Yohan took a deep sigh as he saw those proud expressions on Catherine's face and a moment later he smiled before leaning against his seat.

"Indeed you are right lady Cathrine, there are too many peoples that are after my head, frankly speaking, I don't care about those people, I just feel pity for them knowing what is awaiting for them here,"yohan said calmly but there was a hint of seriousness in his words that put Cathrine on alert, for a moment she felt slightly danger coming from yohan, seeing Cathrine on alert yohan exhale deeply and looked her in a serious manner.

"Those people deserve to die, Nicholas Nichole was after diya and then he tried to destroy the hundred poison valley after betraying his friend and killing the patriarch of hundred poison valley, he didn't stop there and decided to destroy the entire sector along with those people who served under his clan and last but not the least the heir of the xian clan, he wanted to take over hundred poison valley and he has malicious intentions toward jasmine, how could I let him live after that, even if there is a king himself standing at that the point in front of me I will not hesitate to kill him either..."yohan said as he looked into Catherine's eyes, Cathrine's heart sank as she heard yohan's words, she did not expect that he would be that upfront in front of her talking about killing the king, this is outrageous no one ever did anything like that.

But this guy who is sitting in front of her is talking about killing the king. In broad daylight, Cathrine felt a chill in her spine.

"You already know this is a taboo and very serious crime to talk about assassinating the king in broad daylight, the entire army will be after your head, if they learn about this," she said in a serious voice.

"They are already after my head, sooner or later they are going to come for me lady Cathrine, it's a matter of time when they made their move, or maybe they already made their move by sending you for my head, isn't it right,"yohan said as he looked at Cathrine without showing any hint of killing intent.

Hearing Yohan's words Catherine became slightly surprised and the next moment her expression changed and she became normal as if nothing happened.

"When did you learn about my identity," she asked in a calm manner.

"The moment we met inside the hallway"yohan responded to her this time he took her by surprise,after all if he knew about her identity then why didn't he alerts anyone and asks their help to confine her even after he met his grandpa after that, but he didn't take any drastic action inside the lin clan manner.

"If you knew about my intention all along then why have you not asked elder lin or elder Leon's help to kill me, it will be very easier for you to deal with me when we were inside the clan but you remain silent and I dont understand why did you waited such long, either you are brave or very stupid that you bring me with you away from your home when no one is here to help you" Catherine Said.

"Well i don't want to make a mess inside the lin clan manor, moreover I don't know whether you are alone or working in a group, it might alert those people whom you associated with and it will cause unnecessary trouble,"yohan explains to her.

Hearing yohan's explanation Cathrine's facial expressions changed dramatically, she didn't know he was thinking like this way, this was indeed a rational way of thinking but she felt too bad for yohan, he put himself in danger while making this kind of decision, he was all alone with her far away from lin clan as they reaching deeper part of the northern region where no one resides.

"This is a good way of thinking young master yohan, but in the end, you gain nothing from doing that, you missed a big opportunity, back then you can deal with me by taking the help From elder lin and elder Leon, but at the end, you tried to do things on your accord, you proved that those rumors about you were right, you are a quite reckless one and believe working alone, young master yohan this is where you are going to die with my hand," Cathrine said to yohan, hearing Catherine's words yohan shook his head.

"Tell me why are you so persistent of killing me that you went that length to infiltrate the lin clan, No wrong question how silly I am, tell me who sent you here to kill me, is it the Nichole clan who sent you here to avenge that Nicholas guy, or the xian clan who sent you to avenge their young master who died my hand, or you are someone who is hired by royals"yohan pondered and asked Cathrine without showing any hostility, he was just waiting for something and he was not hurrying to rush things, he wanted to stall as much time as he can as he knows Cathrine is too proud in herself and she is not treating him as her rival.

"No one sent me here to kill you, I came here of my own will to deal with you, to be honest, I don't care about the xian or Nichole clan but in the end, they are the very valuable asset and the great faction who play a vital role in the northern royal family, because of you the king lost too much face, and those people who didn't dare to defy him are questioning him, this all happened because you disrupt the flow of the power, you indeed put the royal family in distress" Catherine responded to yohan.

Hearing her, Yohan took a deep sigh and smiled at her.

"So you are someone who is loyal to the northern royal family and come here to kill me just because I killed some inhuman bastard that disrupt the flow of the power inside this region, you are indeed peculiar one Cathrine because there are not many people like you who are putting their lives in danger for the sake of that incompetent king, who thinks he can control everything inside this region, it's quite shame that you are loyal to someone like him..."

"That incompetent king is my father, I am his daughter the elder princess of the northern royal family"

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