Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 512: Spending the night with jasmine?

"You want us to come with you yohan" Natasha tilted her head as she looked at yohan, jasmine, and diya also looked at him with a concerned gaze, a moment ago four of them left the dining hall and reached the point where one path leads them to their quarters while other paths lead them to lady Alena's room.

Seeing their concerned gaze, Yohan smiled and Shook his head.

"I have to go alone, that was my mistake and I have to rectify it, I don't mean to hurt her by my words, that just happened unknowingly,"yohan said with a bitter smile.

"It's okay I know you don't mean to say those things,"diya placed her hand over his shoulder and looked at him with a bright smile, and tried to cheer him.

"Yes lady diya is right, you don't have to blame yourself just go and say sorry to her, she will going to forgive you afterall she loves you," Jasmine said as she placed her hand over yohan's other shoulder, Natasha bit her lips as she saw diya and jasmine's hands over yohan's shoulder and the way both of them looking at him it was different, she can see the different light in their eyes and she understands what are they thinking, both of them want yohan for themself as he was back to the clan, a devilish smile appeared on Natasha's face as she placed her head on yohan's chest and pressed her big boobs against his body and looked him with puppy eyes.

"Yes, indeed lady Alena is going to forgive you,afterall you are her son and there is no way she can be mad too long, but you know yohan putting all that depressing talk aside I am happy that you returned to the clan, I missed you so much when you were away from the clan, it was too difficult for me to survive on my own but I did that, I survive through all hardship, now that you are finally here no one can bully me"Natasha looked yohan and said those things, jasmine and diya are taken aback as they heard Natasha's words and both of them exchange glances with each other, at the same time a smile appeared on yohan's face as he heard jasmine, he crossed his arms in her neck looked her with a curious gaze.

"Did they bully you when I was away from the clan?"Yohan asked her.

"Yes they did, I am the weakest one here that's why they bully me and my cultivation base is not even increasing, I was wondering..."

"Dont think about asking he is going to spend his night with me" before Natasha could complete her sentence two voices echoed Sync,diya, and jasmine looked at each other as they said the same thing at the same time,yohan was taken aback as he heard jasmine and diya, and he noticed the sharp gaze of Natasha who is looking at him with widened eyes, seeing that gaze cold sweat appeared on his face,yohan didn't think that things will be going to turn out like this, three of them had the same thing in their minds, three of them want to spend their nights with yohan and he already promised to diya that he is going to spend his night with her, but he dont has the guts to deny jasmine and Natasha's request seeing how they are looking at him, Natasha was right her cultivation base is not buzzing because its been ages since he had sex with her, same goes with jasmine and diya.

"I think I should go and meet mother, I'll see you guys later" Yohan tried to get away from this weird situation but the moment he tried to move his arms from Natasha's neck she tightly hugged him.

"No, you are not going anywhere without solving this issue that occurred out of nowhere, you have to consider me over these two ladies after all I want to cultivate with you, I am not going to let you go until you said yes to me," Natasha said as she snuggles yohan, a bitter smile appears on yohan's face as he heard Natasha.

"There is something that I want to discuss with him, can you guys please let me spend some time with him alone, I know its too much to ask as everyone was waiting for his return, but there is something that I want to share with him very badly, I just..." jasmine muttered in a low voice as she looked at diya and Natasha, hearing jasmine's words diya and Natasha exchanged glances as they remember about her pregnancy.

"Ok I don't mind spending one more night away from him, after all the thing only matters that he is here with all of us, I am willing to accept jasmine's request,"diya took a deep sigh as she looked at jasmine and then tilted her head and looked yohan with calm manner as she saying that he can spend his time with jasmine.

"So do I, I also don't mind spending one more night without him, for the goodwill of my heart I accept lady jasmine's request," Natasha said as she blinked at jasmine, hearing those words from diya and Natasha's mouths jasmine's eyes turned wet and a beautiful smile appeared on her face,yohan scratched the back of his head as he dont understands what just happened, a moment ago no one wants to let him get away from them but the moment they heard jasmine's request both diya and Natasha changed their mind and were willing to sacrifice their emotions for the sake of jasmine.

Yohan looked at jasmine In a confused manner as he don't know what kind of things that she wants to discuss with him but seeing the look on her face he can understand that there is something important that she want to tell him, he can say by the look in her eyes as they are brimming with excitement, he even noticed that look on her face earlier when he was inside the dining hall but she didn't say anything as she was concerned about something,yohan smiled as he looked jasmine and nodded his head.

"After meeting my mom, I'll join you in my room," Yohan said as he looked at Jasmine, hearing him jasmine nodded her head with a smile.

"Don't worry I'll wait for you" Jasmine responded,yohan nodded his head and he looked at Natasha and diya, seeing his gaze both of them also smiled at him.

"Go ahead and talk to her,"diya said to him,yohan nodded as he heard diya, and the next moment he started walking towards Alena's room.

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