"How is she"Alena looked towards an old man who just existed from one of the rooms along with a woman, he was the lin clan healer and the woman was new disciple which he hire after the last event, previously his disciples leave him to die when she came to know that yohan is hit by thousand valley poison and there is no way they can cure him, she didn't think anything and directly jumped into the window leaving the old healer inside Yohan's room, the old healer though he is going to die because yohan was the only heir they have and if anything happened to him they will surely kill him, but a miracle happened and yohan opened his eyes, after that event he becomes quite famous inside the city and in lin clan and gained too much wealth and popularity in such a short amount of time.

"lady Alena she lost too much blood and her injuries are very serious, but there is nothing to worried about I have treated her wounds and given her a health potion which will help her to recover very fast , she just needs to take some rest and she will be fine in no time," that old man responded as he looked towards Alena who is looking worried about xiao feng, hearing that old Alena took a deep breath and she felt relieved.

"thankyou elder wang, I am not sure how to repay you, last time you saved yohan, and now xiao feng, we are in debt with you, "Alena said as she was not aware that yohan has a unique body that can withstand against any kind of poison, elder wang did nothing to save yohan.

"my lady it's my duty to serve the lin clan, please don't embarrassed me, I am just doing my duty, and young master Yohan's body is unique, I have never seen someone like him, it's been a while since I saw him, but there are lots of good things I heard about him recently"elder wang whispered as a weird smile appeared on his face.

"He is doing something important but you will see him soon, thank you for your hard work elder wang, can I see her"Alena responded to elder wang and she asked his permission to see xiao feng.

"yes you can see her, she is unconscious but she will regain her consciousness soon"elder wang responded to Alena, hearing him Alena nodded her head, and the next moment she entered inside the room, at the same time elder wang's gaze landed on three beautiful ladies who are standing into the corner and looking at the direction of the room,diya's cloth was drenching with the blood as she was presented there when he arrived with his disciple, he was aware of diya but this is the first time he saw those two new faces inside the lin clan, out of curiously he approached diya and slightly bowed his head.

meanwhile, at the same time somewhere inside the soul subspace Athena's eyes widen as she heard those words from Yohan's mouth about taking her as his slave, kana also become surprised as she approached yohan and looked at him in disbelief.

"you want to make a slave contract with her, are you serious, I know she is after you but you dont have to repeat the same mistake like her "kana tilted her head and she looked at yohan,

"well she is the one who wants to make me her slave, so it will be generous if I return the favor, tell me, do you know how to initiate a slave contract, if I make that contact with her then she is going to listen to me right?"yohan asked as he glanced at kana, hearing Yohan's words kana was taken aback along with athena, Athena's facial expression turned dark, this the worst thing ever happened to her, she never thought thing will change that fast, he not only caught her off guard and now he is taking interested of making slave contract, Athena's heart nearly skipped a beat as she thought about being Yohan's slave, she knew if he is able to make slave contract with her, she is going to lose her freedom, various kinds of thought started surfacing in Athena's head.

"Well it's complicated stuff, but I know a little bit about it, you need to make her drink your blood and she has to willingly accept you as her master, I think that's how the contract works," kana explained to yohan.

yohan scratched the back of his head as he heard kana and took a deep sigh, he tilted his head and looked athena, she is looking frightened and lost, there is no movement in her body, he can see how scared she was, from the very start yohan is not interested of making slave contract, after all, it sounds so wrong in too many ways, and that's not his way doing things, he is just teasing Athena.

"Dont worry I am not going to make you my slave, I dont have that kind of fantasy, so take it easy" Yohan snap his finger and the next moment Athena's body got freed from his grasp,athena became surprised when yohan does that, but there was a problem, she could control her body but she can't feel her cultivation anymore.

"why I am not feeling my cultivation anymore, I feel like I lost my power, what did you do to my body"Athena raised her head as she looked at yohan.

"Don't bother your cultivation is being suppressed, I can't let you use your cultivation base not until you leave this place, but it will take some time, enjoy your stay inside this place,"yohan responded athena, hearing Yohan's words her face turned dark and she cursed yohan from bottom of her heart.

seeing her facial expression yohan can understand that she is not happy about that, the next moment yohan shifted his gaze towards kana who is smiling at him, she knew he can't do something like that to athena, he is not someone who can use such kind of means to control someone.

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