Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 581: A quarrel between xiao feng and jasmine

Jasmine left Yohan's room in a hurry and she approached Natasha's room which is situated right next to her room on the same floor.

"Lady diya is scary, she was with me the whole time, and she knows everything that is happening inside Natasha's room, her cultivation base is indeed a big deal, but I don't get it, she told me that it is not easy to contain yohan's yang qi inside one's body, but I am not feeling anything, I wonder if she was sure about what she told me, it's better to confirm with yohan" she mumbled to herself as that thought crossed in her mind earlier.

"Well forget it, I need to look after Natasha, she is clumsy, who cultivates without wearing anything," jasmine whispered and she is about to make her way inside Natasha's room but before she could do that, she heard something, jasmine tilted her head, and to her surprise, two figures could be seen approaching her, those two figures were xiao feng and Alena, who came here because of that aura that took place inside the Lin clan manor earlier.

"Mother you are here," Jasmine said with surprise, this happened so fast just like diya predicted, indeed it was a big deal for everyone to feel that kind of pressure out of nowhere.

Jasmine also looked at xiao feng but as usual, she didn't say anything knowing what happened that day when the woman in front of her intended to kill diya and Natasha.

Xiao Feng also remained calm as she didn't say anything to Jasmine, she remained standing behind Alena.

"What just happened,don't tell me it was Natasha," Alena asked.

Jasmine nodded her head in response before breaking her silence over Natasha's breakthrough.

"Yes, it was Natasha, it seems she finally got a breakthrough. I was inside the yohan's room when this happened, and lady diya asked me to look after her," jasmine responded to Alena and she explained to her about Natasha's breakthrough.

Alena took a deep breath and a smile appeared on her face" this is a good thing for her, she was worried about her cultivation base but right now she must be very happy knowing she got a breakthrough" Alena said And she continued.

"Let's congratulate her, she will be happy to see us here," Alena said, and with those words, she pushed the door and entered inside Natasha's room.

"Mo...mother there is a problem..." jasmine tried to explain but alas it was too late as Alena had already entered inside the room, xiao feng also entered inside Natasha's room right after Alena, jasmine took a deep sigh and she also followed these two and after entering inside her room she closed the door from inside.

"This..."Alena was taken aback seeing the current situation inside Natasha's room, xiao Feng's white face also turned slightly red seeing the sight in front of her eyes while jasmine felt embarrassed seeing Natasha who was sitting over the bed in the lotus position, she was butt naked and her body was drenched with sweat.

"Mother I wanted to explain earlier about her current situation, the thing is she is not wearing anything over her body..." jasmine said in a low voice seeing Natasha, Alena's eyebrows Twitched seeing the current state of Natasha,not only did she is cultivating inside her room despite using the cultivation hall inside the clan but she is not wearing anything over her body.

"Tsk, how careless this girl is, she doesn't even know that we are here, what if someone comes inside her room and sees her like that, she needs proper scolding for her carelessness" Alena crossed her hands and looked at jasmine while saying those words.

"Yeah you are right mother, I'll make sure to teach her a lesson," Jasmine said while smiling, Alena also smiled hearing jasmine's words.

"Why is she not opening her eyes, even after reaching the first level of the body strengthening realm, she is still cultivating and this shows how careless she is, if this keeps going she will going to harm her body" suddenly xiao feng broke her silence and said seeing Natasha who is still cultivating without bothering about anything.

Alena also nodded her head in response, hearing Xiao Feng's words as she was aware of this, Alena knew that there is too much energy required to get a breakthrough in the higher realm and one must take proper break after reaching the next realm otherwise this may lead to some serious injury.

"Xiao Feng is right, we must stop her before she harms herself," Alena said, but to her and Xiao Feng's surprise jasmine interrupted Alena.

"Mother, I don't think it is a wise idea to stop her, lady diya told me to let her cultivate until she uses the entire yang qi inside her body, she even said she will be fine even if she cultivates without taking any break" jasmine tilted her head and looked at Alena in a serious manner.

Hearing jasmine's words both xiao feng and Alena were taken aback, xiao feng couldn't hold herself and she retaliated.

"This is stupidity, you are putting her life in danger, if this keeps on she will most likely harm her body, we should stop her from cultivating..."

"You are not going to do anything on my watch, I don't care what do you think lady xiao feng but I trust lady Diya's words over your words, "jasmine tilted her head and looked at xiao feng in a serious manner, xiao feng also looked at jasmine as she heard her.

Alena took a deep sigh seeing these two like that, she noticed the heated situation between xiao feng and jasmine, she felt pretty bad seeing these two like that, she knew that jasmine is a calm and composed person but right now over xiao Feng's remark she lost her calm.

"Both of you stop, there is no point of losing your calm over this, first we have to cover her body, I don't want anyone to see her like this," Alena exclaimed and she decided to interrupt jasmine and xiao feng.

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