Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 402: I accepted him with an open heart

And when they catch up with diya she is already standing in front of the xiao feng, both of them were looking at each other with a serious gaze.

"Leave my way, I don't have anything to do with you, I am not here for you, so it's better if you don't make any trouble for me, there is something very important that I need to discuss with him, I will appreciate if you leave my path and I will not cause you any trouble," xiao feng said as she looked diya, hearing Xiao Feng's words diya took few steps towards her and looked her with a serious gaze.

"What business do you have with yohan, from this point you are not allowed to take any more steps, You are at the wrong place, you shouldn't be here,"diya said.

"You barely know yohan, it's been a few months since you know him, I spend my entire childhood with him, why are you making trouble for me, I never did anything wrong to you, so what's your agenda behind stopping me"xiao feng exclaimed as she tried to persuade diya for letting her meet yohan, it's been a few days since she is traveling towards lin clan after knowing that he is going to participate in the tournament, she was well aware that their plan is to kill him during that event , despite her history with yohan she did not want him to die like this, but when she arrived at the river shore city she has been stopped by the guards, there was a tight security around the lin clan and nothingness no one allowed to enter inside the lin clan not even her, in the end, she chose the other way to enter inside the lin clan, but at the end, she is being stopped by diya along with two more women.

When Diya heard Xiao Feng's remark about her knowing him for a little bit, she felt rage and anger at the same time.

"I barely know him, what a joke, I know him more than anyone else, I feel sad for you, despite spending your childhood with him you can't even understand who he was, I accepted him with my open heart and he accepted me despite knowing everything about me, you chose someone else over him, how could you shamelessly say that you know him better than me, you are just a history that yohan admired a long ago, you are the one who didn't respect him as he was, now you are claiming that I don't know nothing about him, I still remember the night when you and your family came to dinner, I remember every single word which your father utters against him…"diya exclaimed as she looked at xiao feng, every single word of diya is a containing hint of anger and frustration.

Hearing diya, xiao feng took a deep sigh" look I don't want to waste my time arguing with you, you don't know anything about me and yohan so it's better you stay out of it, I come a very long way and I am not in good mood, why don't you just leave my path, and one more thing keeps my family out of it, you know nothing about my father and mother, well I guess you won't understand what it means to have father and mother, you are an orphan right, I heard your aunt sold you to Nichole clan and then yohan took you in, pretty depressing family history you have, so it's obvious you don't know what is mean to have family,i wonder what he saw in you,probably he felt pity on you, or maybe he wanted to have someone who can entertain him"xiao feng said.

Hearing Xiao Feng's words diya felt a chill in her spine, everything started flashing in front of diya's sight, every single bad memory that she wanted to forget came in front of her sight, she felt rage inside her heart, and a hint of killing intent appeared on Diya's face.

"Hold your mouth lady, if you utter any more words I will not hesitate to give you some good beating, what do you know about lady diya, you are nothing in front of her, just get lost and don't you show your face again," Natasha said as she came to diya's rescue, she is noticing diya and she knows if she dont intervenes she is most likely to attack this lady, jasmine also noticed this and she felt relieved When Natasha intervene at right time, after all, she witnessed the horror inside the hundred poison valley where diya lost her senses and went berserk, she was unstoppable but at the end lady Evelyn intervene and helped diya to get back to her senses.

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