not expect an orc to display chivalry and hold them to the standards of human nobles.

Moreover, it was even more difficult to hold the duchy accountable because there were only four enemies rather than a large squad of troops.


Count Louvre grinded his teeth.

Even chewing the enemies apart would not satisfy him, but what could he do?

He had to be satisfied with catching and killing the demon-like orc.

“I will cut off your head and display it on a pole. What are you all doing? Go kill him right now!”


Baron Stones hastily bowed his head and raised his voice at the command of the high lord.

“Forward! Forward!”

At his command, hundreds of soldiers with shields and spears began tightening their formation around Karuta.


The orc warrior knew instinctively that this would be his last stand. As he prepared to charge with a mighty roar...


A faint, but majestic sound of long trumpets echoed high in the sky.


The knights and soldiers of the Great Territory of Alice, including Count Louvre, immediately turned around and looked towards the direction where the sound had originated.


They were extremely shocked by what they saw.


Huge waves of dust could be seen rising over the low hill in the distance, growing closer to them along with the trumpet sounds.


More than a hundred horses were charging towards them. Tremors could be felt at the soldiers’ feet. It was as if a small earthquake was taking place. As the initial shock disappeared from their eyes, Count Louvre and Baron Stones took on cold expressions.

It was about a hundred cavalry at best. It would pose no threat.

“Hmph! Something like that will be… Hmm?”

Baron Stones frowned. Something felt off.

“H, how could horses be…”

Having lived his entire life as a knight of the Great Territory of Alice, there was no way he would be ignorant of horses. However, from what he could see, the horses charging towards them were much too fast and their sizes were much too…


Baron Stones’ mouth became agape, and he was eventually forced to let out an astonished shout. Each of the horses was roughly twice as large as regular warhorses. He had only heard about them in stories, and this was his first time actually seeing them in person.

“C, centaurs!”

A single word threw the frontal cavalry to fall into chaos. Just like Baron Stones, this was the first time in their lives that they were seeing centaurs as well. The chaos was only natural, even more so since the centaurs were charging towards them while holding longbows much longer than regular bows.


About twenty of the centaurs at the front of the group had pulled their bowstrings after extending it to the fullest.


The arrows pierced through the air like beams of light and rained over the cavalry.


The force carried in the arrows was enormous. They penetrated straight through the cavalry’s metal plate and the momentum hurled the soldiers back. In addition, several shots penetrated more than one person and fatally injured those that stood behind as well.

Fwoooooosh! Pupupuk!

Without giving the humans a chance to rest, the centaurs continued firing their thick, long arrows. Along with the elves, centaurs were known to be natural sharpshooters.

While crossing the distance of about 100 yards like a storm, the leading centaurs let loose as many as five or six arrows each, killing as many as a hundred of Alice’s cavalry.


The horses reared on their hind legs and began to run wild.

“Calm the horses! Maintain the formation! Prepare to charge!”

“All archers, prepare your arrows!”

At the shouts of the commanders, the rear cavalry managed to organize their formation and prepared for battle. They were certain that they could defeat about a hundred centaurs. However, it did not take long for them to realize that they were mistaken.


After bombarding the soldiers of Alice with arrows, the leading centaurs suddenly shifted directions and turned around with only about 100 yards left to Alice’s soldiers.


Baron Stones was taken aback by the sudden development. The centaurs had split into two groups and were turning to the left and right. Another group appeared from the gap and began charging in a frenzy.

And… they were different from those who fired arrows at the lead.



The creatures erupted into cries of wild beasts, and an enormous stream of dark red soared above them. The red manifestation of energy was over 20 feet high (about 6 meters) and 50 yards wide (about 45 meters). It was like an uncontrolled wildfire.

The horrendous, incredible sight was created by dozens of orc warriors riding on the back of centaurs.



The orc warriors leaped forward from the back of centaurs while roaring. After crossing dozens of yards in an instant, the large orcs jumped into the midst of the enemy cavalry.

Booooom! Neighhh!

The surprised horses reared on their hind legs, and the orc warriors began swinging their battle axes and steel rods without restraint.

Kwakwakwakwakwa! Pupupupupuk!



In an instant, countless limbs were broken and blood soared like a fountain.

Kuwuugh! Kuwugh!

The roars of beasts and screams of humans harmonized in a grotesque fashion, and in the blink of an eye, hell descended to earth.

Dozens of orc warriors charged forward while slaughtering those who stood in their way.

“Stop them! Stop them!!”

Count Louvre shouted desperately. However, dozens of wild beasts could not be impeded. Moreover, a group of centaurs filled the void created by the charging orcs.


The cavalry was disoriented after being swept apart by the orcs. The centaurs wielded large Chamados, weapons with a three-foot-long blade, and crushed the disjointed humans. In addition, the half-human, half-horse warriors freely moved through the chaotic formation while maintaining their momentum.




It was a charge of death.

The centaurs slaughtered a part of the leading cavalry in an instant, then rushed towards the spearmen located further behind.


The soldiers held up their shields and spears with desperation, but their formation had already collapsed due to the orc warriors’ charge. Their efforts were in vain.

The centaurs grabbed their javelins after breaking through the cavalry, then hurled it with all their might.


The javelins were loaded with power several times greater than that of humans, and the projectiles completely crushed the solid shields and even knocked over the soldiers. The centaurs quickly rushed to the point of collapse.


Once again, the Chamados weaved through the air, and horseshoes as large as human heads mercilessly stamped over the soldiers. Spears and swords were useless against the centaurs, who were fully equipped with armor. One or two centaurs would collapse after suffering injuries, but they would crush five or six soldiers in the process.

Soon, a crack appeared in the formation of the troops surrounding Karuta.

“There he is!”


Arios and Kratul, who led their respective groups at the forefront, shouted at the top of their lungs.


Karuta had been breathing roughly like a wounded beast, but a deep smile appeared on his face at their appearance.


Arios rushed forward while crushing soldiers underneath. He stretched out his hand while holding a chamado in his other. The hands of the two leaders met. Once, they fought for supremacy of Ancona Forest, but now, they were allied under the Pendragon Duchy.


Karuta’s body rose into the air as soon as he grabbed onto Arios’ hand. His giant body twirled around the air before he settled on Arios’ back. Two centaurs quickly followed behind and picked up the bodies of Jody and the two elves. After hurling the cold bodies behind their backs, the two centaurs followed behind Arios. 

The three centaurs quickly backtracked their steps, heading in the direction where they came from.

“Success! Kuwuuugh!”

Kratul shouted while revealing his thick fangs. The warriors of Ancona were dealing with the enemy soldiers. They erupted their Orc Fear to the fullest before hurling themselves.


Arios blew on a horn trumpet while galloping along the path of blood and bodies created by the orc warriors and his kind. The other centaurs turned around and started retreating. The army of Alice had been thrown into a huge mess.

Orc warriors stretched out their hands and jumped on the backs of the centaurs.


Just as quickly as they appeared, the group of centaurs escaped the camp of Alice’s soldiers like a low tide. The soldiers thrust their spears in an attempt to stop them, but it was difficult to prevent their retreat. After all, they were several times faster and more agile than regular horses. At best, only three or four centaurs fell.


In an instant, the centaurs disappeared.


Count Louvre glared at the scene with his eyes wide open.

It had taken less time than it took to drink a cup of team. The enemies had literally rushed in and disappeared like a wave. He was speechless.

However, the shock disappeared quickly, and indescribable anger filled the void.

“Ee…. Uwaaaghhh!”

Count Louvre howled while throwing his gold crown, which lay on top of his helmet, to the floor. Baron Stones, the nobles, and the knights could not find words to ease the fury of their high lord. Even they could not believe what had just happened.

“S, shall we give chase?”

Baron Stones spoke belatedly in a careful voice.


Count Louvre turned his bloodshot eyes towards his subordinate and shouted.

“You idiot! How are you planning to catch up with centaurs!?”


Baron Stones shut his mouth.

It was just as he said. It would be impossible to catch up with centaurs. Rather, they would exhaust themselves trying.


An aide hurriedly picked up the gold crown and wiped it clean before presenting it to Count Louvre. Count Louvre spoke after pressing down his crown.

“Figure out the damage and reorganize the formation. We are heading straight for the gate. There will be no rest until the sun sets. And… wipe out all the villages we come across on our way.”

“Ye, yes!”

Baron Stones hurriedly answered, then left to carry out his orders.

“I will kill you… I will kill you all.”

The faces of the nobles became pale at the high lord’s fury. One of the biggest taboos in territorial dispute was slaughtering ordinary residents of the land. It would result in the intervention of the imperial castle and the imperial army.

But they could not stop their high lord, who was already half-crazed with anger.

As long as they had sworn loyalty to him, they were riding on the same boat. They would have to go to the farthest place. Those who betrayed their lords, those who dishonored their chivalry would be mocked even in death.

“Let’s go.”


Sweat flowed down their backs in the hot air. The troops once again resumed their march into the Pendragon Duchy.

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