Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 508: If I got another chance, I will do it all over again.

"Grandpa, I am not going to let that happen, I lost enough, my father and brother are dead,my sector is destroyed,yohan is the only one I have, if anything happened to him..." jasmine took a moment as she gathered her thoughts and she continued again.

"yohan is not going to participate in the royal tournament, I am not going to let him participate knowing it was a suicide mission, I just don't want to lose him" jasmine exclaimed as she looked at old man lin and said those words to him, there are various things are going in her head and she is feeling anxious about this tournament.

Hearing jasmine's words the whole dining hall turned silent, Natasha took a deep breath as she tilted her head and looked at jasmine with a serious expression,she has same thought as jasmine but she felt hesitant to talk with old man lin because of her status, xiao Feng's facial expression slightly changed hearing jasmine's words afterall she was not expecting those words from jasmine's mouth in front of the everyone, jasmine was too upfront, especially in the presence of elder lin and Leon.

"jasmine is right,I am also against him joining the tournament,no matter what my husband said yohan is not going to join the royal tournament,i am not going to let him join that damn killing event when prominent family and clans of the northern region will gather to see that event,every one of them are bastard and they are trying to kill him during the tournament, the king can go to any length to kill him after all Nicholas Nichole was his greatest ally but he died by Yohan's hand and after the incident of xian clan, he will going to kill him, there is no way he is going to let it go that easily, I know he will make his move pretty soon and the royal tournament is his only chance "Alena broke her silence and supported jasmine, she understands how jasmine feels and she also feels the same way.

afterall everyone inside the hall was aware that this is a trap to kill him, King was seeking other methods to kill him without engaging in war,afterall he will face backlash if he directly attack lin clan, Alena knows that these people want him badly dead as he caused so much trouble for the king and she knows there is no way he is going to let him live after being humiliated by a young kid, he will do everything in his power to kill him.

At the same time xiao Feng's facial expression turned dark when she heard the name of the xian clan from the mouth of Alena, she knows about the xian clan, the xian clan is pretty famous and very close to the royal family, xiao feng become confused after hearing alena's words afterall she was not aware of that the heir of the xian clan has been killed by yohan, from the past two weeks she was traveling solo and was not aware of anything and she doesn't even know what is happening in the region, she was clueless about the current circumstance as she was focused on meeting yohan.

"aunt Alena I didn't understand, lin clan doesn't have any quarrel with the xian clan then why did you mention the xian clan, and what kind of event you are talking about, is there something that I am missing"xiao feng looked Alena and asked, hearing xiao feng everyone looked her with disbelief afterall it was not some kind of secret, everyone knows that the heir of xian clan is no more and that's the only reason why lin clan close the river city gate, seeing everyone's gaze towards her direction xiao feng felt a little bit awkward.

"did I ask something that I shouldn't ask, I was not aware of what you are talking about, I thought the xian clan and the lin clan are living in harmony and they don't have any territorial quarrel..."Xiao Feng looked at Alena and said,

Hearing her, Alena took a deep sigh but before she could explain anything to her, Jasmine responded to Xiao feng.

"yohan destroyed the lineage of xian clan by killing the last heir of xian clan, that means with the death of patriarch xian the clan is bound to instinct, there is no one who can carry the legacy of xian clan," for the first time jasmine confronted xiao feng and explain to her, jasmine has proud expression while explaining about the incident that happened inside the hundred poison valley.

"yohan killed him..." xiao feng looked at jasmine with disbelief after all she knows the carter of the xian clan, he was one of the lecky of Marcus Nichole, both of their clans are on good terms because Marcus Nichole was looking after the carter inside the divine blossom sector.

"yes that kid was an idiot, he spared his life but that bastard instigated him, he died because of his stupidity, that was an unavoidable situation" Leon scratched his long beard as he looked at xiao feng, from Leon's reaction xiao feng could clearly see that he didn't care about the xian clan and moreover he seems happy that yohan killed him.

"he was a true scum, he used my cousin as bait and attacked us during the night he was truly vicious,he was trying to take over the hundred poison valley and want us to enslave,yohan did all those things for me and my people, I was the cause of his trouble..." jasmine said in low voice, sadness could be seen over her face as she blaming herself,afterall she knew he came to save them and got into conflict with Nicholas Nichole and after that, he killed carter xian to save her, if she never met him than he is not going get into trouble with royals, the king was mad because he killed the Nicholas Nichole and destroyed the slave business that is flourishing in the care of Nicholas.

Everyone noticed the sadness on Jasmine's face, old man Lin and Leon exchanged glances as they heard Jasmine, they could understand how she was feeling now because of the news of the royal tournament.

"Jasmine why are you blaming yourself, those bastards deserve to die, if I got another chance to kill them then I would do it all over again and this time I am going to kill them worst way possible..." a voice echoed inside the dining hall, everyone was taken aback hearing that voice that belongs to only one person that they are discussing on the table.

"yohan..." jasmine, Alena, and Natasha got up on their feet as they saw yohan and diya who were standing at the entrance of the dining hall, three of them called his name in sync seeing him inside the dining hall,they couldn't believe on their eyes seeing him in person afterall no one expected his presence at that time.

at the same time xiao Feng's heartbeat also raised when she saw yohan after a very long time and she also get up on their feet, this time he is looking completely different from his previous self,yohan has a different aura around him, it was calm and yet very frightening at the same time she could feel it the coldness in the air.

Old man Lin and Leon's faces turned dark when they saw Yohan, both of them couldn't able to feel his presence earlier, he caught them with surprise.

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