Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 349: Lucky bastard

"I know what I am saying, I am willing to take that risk to be with him, you will

not understand how I feel for him after all I was the one who felt the warmth of

his embrace" Kana gave a smile to Leon as she said those words.

"Tsk kids are becoming shameless day by day, it's a shame that you are

willingly abandoning the path of qi cultivator, just to be with a man who Is dual

cultivator and have more than three partners already," Leon said in an annoyed

manner, kana tilted her head and looked at him with a curious gaze.

"This is all started when lady Alena chooses a dual cultivator over you, tsk you

are still lingering in the past, this is not about yohan and me, it is about

Patriarch su lin and lady Alena, you still can't get over those memories don't

you, "Kana asked.

Leon took a deep sigh as he heard kana and shook his head" it's not your

concern whether I am lingering in past or not, you are just like my daughter,

you were barely eight years old when lady Evelyn bring you to the Azazel clan

along with your sister aana, we know each other since decade, I don't want you

to end up like Alena, I am concern you will lose your cultivation path and after

sometimes later you will realize your mistakes then it's too late for you, if you

are willing to take that risk then it's okay I am not going to say anything, but

remember kid there is no turning back when you abandon qi cultivation just

like Alena, she chooses that bastard su lin and in the end, she ends up

abandoning the qi cultivation path over dual cultivation, but after some time

later her cultivation base halted at the third level of body strengthening realm,

in last twenty ve years she didn't get any progress, and in the end, despite

being a cultivator she is living like a normal human,she didn't tell anyone how

she felt but being her father I can understand her pain" Leon exclaimed as he

tighten his st, and slightly killing intent appeared on his face.

Seeing him like that kana took a deep sigh and placed her hand on his shoulder,

Leon tilted his head and looked toward kana" you are right there is one part

inside me that despise dual cultivators because I have seen the worst side of

dual cultivation"Leon mumbled in a low voice.

"What do you mean by that?"Kana asked as she heard him, she could clearly

feel the anger and frustration that Leon was hiding inside him.

"There is a reason why old man lin and Alena didn't explain anything about

those dual cultivation organizations to yohan, you have only seen one side of

those dual cultivation organizations, but you are unaware of the dark and the

shady side of those organizations, you shouldn't have brought this topic to

him, but you ended up saying everything to him,yohan is unaware of that dark

side and I wish he never learned about those things" Leon responded to kana.

Hearing him, Kana remained silent for a moment and a moment later she

opened her mouth.

"I understand your concern about me and your hate towards those sectors but

deep down in my heart, I know I am doing the right thing" kana responded

with a bright smile.

"I hope you don't lose your qi cultivation path, this is my suspicion that people

lose their cultivation path after being with him, there are still few doubts which

need to be solved, well we will know soon that my suspicions about him are

wrong or right"Leon curiously looked kana before saying those words to her.

"Don't treat me like some test subject of your research old man, in the end, you

are going to regret it" kana smiled as she responded to Leon, Leon exhale

deeply after hearing kana, afterall his advice went in vain, he was against of

kana losing her cultivation path but he can't do anything to change her mind,

he can only advise her, and deep down he expected the same response from her.

"Lucky bastard" Leon mumbled and smiled thinking about yohan, but

suddenly he felt someone's presence behind him, in instant he shifted his gaze

and looked behind him, it was Alena who was standing behind him and looking

at him with a serious gaze, seeing his daughter's face cold sweat appeared on

his face and he remembers all of his talks with kana, kana remain calm and

composed seeing Alena right behind Leon.

Meanwhile, at the same time inside the soul subspace, two gures Could be

seen walking in a particular direction, and it's been more than two hours since

yohan and aana started their journey to search for a good place to build shelter,

they have seen too many places but couldn't nd any suitable place to build a

small shelter.

"Are you sure we are searching in the right direction, it's been two hours and

we are walking aimlessly, my body started getting numb" Aana tilted her head

as she looked at yohan who is walking beside her while a beautiful woman

could be seen in his embrace, her long hair waving because of the gust of the

wind, she is looking like a sleeping beauty!

"First you tried to kill me inside that forest, second you tirelessly started

banging that Barrier with your rst, and when you came inside this place you

tried every ounce of your energy to breakthrough against the gravity of this

place, what do you expect from your body, you are just a human after all"yohan

responded annoyingly, because from last two hour she kept talking and

complaining about lots of things, but yohan can feel the sudden change in her

nature, she didn't try to do anything for the last two hours despite annoying

him with her constant talk.

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