Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 617: Kana’s fear,evelyn’s confrontation

Kana turned froze as she heard Evelyn's words but a moment later she regained her senses.

"As your wish my lady," she said before leaving the library in a hurry, her heart was beating faster and louder as she made her way outside of the library, and sometime later she took a deep breath.

"She didn't say anything regarding that matter inside her room, but I am sure she knew all those things that happened inside her living area, then why?" Kana mumbled in a low voice as she dont know why her master didn't bring anything regarding that matter earlier, there was only one other explanation for that.

"She is embarrassed to say anything"kana whispered and with a sad expression she made her way in the direction of her master's room to see yohan, she is not having a great time as she walked in the direction of Evelyn's room to see yohan, she wanted to see why did Evelyn called yohan in that kind of manner, is she going to scold him, too many thoughts are running wild in her head but after walking few distances she halted her movement in surprise.

"Yohan..." she mumbled seeing yohan who is coming in her direction,yohan also noticed kana, and sometimes later he approached her and looked at her with a smile, he noticed those troubled expressions on her face and understand that something might happen, both of them look each other in a silent manner and after a momentary silence, yohan broke his silence.

"you alright kana?" he asked, taking her hand in his hand and looking at her in a gentle manner, hearing yohan's words kana nodded her head as she tightened her grip around his hand.

"Yes I am fine yohan, master wants to see you, she is waiting inside the library," kana responded to yohan with a worried expression knowing she is definitely going to scold her,yohan chuckled as he heard kana, seeing those worried expressions on her face he placed his hand on her shoulder and confront her in a gentle manner.

"Just don't think too much, it was not your fault, I was the one who let escalated things between us, I should be careful, "yohan said to her and a moment later he kissed her on the forehead, kana's face turned red as she heard yohan and after a momentary silence, she took a deep breath.

"No, it was not your fault, I knew all along that it was wrong but whatever I followed my heart, so you are not the one who is to blamed for" kana responded with a smile and hugged him tightly,yohan caressed kana's back while holding her in his arms and whispered into her ears.

"Everything is going to be alright, just believe me," he said and took a moment before continuing again.

"Lead the way, I am out of time kana, I have to meet her before making my way to the elder's hall, too much time has passed and I don't have much time to spare," he said to her.

"I understand" kana responded to him and a moment later she started leading him in the direction of the library inside the mansion where Evelyn was waiting for him, both yohan and kana made their way to the library and halted their movement and looked at each other one last time when kana told him to enter inside the library,yohan nodded his head and a moment later he entered inside the library while kana remain standing outside the door.

'I hope everything is fine and master dont scold him too much, to begin with, it was my fault that I lost control over my emotions and things went all the way down to that path where we both lost our senses, it's very shameless of me doing those things in my master's room, how could I forgive me myself'kana pondered to herself while cracking her fingers in anxiousness, she wanted to go inside and wants to face Evelyn along with yohan but her master wants to talk to him alone and to kana's surprise the moment yohan entered inside the library she felt a barrier taking place around the library stopping her vision and hearing to enter inside the place.

A bitter smile appeared on Kana's face realizing that her master didn't want her to sneak or hear anything.

"She is pissed"kana mumbled in a low voice as she knew that the barrier was going to prevent those words that she said right now after all the barrier works both ways.

Meanwhile,Yohan could be seen standing in a daze looking around the giant library which was filled with hundreds of thousands of books, but soon something else caught his attention and he tilted his head and looked behind.

"A barrier" he mumbled seeing the barrier that blocked the exit and pretty much covered the entire place that he was in.

"Are you going to stand there in a daze" a familiar voice came from behind and hearing that voice yohan tilted his head.

"Lady Evelyn..." he said seeing a beautiful woman wearing a white beautiful attire standing behind him and looking at him in a calm manner,yohan was flabbergasted as he saw Evelyn who is looking different than her usual self, right now she is looking more alluring than any other day, he dont knows but he feels a sudden urge to hold her in his arms, his body started reacting in a different way that he dont understand.

"Is there something wrong?"Evelyn asked in a calm voice while placing a strand of her hair right behind her left ear and looked at him with a smile,yohan's body shivered and he felt an intense cold not knowing what is wrong with him But somehow yohan gulped and nodded his head.

"I...i.am fine..." he responded in a trembling voice as if he was having difficulty speaking in front of her, Evelyn smiled as she heard those words from yohan's mouth and she took a step closer to him and looked at him in a curious manner.

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