Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 389: Attaining the tenth level of core formation soul realm

"Fuck what is this all about, is this some kind of stupid dream i am seeing right now,it seems so real to me and what is that place where i was earlier, I dont even know what is real or what is fake,i cant take it anymore,there is no way this thing is real, I am definitely hallucinating"yohan whispered and the next the moment he punched himself on the face to find out the truth whether he is dreaming or not but the moment he did that he felt immense pain,yohan touched his nose and looked his hand,seeing the blood Over his finger tips yohan's eyes widen with shock and disbelief, he was having his worst nightmare,yohan cried inwardly and thought about how did he ended up in this situation,but after thinking for few moments he recall nothing, the last thing he remember that he was cultivating on the hill and reached the ninth level of core formation soul realm before ending up here in this bizarre place, first he encounter the world filled with chaos and destruction and now this place where he lost control over his body.

"This is real, this is fcking real I am not dreaming or hallucinating," yohan whispered to himself seeing the blood on his fingertips, and the next moment he heard something familiar in his head.


[Host you have cultivated 29ml of celestial yin qi and an immense amount of potent Qi from your surroundings, you are about to get a breakthrough in the tenth level of core formation soul realm]

The moment yohan heard that notification in his head, his facial expression changed drastically, he become shocked and surprised at the same time, he felt mocked by the system, after all, there is no way he was cultivating, he thought that the system went nuts.

"What the hell you are talking about, have you lost your mind or some kind of virus affected you, how could I get a breakthrough if I am falling into this never-ending pit and where have you been when I was calling you, what is this damn place, is this one of your new trick or some kind of dirty joke"Yohan shouted as he becomes furious after hearing the notification in his hand, but to his surprise, he didn't get any sort of reply from the system's side,yohan cursed the system inwardly from the bottom of his heart and not helping in a situation like this where he needed the system's help.

Time flew and yohan kept falling through all of those countless clouds which he encountered on his way and many more minutes later he stops resisting and let his body free after all he knew there is no point in resting because it was not going to help him in any way, the moment he did that another notification resounded in his head and a blue screen appeared in front of yohan's sight.


[congratulations host for reaching the tenth-level of core formation soul realm]

All physical status +100


Name: Yohan Lin

Race: Human

Cultivation Level: Tenth Level of core formation soul Realm [Divine Physique]

Cultivation Type: Dual Cultivator/Qi Cultivator

Title: Adorer

Bloodline: none

Legacy: none

Yin Qi:10Ml [milliliter]

Celestial Yin Qi:50ml





Soul Essence: 0

"Now I am worried, if this is true then why I am not feeling any sort of changes in my body, there is no pain, no surge of energy, I feel nothing and on top of that from the last two hours I am falling like an idiot, I dont even know what is going on with me, then how and when in the world I get a breakthrough in this kind of situation, did I lose my sanity and finally become retarted "yohan whispered as he saw the status window in front of his sight, his status changed drastically but he felt nothing like getting a breakthrough, after all, he remembers the pain and pleasure in the past that he got every single time when he gets a breakthrough.

Meanwhile, at the same time inside the soul subspace yohan's body which is enveloped by the light started radiating energy waves, those waves were too powerful even Aana couldn't hold her feet on the ground and she is being pushed by the energy of those waves, her facial expressions change drastically as she felt a completely different yet recognizable aura from him.

"He attains the tenth level of the core formation soul realm, he did it in such short amount of time, he got back to back breakthrough without taking any sort of break, I dont know whether should I laugh or cry seeing the current scenario,after all, I am useless i can't do anything right now to help him, I can only pray for his safety," Aana whispered as she looked towards the direction of yohan with sad expression.

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