Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 532: Red light district

In a chilly night, two beautiful women wearing white robes could be seen descending from the sky a few meters away from the village to avoid unnecessary attention, their beautiful white faces could be seen dazzling in the presence of moonlight, it was late night and the moon was at its peak in the sky.

"This is the only town we encountered so far after entering the northern region, lets go and look inside the town, we need the direction of the river shore city, the people of town might be aware of the whereabouts of the city, "aira said as she tilted her head and looked at the woman who is standing beside her and looking in the direction of town that is looking lively.

"Yeah, this town seems livelily despite it is too late, I am getting different kinds of vibe from this place"aella responded to aira and with those words she started walking in the direction of the town,aira chased aella from behind and soon both of them reached the entrance of the town where two old men could be seen guarding the entrance, both of them seem drunk and barely standing on their feet, seeing those two men like that aella and aira exchange glances and took a deep sigh.

"Hey! do you know the direction of the river shore city, which way river shore city situated, can you help us"aira took a step and confront those two old men while aella remain silent as she observed the people who are entering and exiting the town, she noticed something peculiar about this town that is situated in nowhere deep inside the forest.

Those two old men tilted their heads and looked at aira who asked them about the river shore city and they also noticed one more woman who is standing behind aira in a calm manner, seeing these two women both of their faces turned red and both old men started blushing while gulping the local Ale[Beer].

"River shore city huh, I think I heard that name before but my memory seems hazy, where did I hear that name before" one of the old men scratched his beard and mumbled those words.

"Indeed I also heard that name before but I can't able to recall, I guess I drank too much, but don't worry our esteemed guests we know someone who can help you with your destination, he is the village chief and he is also a merchant he knows every single city and town throughout the northern region," the other old man said as he looked aira, hearing him aira tilted her head and looked aella,aella nodded her head and signal aira to follow these two old men.

"Very well then show us the way, "aira looked at those two old men and asked,aira is aware that they don't have a choice after all she can't sense any other town nearby, both aella and aira are at the outskirt of the northern region without any clue of the river shore city.

Those two old men exchanged glances and they started walking inside the city while aella and aira followed them behind, as they followed those two old men aella heard a familiar voice in her head, that voice belongs to aira.

'My lady this place seems suspicious and look at the surroundings, we are inside the...'

'Red District Area, ignore these people it has nothing to do with us, we just need some information,' Aella interrupted aira as she aware that there are only adulterous couples everywhere and a few loner men who is here to please themselves, people are watching both aira and aella with different gaze, after all, both of them are looking very noble and someone who descended from the heaven.

'If anyone tries to do anything funny I will destroy this entire town from the face of the northern region, despicable men,' aira clicks her tongue as she says to aella while getting over those filthy looks.

'Yeah I am not going to stop you but don't do anything until we get information from these two old men, just follow them quietly, they know about river shore city' aella responded in a cold voice.

'Yeah I have the same idea, they were lying, I know what they are up to, their bodies are radiating heat and they are thinking to take advantage of us, seeing no one is interrupting these two old men, it is clear that people are afraid of these two, it is better if we abducted these two and torture them but alas We will attract too much attention if we did that,'aira explain to aella and smiled in a calm manner, both Aella and aira followed those old men and sometimes later halted their movement after reaching in the abandoned valley.

"Where is your chief village, the path is ending here, there is nothing but a wall in front of us, "aira said as she looked at those two old men, hearing aira's words both old geezers exchange glances, and the next moment broke into laughter.

"Village chief? Did I say that we are going to bring you two to the village chief,wait but there is no village chief in this village, this village is whores market and ofcourse you are inside the resting place of thugs and murderous who are here to take shelters, it is our lucky day that we found you two,from now on we are going to look after you and after playing with your beautiful body we are going to make you whores and earn fortune by selling your bodys"one of the old man lick his lips and looked aira and aella with smirk.

"Yeah whatever just tell us about the river shore city,i know you are aware of that place from the start,both of you are bad actor,to be honset I dont want to kill you guys in cold blood, murdering someone like your age will not give stratification,"aella looked these two old man with serious gaze and said,hearing aella's words both man exchange glances and started laughing.

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