Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 435: jasmine's choice

Inside the lin clan, elder wang could be seen examining jasmine's body, while Catherine quietly followed the instruction of elder wang, everyone is looking kind of anxious and desperate waiting for elder wang's confirmation, after hearing Leon's words everyone was shocked and don't know how to react, sometimes later elder wang finished his examination and approached Alena who was standing a few meters away from the jasmine's bed.

"indeed elder Leon was right, lady jasmine is pregnant, congratulations lady Alena, congratulation elder lin, young master yohan is going to become a father soon, "elder wang said with a big smile on his face as he looked at Alena and then tilted his head towards old man lin.



hearing elder wang's words the room turned dead silent for a few minutes,diya and Natasha was standing silent as they both dont know what to say after hearing those words, both of them were taken aback with surprised that jasmine is indeed pregnant, not even in their wild dream they thought about this kind of possibility, now both them understand why jasmine want to meet them and what kind of important thing she wanted to discuss earlier, at the same time, both Alena and old man lin exchanged glances as they heard elder wang's words, old man lin was on cloud nine thinking about that they soon welcome new generation in their family, he was happy knowing that jasmine is pregnant and she is going to give birth of yohan's child.

An year ago he was depressed and worried about the future of his clan, his son was kind of stupid and his grandson was a hundred times worst more than his father su lin, he thought his bloodline going to destroy soon no one born that incompetent before, but suddenly things completely changed drastically within years, old man lin exhales deeply and a smile appeared on his face.

"thank you elder wang, this is unexpected, no one thought about this but indeed this is great news that jasmine is pregnant and yohan is going to become a father at such a young age," Alena said and the next moment she took out a pouch full of gold coin from her spatial ring and handed to elder wang with a smile, seeing that pouch elder wang's eyes lit.

"You are very generous lady Alena, you don't have to worry about lady jasmine because of stress she lost her consciousness and this is a normal occurrence that happened in pregnancy, she needs a proper rest to recover from fatigue and stress, I will give her some health potion and she will regain her consciousness soon, until then you can wait outside with everyone, it's better she gets some fresh air, the room is too crowded" elder wang responded to Alena with polite way, today was his lucky day, not only he get rewards from Leon but he also gets a pouch full of gold from Alena, now he dont has to worry about his dozen of kids.

Alena nodded her head in response and she looked at everyone who was presented inside the room, seeing alena's gaze elder lin and Leon nodded their head and they left the room the next second, after all, elder wang was right, too many people are surrounding jasmine at the same time, after they left Alena shifted her gaze toward Natasha and diya.

"Diya and Natasha…"Alena said as she looked at the duo, both of them were in a daze and they are looking at jasmine with a pale face, Alena chuckled as she understands what's going on with these two after all no one expected that jasmine became pregnant out of the sudden, but alas deep down Alena was aware that this day would come sooner or later after all jasmine is gentlewomen who don't care about others stuff, she doesn't seek power, she is always interested in having a simple life, she finally made her choice of not pursuing the path of the cultivator, at the same time diya and Natasha are more focused on becoming powerful so they can withstand beside yohan, they never thought about having a child with yohan.

Seeing that these two are in deep thought Alena approached them and placed her hands over their shoulders" come to your senses and follow me" Alena whispered those words, hearing alena's words both Natasha and diya come to their senses and tilted their heads towards Alena who is standing behind them and looking with a smile.

"Mother sorry…"diya mumbled in embarrassment, she realized that she was dazed off because of this shocking revelation.

"It's ok diya I know dont worry about that, let elder wang do their job, both of you come with me, it's already morning, why don't we take some tea together, it's been a while since we share tea together," she said.

Hearing Alena's words diya nodded her head in response and a smile appeared on her face, she realized this is not the time to think about How did this happen so suddenly"yes mother, I think I need some tea to lighten my head" she said.

"Yes, indeed…"Natasha said with a bitter smile, hearing those words from Natasha's mouth both Diya and Alena smiled, and the next moment three of them left the room along with Ana who was present there with them.

Meanwhile, somewhere inside the soulsusbpace two figures could be seen sitting on the edge of the cliff and looking in a particular direction, their faces were slightly red as they were witnessing something wild.

"How long do you plan to stay here in my camp, they are not going to stop, both of them are wild and shameless"Athena tilted her head as she looked at Aana who was sitting beside her.

"This place does not belong to you, I can stay as long as I want"aana whispered as she exhaled deeply, after all, she wanted to give yohan and kana some private time and that's the reason why she came here.

Athena took a deep breath as she heard aana, she was surprised to see her a few hours ago, she thought she came here to fight with her but alas aana has other motives to came here, she wanted to give her sister some space so she can make her move to yohan but to their surprised yohan was the one who made his move and end up making love with kana, its been few hours since they started but alas after so many times they are indulging in sexual activist,athena was pissed seeing aana beside her but alas she can't do anything and have no other choice but to tolerate her presence.

"I can't wait to have him in my arms again " Suddenly Aana mumbled as her face turned red, Athena was taken aback hearing those words from Aana's words, her face also flushed with redness.

"What the hell are you thinking, why are you saying shameless stuff in front of me, I had already seen enough and I can't take it anymore of your bullshit"athena exclaimed as she looked at aana and said those words while getting pissed.

Seeing those awkward expressions on Athena's face a devilish smirk appeared on aana's face.

"Don't tell me you didn't experience man's touch in your entire life, "aana smirked, hearing aana's words Athena's face turned pale.

"Of course, you didn't, why am I not surprised, I can understand why you are feeling uneasy, it must be hard for you to control your emotions, after all, you are also a woman and want to be loved by a man"aana whispered.

"I don't need anyone, mind your own business I am not like you and your sister, both of you are tainted with the wickedness of that man, "Athena whispered as she looked at Aana who was looking at her with a curious gaze.

"Jeez, you are not even honest to yourself, your body is saying something else, no matter what, your body is also aching for being loved…"aana whispered as she teased athena, hearing aana Athena's expression turned solemn and a weird smile appeared on her face.

"Don't make me laugh with your bullshit, I am not tempted by physical pleasures, I am a proud qi cultivator and I won't let anyone corrupt my body"Athena said in a trembling voice.

"Well good luck to you, I guess I head back to home, they are finally done, "Aana whispered as she looked in the direction of the home.

"Get lost, don't you dare to come back here" Athena exclaimed.

"Well there is in an extra room is available right next to my room, and we have beds now, you can take that room if you want, this place is weird, no matter how strong you are, things might be chaotic for you, "aana whispered, and next moment she jumped from that cliff and instant appeared on the ground and next moment she took another jump and landed in front of the house and tilted her head towards the direction of athena.

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