Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 355: The burden of the past

"We want to access the portal, only the Imperial family could help lady Evelyn, we want to inform them about her condition, our best chance is the elder song" Leon explains to the old man lin, hearing Leon old man lin took a deep sigh as he understands why they are looking for the elder song.

"I understand, but there is no way I can leave the lin clan at a time like this, why don't you stay here and look after the lin clan, you knew we are in a tough situation"Old man lin looked at Leon as he said those words and shifted his gaze towards kana, seeing old man lin's gaze kana nodded her head.

"I dont have any problem with that, Leon can stay here afterall he served his purpose and I understand your concern about the safety of the lin clan," kana responded to old man lin and she shifted her gaze towards Leon.

Leon took a deep sigh and shook his head"very well then, leave the safety of lin clan on my shoulder, I will not leave anyone alive if anyone dares to come here with intention of harming this clan, both of you go ahead without any worry," Leon said as he looked at old man lin and kana.

Both kana and old man lin exchanged glances as they heard him and the next moment they disappeared from that place, leaving Leon behind.

"Well, I hope they find the elder song and informed the Imperial family about the condition of the lady Evelyn," Leon mumbled and he disappeared from that place, the moment he disappeared from that place, a woman figure appeared in that place.

"Sister Evelyn's condition, what was that all about, what happened to her"athena mumbled as her facial expressions changed drastically, she heard the conversation between Kana, Leon, and the old man lin, she was following the trail which is left behind by kana and old man Leon, after all, she noticed similar kind of aura and when she arrived here, her gaze landed on kana, she remembers her very well.

"I need to know what is going on here, why is kana looking that worried, something is serious"athena whispered and her gaze landed on the lin clan's mansion, she knew this is where she can find yohan but after knowing about her sister something changed inside her.

"You are one lucky bastard but not for very long, you are safe at At least, for now, I will come for you later" Athena mumbled as she clenched her fist and shifted her gaze to where kana and old man lin went, she wanted to know what happened to her sister and what kind of problem she is facing that they need to inform Imperial family, but something was off and athena could sense the tension, she took a deep breath and next moment she disappeared from that place to catch up with kana and old man lin who is headed to look elder song.

Meanwhile, Alena could be seen walking inside the mansion, she was in her deep thought, after a few moments of walking she finally Entered one of the rooms and closed the door from inside, her facial expressions were dark as something is bothering her, after spending few moments of standing around the door she approached the mirror inside her room and looked at herself, her eyes were red and wet, tears started sweeping through from her eyes as she looked her projection in the mirror.

"He finally said it, but I dont blame him for saying those thing, after all, he is right despite being a cultivator, I am living a normal life, I just wanted to get away from the family legacy because I was incompetent and incapable of continuing the legacy,I had been looked down My entire life, it's not my fault that my mother was a normal human, that's why I didn't inherit those extraordinary capabilities like my cousin sisters and brothers Am i still running away from myself, why I am feeling like this all of the sudden, I left everything behind and promised myself that I am not going to look back, that was my dark past and it's been too many years, but why I am still affected by my father's words " Alena mumbled as she tried to stop her tears which is falling from her eyes, but she failed to stop them even after wiping too many times, in frustration she smashed the mirror with her fist and shattered the mirror into more then a thousand pieces, blood started dripping from her fist, but there is no emotion could be seen in her eyes, she didn't felt any pain or anything, after few moments of standing there Alena took a deep sigh and removed her blue robes which she wearing, and revealed her white milky skin and next moment she entered inside the bath to take shower.

"What is wrong with me, why I am getting upset over those words, I chose this life, I dont have to blame anyone for my condition," Alena whispered as she was standing down in the shower while closing her eyes, the water is dripping over her body and she is washing herself , but suddenly yohan's face appeared in front of her sight and the image of when he hugged her started flashing in front of her eyes, she suddenly remembers about that moment when she was with him inside the hundred poison valley sector, thinking about that moment her heart is started beating faster.

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