Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 486: Inside Evelyn’s room

Evelyn makes her way inside the elder's hall while carrying yohan in her hands, her gaze was on yohan's face.

"What have you done to yourself, I can't feel any soul energy from you," Evelyn whispered as she looked at yohan, she was in her deep thought when she noticed something else.

"What happened to this place, I can't feel anything from these runes, they ran out from runinc energy," Evelyn whispered as she looked around the elders hall and she was shocked to know the elders' hall ran out from the energy, the arrays that are situated inside the elder's hall are useless.

"My lady the elder hall is no longer useful, the runes are ran out of energy,we couldn't able to explain to you earlier, we used the full potential of runes to heal you, not only the elder hall but the defensive and offensive arrays around the mansion are also useless," a voice echoed in Evelyn's ear, hearing that voice Evelyn tilted her head and looked behind,aana and kana were standing at the entrance of the elder hall, kana was the one who explain to Evelyn the current situation in the mansion.

Hearing them Evelyn took a deep sigh"too many things happened that I am not aware off, it must be cruel for you, well this is not the time to think about what happened in the past, go prepare hot water and towel and bring it to my room, I am taking him in my room"Evelyn said.

Hearing Evelyn's words both aana and kana exchange their gazes and the next moment both of them disappeared from her sight, Evelyn also disappeared along with yohan the moment aana and kana left her sight.

Sometimes later Evelyn appeared in front of the room while she is holding yohan in her hands, she slam the door and make her way inside the room and directly approached the bed that is situated at the end of dilmy room, she gently placed yohan over her bed and next moment she tore his upper robe that is drenched with yohan's own blood, the moment she did that something caught her attention.

"The mark of the phoenix, he found another soul weapon for himself," Evelyn gently touched yohan's left chest and caressed the mark of the phoenix, at this point, she was not even surprised to see the mark of the phoenix after all she knows if he can initiate a bond with that cursed sword then he can do anything, after all, he was the only person she knows who is able to make soul bond with that cursed weapon.

Evelyn removed yohan's upper robe completely and looked at him with a different gaze, she was surprised to see his physical growth,yohan is looking completely different from the last time when she examines his body, he gained muscle and become somewhat manly, after admiring his body for few moments she came to her senses and next moment she put a pillow under yohan's head and took a seat right next to his head.

"Now let me see what lead to this kind of internal injury, there is no physical wound or any kind of injury visible on his body, I can clearly see that you sustained internal energy, what in the world have you done to bring me in life," Evelyn whispered as she placed her right palm over yohan's forehead and closed her eyes. Instantly her right hand started glowing with golden light and the room started dazzling with bright light along with yohan's body, the moment that golden light envelops yohan's body he gasped and started taking deep breaths.

At the same time when Evelyn was examining yohan's body, two figures entered inside the room, kana was carrying a bucket full of warm water while aana was carrying a dark robe along with a towel.

"Kana clean the blood from his body," Evelyn said without looking back, she kept pumping some kind of energy inside Yohan's body, hearing those words kana tilted her head and looked towards aana.

"Big sister I help you..."Aana muttered in a low voice as she looked at kana, hearing her kana nodded her head.

"No, kana can handle the cleaning on her own, you come here and help me with other stuff, I don't know why did you reacted that way outside the mansion or inside that place, both of you owe me an explanation but right now we have to treat him, that's the only reason why I am permitting you" Evelyn tilted her head and looked both aana and kana, she can clearly see that how worried they are for him, Evelyn could understand kana's reasoning as she knows about that she is soft-hearted towards yohan but she can't able to understand why aana is so desperate about yohan.

"Yes, my lady, I understand, "Aana said as she handed the towel and robe to Kana, and the next moment she quietly approached the bed where Evelyn was examining Yohan's body.

"Are you okay now, you were not in your senses earlier," Evelyn tilted her head and looked at aana who is standing right next to the bed,aana nodded her head as she noticed her master's gaze, at the same time kana also quietly approached the different side of the bed and she started wiping the blood using the towel and warm water, she knew her master is pissed off seeing their behavior after all they never behaved like this, the two of them always maintained their composer and follow the etiquettes that makes him the disciple of the Nobel lady.

Aana was the one who behaves abnormally in the presence of her master, she sounds rebellious in front of her when she says all those things regarding yohan, kana understand that's the only reason why she pissed, at the same time aana also realized her mistake, but she was not ashamed what she did in front of her master, she has seen yohan in the worst conditions, she has seen him getting hit by a continuing lighting strike that nearly killed him inside the soul subspace, that's when she realized how much she cares for him, and that's the only reason why she behaves that way because she dont wants him to lose again.

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