"lady aana" both Alena and old man Lin mumbled in unison, both of them were surprised to see her inside the yohan's room as they didn't notice her presence inside the Lin clan, old man lin was more surprised as he couldn't able to determine that she was able to sneak inside the clan without getting noticed.

Aana smiled as she saw both of them looking at her in a different manner, more like they are behaving as if they have seen some kind of ghost.

"Lady aana you are here," Alena said in a surprised manner while she started taking slow and steady steps towards her direction along with old man lin who is walking beside her, no matter what Aana was still elder to alena whether it's age or her status as the disciple of the lady Evelyn, there were no doubt that Alena has utmost respect in her eyes for Aana.

"It's been a while lady Alena,"aana said with a slightly red face, this is the second time she is meeting with Alena, the first time when she saw Alena when lady Evelyn come to treat Diya inside the clan and that meeting was indeed very awkward and didn't go well,that time her master used her cultivation to force Su lin to kneel infront of her,that time she was pissed over su lin who was not aware about Evelyn,he has mistaken her as intruder and tried to stop Evelyn and that time things went weird, it was indeed bit awkward for aana to face Alena knowing those things happened when they last meet.

"Please pardon my rudeness, my lady, it's good to see you again, and welcome to the Lin clan," Alena has seen throght Aana and said those words while bowing her head slightly,she knew about those things but those things happened in the past and moreover her husband was the one to blame not knowing his place.

"Likewise lady Alena, I am happy to see you again and please you don't have to show any courtesy, I am the one who came on short notice"aana responded to Alena as she placed her hand over Alena's shoulder while saying those words in gentle manner and then she tilted her head in the direction of old man Lin who was standing right next to Alena.

"Lady aana, when did you come here, I wasn't able to detect your presence"old man Lin said scraching the back of his head.

"It's been few hours since I came here, Diya was the one who was aware of my presence and she was the one who welcomed me inside the clan"Aana responded to old man Lin, hearing aana's words old man Lin and Alena were taken aback with surprise.

"Diya was aware of your presence, where is she right now," Alena asked as she looked at Aana.

"Well she is inside the cultivation Hall,"Aana said in a calm manner as she was aware that she has yohan's yang qi inside her body and it was very difficult for her to hold for a long time.

"Inside the cultivation Hall" old man Lin and Alena whispered in a low voice as they exchange glances with each other but soon realized that she must have cultivated with Yohan and wanted to cultivate the yang qi inside her body before the forty-eight hours so she can not conceive the child.

"Yes let her cultivate inside the cultivation hall and after that give her some time to rest, she was already exhausted looking over Elsa without taking any rest, that's why in her absence I proposed the idea of looking after Elsa, "Aana said as she tilted her head and looked over the bed where Elsa was laying, old man Lin and Alena also looked Elsa in a gentle manner, she was looking pretty calm but still she was unconscious and there was no movement inside her body.

"She is a pretty strong woman, no one can withstand that kind of pain that she has been through, she indeed wonders among wonders, "Aana said in a calm manner as she took a seat beside Elsa.

Hearing aana's words both old man lin and Alena was taken aback by surprise, this is not something they are expecting to hear from aana's mouth, the way she said those words it was not just words,aana was indeed serious when she said those words before approaching Elsa.

"Is this child that strong that lady Aana herself praising her and how in the world Yohan met her, he didn't told me anything related to the origin of this child"old man Lin caressed his long white beard and asked Aana, Alena also become curious and she also wanted to know about that.

Aana tilted her head and looked at old man Lin with a weird smile"child you say..." she said in a sarcastic manner and then she continued"she is no child elder Lin, she is someone beyond that, she might look like young but she has higher cultivation base than anyone else who is presented inside this room"Aana said in a serious manner And she places her hand over Elsa's forehead to check the temperature of her body.

Hearing Aana's words old man Lin and Alena's heart nearly skipped a beat as they are not expecting that the young woman who was laying on the bed is someone who is that strong that Aana couldn't able to control her emotion but to praise her, everyone knows that after lady Evelyn aana was the one who has bad temper issue, she is famous of being one of the proud and arrogant individuals inside the entire northern region, she is not someone who can easily praise anyone until they are not someone who is indeed gifted or extraordinary, both old man Lin and Aana was speechless after hearing those words from aana's mouth.

Aana tilted her head and looked at old man Lin who was looking at Elsa with a blank expression.

"This is not your fault, her cultivation base is suppressed and it is not that odd that you have mistaken her child because of her appearance, she is probably older than anyone here, "Aana said looking in the direction of the old man Lin, at the same time Alena took a deep breath knowing about Elsa, she didn't know how to react after hearing her but there were still unanswered questions about Elsa's origin that she wanted to know but seeing how aana ignored that part about her origin she was sure that there is something that Aana know and don't want to tell her.

After thinking for a few moments Alena exhaled deeply and looked at Aana.

"Is she going to be alright lady Aana? "Alena asked as she looked at Aana in a different manner,old man Lin also looked at Aana in a serious manner as he was eager to hear the response from Aana.

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