Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 440: Full fledged war

"How do you plan to do that, if you already know about him then you are aware that it will be impossible to kill that brat until we find a way to stop Leon and that old man lin, I can take lin but how are we going to stop Leon," the patriarch of the xian clan said as he approached Marcus.

"It's easy lord xian the king is going to help us, you are one of the ministers of the royal family, and You already know how much we lost because of him, I am sure the king has the same thoughts as us, his elder daughter already infiltrated inside the lin clan along with his brother, it is a matter of time before they strike from inside, my Nichole clan is ready along with the feng clan, the patriarch feng Yun is already on the move, along with other allied clans, we are going to full-fledged war against the river shore city" Marcus exclaimed as an evil grin appeared on his face.

The patriarch of the xian clan looked at Marcus with narrowed eyes as he heard about Catherine, he was taken aback by surprise, after all, he was not even aware that the king's elder daughter entered inside the lin clan,he was surprised to know that Marcus has that kind of intel.

"King's elder daughter huh, why she went to lin clan, the king may be vicious but he can't send his own daughter inside the lion's den, she might be powerful but she can't withstand against those two cultivators, Leon and lin are too powerful for her, and top of that her brother is an idiot, when the time came he was the one who is going to ran away leaving her, what in the world she thinking about going there, she is not a fool but why did she do that"old man xian mumbled as he looked, Marcus.

"Who knows, but I am sure that she intended to attack the lin clan from inside, she is trying to find a better timing to make her move, and when she going to make her move, we were there to help her from outside," Marcus Responded to old man xian, hearing him patriarch took a deep breath and he looked, Marcus Nichole.

"What is your real motive behind this, I know something is going in your head, is this related to that woman who escaped long ago and then rescued by that brat, I heard she became his partner," the old man said as he looked at Marcus with a serious gaze, hearing those words Marcus Nicholes facial expression slightly changed as he was caught by surprise but soon he calmed himself and looked patriarch xian with a smile.

"it's a good thing that you're aware of that, you are right I am not interested in taking control over the lin clan and I don't even care about yohan, I just need that woman back who escaped from the grasp of Nichole clan, if I dont deliver her sooner to my respected client, my whole clan will be in deep trouble, this is all my brother's fault as he let her loose and she ends up running away from the Nichole clan, from my perspective he died because of that women, "Marcus mumbled as he tightened his fist.

"Your client must be a very powerful individual whom you sold her to, may I know the origin of that guy"the patriarch of the xian clan asked.

"it's confidential lord xian, you know the rule, I can't disclose the identity of that person, well whatever I am not here to cry over my brother's mistakes or discuss my client's details, just tell me whether you are going to support me or not" Marcus looked the patriarch of the xian clan with a serious gaze and waited for his answer.

"What about su lin, you forget about him, after all, he is the patriarch of the lin clan, I want every single one of them to get killed and feel the pain that my son went through, look how badly he killed him that inhuman bastard "the old clenched his fist as he looked towards the dead body of his son, he had not lost his son he lost his lineage.

"I can feel your pain, Don't worry about him, the stage is already set and it's a matter of time when he is going to leave this world," Marcus smiled as he looked patriarch.

"Very well then, my xian clan is going to assist you, along with the help of the royal family, killing the son of the minister means revolting against the royal family, the king will be happy to assist us, I don't care about that fugitive woman, I need that bastard yohan who killed my one and only son, I want to kill him with my own hands." the old man gritted his teeth as he said those words.

"That's a good decision lord xian, now I must leave, I have Some unfinished business that I need to take care of, "Marcus Nichole whispered, and the next moment he disappeared from that place along with those figures who were standing behind him.

"Just enjoy yourself you trash bastards while you can, I will see you pretty soon,when we meet next time i will kill you with my own hands and avenge my son" the old man mumbled and the next moment he looked towards his people and signaled them to bury his son.



< congratulations host for gathering 20 ml of celestial yin qi from the individual Aana>

A notification resounded in yohan's head, both yohan and aana released their yin and yang qi together, it had been a few hours since both of them started and it was almost morning, after releasing his yang qi yohan fell on the bed beside aana and looked her, she is taking heavy breath and have a satisfied look on her face.

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